Anathema Ascendant: Now Recruiting!

knightfall said:
I'd need fairly good reason for why the Lunar would turn from Stewardship to Oblivion, but if you can write good enough justification, sure, go for it.
Abyssal mirrors of the "Bent the Lunar to my will" charms in Glories? Alternately, large amounts of dots in Solar Bond, a few limit breaks, and a very determined mate.
Or a Castless Lunar who`s so paranoid that the Tattoos are a means of enslaving him that he throws his lot with his Abyssal mate.
Two characters for you:

Myself and Feantari created a Scourge and a Defiler as a pair.

He is, outwardly, an Elegant bishi-type romantic who is generally silent or soft-spoken. Inwardly, he has Infernal Monster style and is obsessed with hunting down those whom he 'loves'.

She is cold, calm, analytic, and wants to build up a nation of loyal subjects. She cares about him generally because she sees him as her first subject. She humors his diversions, and probably attempts to channel them to useful ends. (Feantari can chime in with her stuff whenever to add more).

So far, we both have mostly-done character sheets, but of course we'll have to alter them based off of your rules.

Beyond the standard stuff, I have charms from Ink Monkeys, and plan to take more (The stealing a voice charm for Adorjan and the rest of the chasing monster expansions for Infernal Monster Style are on my plate to get next).

We also have a couple of Demon Ink Tattoos that she created (it's a hobby of hers). I can link you to them if you wish.
We seem to have interest in four game types here- we've got some Terrestrials, plenty of loyal Abyssals and Infernals, and at least one Rogue, unless I'm mistaken.

I'd better have a look at another Abyssal concept, just in case... :)
My concept could be a rogue or loyalist. If she's a rogue, she's probably just fated to die fast, unless we're slightly more powerful than starting characters.
CrazyIvan said:
My concept could be a rogue or loyalist. If she's a rogue, she's probably just fated to die fast, unless we're slightly more powerful than starting characters.
We've got a bonus bit of XP. 50 for Abyssals, not sure how much for Lunars- it says in the first post under the spoiler.
MorkaisChosen said:
CrazyIvan said:
My concept could be a rogue or loyalist. If she's a rogue, she's probably just fated to die fast, unless we're slightly more powerful than starting characters.
We've got a bonus bit of XP. 50 for Abyssals, not sure how much for Lunars- it says in the first post under the spoiler.
Yeah, its more of a "The ST says that a rogue nation-builder won't get squashed like a bug".

Its the usual "Yes, Creation is full of big bads. I won't use them all the moment you activate your first charm".

So yeah, mark me down for:

- Loyalist Moonshadow

- Renegade Moonshawo

- Either "good guy" Lunar or "twisted, broken" Lunar
Naturally, I'm starting to bubble over with ideas, and I think the one I like the least is the initial certainty, the Daybreak Loyalist.

Midnight Renegade's looking good, and I think I can do a rather interesting (I say that, it's probably been done a million times) take on Dusk Loyalist.
Luck said:
So my idea of a heavily mutated Lunar is based around taking the Hive mutation twice.
I wonder if you would allow the character to get away with surviving in creation. Though it does give guidelines, it's ultimately up to the ST what constitutes being too Wyld.
Could you point me to specific book?

Sherwood said:
I guess it would also depend on how the Abyssal is being played. Am I loyal to the Deathlords or trying to redeem myself in the eyes of creation? The character I'm thinking of would work in either case, so it would depend on what team I'm on.
If you're trying to redeem yourself, it might be somewhat easier, yes.

Karregan said:
i would like to play with xarvh and melcairiel.
It is possible, even if i'm gonna play a lunar?

And should I post here or on GitP?
Sanguine said:
Hey knightfall would you prefer I post my character here or on gianitp? I don't have it ready to post yet but hopefully I will have it done in a couple of days.
The games here and at GitP, while having the same basic premise, have some minor adjustments to rules in something of an experiment on my part to see which works better, and will be separate. While you are free to participate in both, if you do, I would ask that you use different characters, as the campaigns may go in different directions.

MorkaisChosen said:
Background-wise, how similar is this to Core? 'Cause if Thorns still fell, I might go for the Amusing Irony of having the Voice being a native of said city, with his totemic anima an angelic being bound with brambles.
Similar except where Solars would be involved. Thorns did fall, yes. If there are any questions about deviation from Core, please, feel free to ask.

CrazyIvan said:
Any notion of what power level you're thinking of having us start at?
In the rules section of the first post, behind the spoiler.

CrazyIvan said:
Abyssal mirrors of the "Bent the Lunar to my will" charms in Glories? Alternately, large amounts of dots in Solar Bond, a few limit breaks, and a very determined mate.
From what I've seen, some of the canon Mirrors of those, for instance, for Rose-Lipped Seduction, don't automatically work on Lunar mates, so I'd be inclined to say you have to have Unconquered Hero's Faith to access those.

NoisyCricket said:
We also have a couple of Demon Ink Tattoos that she created (it's a hobby of hers). I can link you to them if you wish.
If you would be so kind.

CrazyIvan said:
My concept could be a rogue or loyalist. If she's a rogue, she's probably just fated to die fast, unless we're slightly more powerful than starting characters.
While characters can be killed, note that I will not be gunning to kill you, and while you have powerful enemies, you also have the opportunity to make powerful allies.
knightfall said:
CrazyIvan said:
My concept could be a rogue or loyalist. If she's a rogue, she's probably just fated to die fast, unless we're slightly more powerful than starting characters.
While characters can be killed, note that I will not be gunning to kill you, and while you have powerful enemies, you also have the opportunity to make powerful allies.

How are you determining who is playing? Also: Starting with a warstrider...okay, or not okay (this question would be for the Moonshadow. If I'm playing a Lunar, little point in warstriders)?
CrazyIvan said:
How are you determining who is playing? Also: Starting with a warstrider...okay, or not okay (this question would be for the Moonshadow. If I'm playing a Lunar, little point in warstriders)?
Right now, I think I'll run whichever three of the four concepts have the most interested parties. The groups currently have no cap for number of members, though I will implement them if the circle seems to be getting too large.

Warstriders to start for Abyssals... I'll say yes, but you can only get them from your Liege background, and therefore, you have to have a Liege that would even employ them in the first place (which is to say, I wouldn't expect someone from the Bishop's camp to have one, because of his lack of soulsteel, or the Bodhisattva, since warstriders don't much help with having a massive navy).

My preference is then to play my Day Caste Aby here on patternspider. =)

I can play him in a group of loyalists, but he's definitely NOT loyal.

Reposting charsheet and bg:

Name: Blasphemer of the Flawless Arrow

Concept: Deranged assassin

Motivation: Slay authority

Caste: Day

Anima: Shards of black essence lashing and writhing at the enemies

Liege: Walker in Darkness


Arrogant, shallow, careless.

The way he carries himself vibes contempt for everything and everyone.

Strength ooo
Dexterity ooooo
Stamina o

Charisma oo
Manipulation o
Appearance oooo

Perception ooooo
Intelligence o
Wits ooooo

F Archery ooooo (2BP)
Martial Arts

F Resistance ooo
F Survival ooo

F Investigation ooo
Lore o

F Athletics ooooo (2BP)
F Awareness ooooo (2BP)
F Dodge ooooo Unarmored oo (3BP)
F Larceny ooo
F Stealth ooooo (2BP)

Linguistics o

Compassion o
Convinction oooo
Temperance ooo
Valor o

Willpower ooooo oooo

Essence oooo

Manse oooo Twice-striking Lightning Prism (Oadenol p88)
Artifact oo Soulsteel Bracers
Whispers oo

+'Cherry' (aka The Merciless Trail of Blood and Tears)

Pulse of the Prey 3/5 p123
Piercing Ghost Barb 6W
Twisting Spiteful Shaft 4
Splinter of the Void 2 (bloodthirsty arrow)
Relic Arrow Method (1)
Exquisite Relic Bow 5W

Spider Pounce Technique 3 166 MonkeyLeapTechn
Ath II
Shadow Races The Light 3 167

Superior Sight Focus 3 167

Flitting Shadow Form 1
Flickering Wisp Technique 3


"You're liyin'! If I want to raise my hand, my hand goes up!

YOU tell my hand up, 's stays there!"

The kid looks sulky at his father.

"Blasted kid...

You need discipline!

If soldiers don't obey orders, our nation will crumble!

One day you will be in the Legion, and you will BE the piece of a body. Don't you understand?

You will obey like a hand does!"

"Bullshìt! 'makes no sense!"

The man looks at the kid, patient but impotent.

"I am your father! You must obey me!


You will have to wield a sword! Don't you want a sword?"

"Fùckin' sword!"

Exactly twenty-two months later, the unruly kid was sent, by Justicar ruling, to the Five Staves Disciplinary Academy.

About twenty-two months and a week later, forty-five senior pupils and thirty-one teachers of the Five Staves were killed by crossbow quarrels on the Academy premises, and a soldier of the Legion returned from service to find a letter and his wife choked inside his burning house.

The letter read:


mother died (in her sleep, I think it was nicer) and I have been removed from your care.

You have no more responsibilities, but those of a Nitei.

Now go and be the hand of a body!"

Two years later, the Stalker, as he was known in Lookshy, had killed thirty-one officers of the Legion, two of which Terrestrial Exalted.

It took three Exalted Justicars to track, find and capture him, and even then, he managed to kill one.

A triumph for the Justice Directorate that patched up a shame for Lookshy.


To continue it, I'll wait to know more about the rest of the Circle and the current circumstances.

The idea is that he got hanged and received the Exaltation from the Walker in Darkness that possibly sent Melcairiel's PC to retrieve him.

Since I want him to be in his late twenties, I'd assume this happened several years before the current events.
Compass of Celestial Directions Vol. 2 - The Wyld pg.150 has the rules for being too wyld, the Hive mutation is on pg,290 of the core book. I'd like to say that the tattoos are enough to stabilize the form so as to allow survival in creation. Otherwise the character would be limited to (stamina) in months before having to return to the wyld. Which, if your game is willing to accommodate, then that's be great too. I don't want to limit your setting and plot and whatnot because of it though.

I was thinking the hollow shell of a woman filled with spiders and cobwebs. Red hourglasses on black as eyes, because it 's really just 2 black widows moving and twisting their abdomens across the empty slits in tandem. Every time she opens her mouth, cobwebs are stretched and ripped within while spiders crawl about inside trying to repair the web.

Other than being really creepy, she would be a Salinan school sorcerer and could fit into any faction.
Luck said:
Compass of Celestial Directions Vol. 2 - The Wyld pg.150 has the rules for being too wyld, the Hive mutation is on pg,290 of the core book. I'd like to say that the tattoos are enough to stabilize the form so as to allow survival in creation. Otherwise the character would be limited to (stamina) in months before having to return to the wyld. Which, if your game is willing to accommodate, then that's be great too. I don't want to limit your setting and plot and whatnot because of it though.
I was thinking the hollow shell of a woman filled with spiders and cobwebs. Red hourglasses on black as eyes, because it 's really just 2 black widows moving and twisting their abdomens across the empty slits in tandem. Every time she opens her mouth, cobwebs are stretched and ripped within while spiders crawl about inside trying to repair the web.

Other than being really creepy, she would be a Salinan school sorcerer and could fit into any faction.
Hrm. I'll allow it, though I will say that many other Lunars may consider you "too wyld" or think of you as bordering on Chimerism, so for the more prejudiced among them, you'll suffer penalties to social interactions... As well as with others when you're not hiding your nature. But if you're willing to live with that, we can work with it. Though I will say it must have been a bitch for the No Moon to tattoo all those little spiders.
knightfall said:
CrazyIvan said:
How are you determining who is playing? Also: Starting with a warstrider...okay, or not okay (this question would be for the Moonshadow. If I'm playing a Lunar, little point in warstriders)?
Right now, I think I'll run whichever three of the four concepts have the most interested parties. The groups currently have no cap for number of members, though I will implement them if the circle seems to be getting too large.

Warstriders to start for Abyssals... I'll say yes, but you can only get them from your Liege background, and therefore, you have to have a Liege that would even employ them in the first place (which is to say, I wouldn't expect someone from the Bishop's camp to have one, because of his lack of soulsteel, or the Bodhisattva, since warstriders don't much help with having a massive navy).
Yeah, I'm thinking about essentially of a rival to the Lover she's been keeping around and cultivating, rather than destroying, because she finds it...amusing.
CrazyIvan said:
Yeah, I'm thinking about essentially of a rival to the Lover she's been keeping around and cultivating, rather than destroying, because she finds it...amusing.
Ah, if it's the Lover, then, that might cause problems, given her only warstrider is the Hateful Devourer of Love...
The more I look at my character idea, the more he looks to be a loyal Abyssal than a rouge looking to redeem himself.

Another question: can we use the sorcery/necromancy backgrounds, or are they off limits? I'm seriously looking at a bigtime spellcaster.
Sherwood said:
The more I look at my character idea, the more he looks to be a loyal Abyssal than a rouge looking to redeem himself.
Another question: can we use the sorcery/necromancy backgrounds, or are they off limits? I'm seriously looking at a bigtime spellcaster.
The backgrounds, or the merits?
knightfall said:
CrazyIvan said:
Yeah, I'm thinking about essentially of a rival to the Lover she's been keeping around and cultivating, rather than destroying, because she finds it...amusing.
Ah, if it's the Lover, then, that might cause problems, given her only warstrider is the Hateful Devourer of Love...
The only *known* Warstrider was my impression, and she gave it away to Lookshy. I haven't read anything that suggests that its the only one in her arsenal. That could also be solved by Ye Olde GM Fiat ;) First age tomb of a *truly* asshole Solar, Hateful Devourer was only her finest (I wouldn't be taking a royal warstrider...), etc.

Mainly because it feels like the Lover would be the most likely to give a potential rival a long leash, resulting in either a powerful minion, or just enough rope to hang herself in a *spectacular* fashion.
Here is my character background. Tell me if it doesn't work with your game idea.

Duncan Silas was a proud member of the Looksky military with a bright future. Dispite the fact that he had not Exalted, Duncan excelled and was on the fast track with his beautiful wife and son at his side. That is, he was before his perfect life came shattering to an end. His first mistake was to report one of the Dragon-Blooded officers for stealing. The Exalt quickly denied the charges, and who is going to listen to a mortal compared to one of the Princes of Creation? Duncan was told that while he will not be thrown out, his career was over. Feeling bitter at the injustice, he comes home to the loving embrace of his wife . . . and caught her having an affair with his best friend. He flew into a rage and nearly killed them both, and for the assault on them, he was demoted and was sent out to a remote outpost to rot away, far from the good life he had once known. Duncan had much time on his hands to brood at how his life had been ruined. The final straw happened when his small outpost was attacked by a barbarian raiding party. His commanding officer made mistake after mistake, and one by one the defenders fell to the crude bone spears. Wounded and dying, Duncan lay in the field, looking back on his broken life. With his last breath, he cursed all of Creation for his woes. A dark whisper called out to him, and asked what he would do if he was given a second chance. Duncan vowed to take his revenge upon all of Looksky, never resting until he stands over the smoldering ruin that used to be his home. This answer seemed to please the voice, for he was now given his Second Breath as a Deathknight. He was met by another Abyssal in the service to his new master, Walker in Darkness, and was escorted to the heart of the underworld where he was presented to the Neverborn.
knightfall said:
Sherwood said:
The more I look at my character idea, the more he looks to be a loyal Abyssal than a rouge looking to redeem himself.
Another question: can we use the sorcery/necromancy backgrounds, or are they off limits? I'm seriously looking at a bigtime spellcaster.
The backgrounds, or the merits?
The backgrounds.
CrazyIvan said:
The only *known* Warstrider was my impression, and she gave it away to Lookshy. I haven't read anything that suggests that its the only one in her arsenal. That could also be solved by Ye Olde GM Fiat ;) First age tomb of a *truly* asshole Solar, Hateful Devourer was only her finest (I wouldn't be taking a royal warstrider...), etc.
Mainly because it feels like the Lover would be the most likely to give a potential rival a long leash, resulting in either a powerful minion, or just enough rope to hang herself in a *spectacular* fashion.
Fair enough. Well, as long as you have the Liege dots for it, go for it. Just keep in mind it won't always be useful.
knightfall said:
CrazyIvan said:
The only *known* Warstrider was my impression, and she gave it away to Lookshy. I haven't read anything that suggests that its the only one in her arsenal. That could also be solved by Ye Olde GM Fiat ;) First age tomb of a *truly* asshole Solar, Hateful Devourer was only her finest (I wouldn't be taking a royal warstrider...), etc.
Mainly because it feels like the Lover would be the most likely to give a potential rival a long leash, resulting in either a powerful minion, or just enough rope to hang herself in a *spectacular* fashion.
Fair enough. Well, as long as you have the Liege dots for it, go for it. Just keep in mind it won't always be useful.
Yes boss

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