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An Original Christmas

Freya nodded to Rebekah and continued vomiting. As they went outside, Freya raised her head from the basket, panting. Sweat rolled on her temple. She knew the aftermath of drinking would be very bad she can't just stop. It's just too delicious. When Freya was done, she laid on the bed beside and waited for herself to jump into the world of dreams.


Klaus sat on a chair. "Human food, really?" Klaus's eyes traveled from Elijah to Mirabelle. "I prefer blood." Klaus leaned on the table, propping his elbows atop the table. "Fresh would be much preferred." He entangled his fingers with each other and glanced at Elijah, "What do you think?" His lips formed a smug smile, "Care for a drink brother?"

(Is Mirabelle here a vampire?)
(nope, she's a Siphoner witch. I do plan for her to be turned into a heretic vampire later if I were to ever do rp's that set later in the series but since it's only season two she can still be a witch))

Mirabelle looked at Klaus frowning, if he was going to start bringing people in here to eat than she'd rather just go to her room and eat later. It wasn't that Mirabelle was scared or disgusted of the way vampires fed in fact she was quite curious but watching some person have the life sucked out of them was not a way she truly wanted to spend her evening. Her stomach growled again, causing the girl to bite her lip uncomfortably and take out her phone, checking her latest messages to see if anyone has texted.


Elijah glanced over at Nicklaus who was sitting down at the table, he half knew what his brother was suggesting however choosing not to say it loud. "I could go for one but What do you have planned brother?"
Klaus knew that look of Mirabelle's. "Oh poor child. You don't have to worry, I won't sap a life out of someone. Lest the tourism goes down again and, I'm not in a mood to go on a killing spree... Yet." he flashed a devil may care smile. He turned to look at his brother, "Perhaps just a glass of blood, is that fine? You seemed very nervous when I mentioned it." He teased.
Elijah opened a part of the fridge that had been stacked full of bags of fresh animal blood. "Not at all brother. As you said the tourist population is down and I'd rather not have the humans diplomats of this town complaining to me about where we get our next meal. For a second I was afraid you turned into kol." With that he gave a rare grin in his younger brothers direction.


Mirabelle felt relieved."If you wanted to you could drink from me, I wouldn't mind." She blurted out her inner thoughts without hesitation, taking a second or two to realize what had come from her lips. It wasn't like she hadn't thought of a vampire drinking from her before, in fact she had thought about it whenever the subject of vampire feeding had come up. "Nevermind" The red head blushed at her stupidity, getting up and rumbaging through the cabinets in an attempt to distract herself by finding something to eat.
"Oh brother, I would be much better than Kol." Klaus chuckled.

Klaus opened his mouth to speak again when Mirabelle suddenly talked. The hybrid arched an eyebrow, "Oh?" he looked at her and tilted his head. "I have never drank a witch's blood for food. Of course, I have tasted witch's blood but they usually end up dead." He flashed a pursed smile and looked at Elijah, "And how about that drink? I cannot take my hunger anymore."
"Absolutely not." Elijah responded to Mirabelle's question automatically. Her curiosity about vampires worried him and he hoped that the only reason she offered her blood was because she trusted the originals, if she were to offer it to just anyone she could end up seriously injured or cease to be living. It was strange, this doppelganger was almost an exact replica in personality to the original girl that his family had taken in, even asking the same questions that the first Mirabelle had. It gave him hope that maybe the girl that him and his family had lost was still there somewhere inside this doppelganger, however that was very unlikely but not impossible with everything considered.

The tall black haired original placed the blood filled glass in front of his brother before taking his seat at the opposite end of the table with his own glass. "Ah Nicklaus, it has been a while since we could sit like this. I must say I have missed it."


Mirabelle kept her back to Klaus, trying to force herself to not think about the response he gave her as she pretty much tore apart the cupboards. As much as she pushed his words out of her head they still managed to sneak in there and cause her mind to become a whirl of embarrassment, frustration and hurt. finding some cheap packaged ramen that she had bought the other day, she decided it would have to do as she didn't really want to cook anything more or stay in this kitchen any longer then she would have to. Grabbing a pot from under the stove she filled it with water and placed it on the element. Waiting for the water to boil the witch distracted herself by responding to a few texts she had, finding it hard to concentrate on them when all she could think of was how much a fool she was.
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"Likewise brother." Klaus picked up the glass and tilted it around, the dark red liquid following the glass' lead. He raised his glass and gave Elijah a smile, "Cheers." He tossed his head and drank the contents of the glass. The blood tasted sweet on the hybrid's tongue with a bitter aftertaste, but nevertheless, it sustained his hunger. He slurped it and in seconds, the glass was emptily clean. Klaus put down the glass with a refreshing "Ah".

Klaus heard the click of the stove and water slowly bubbling up in heat. He whipped his head towards the kitchen doorway and raised an eyebrow, "What are you now doing, Mirabelle?" He yelled.
Elijah took a sip of his animal blood, flavoring the taste before the bitter after taste set in. He to would have preferred a much more tasteful option such as human blood however he like his siblings limited themselves to animal blood to keep the tourist level up, especially in seasons such as this where the number of tourists diminished. Hearing the commotion in the kitchen after Nicklaus questioned Mirabelle. "Are you alright" He spoke out, enough for her to hear him. Mirabelle's response to Nicklaus bothered him, hoping they weren't going to start a verbal argument like they often did. If he was any less of a man he would have rolled his dark eyes and added another tally to the board of Nicklaus/Mirabelle Disagreements. It was clear his brother wasn't to fond of the doppelganger, seeing as she must have reminded of the old Mirabelle in a different way that she did Elijah and the rest of his siblings. He missed those days when the old Mirabelle and Nicklaus could be in the same room together and enjoy each others company.


Mirabelle after finding a pair of scissors was at the stove, undoing the plastic ramen wrapper. Suddenly Klaus's yell caused the girl to jump, bumping the hot element with her forearm and nearly spilling the water but luckily catching it in time. "Dammit!" She cursed, half in pain and half in surprise. "You didn't have to yell, i'm cooking unless you'd prefer I just starve." In all honesty the redhead wasn't sure he had actually yelled that loud, she was just not paying attention. "Don't answer that, you'd prefer it that way. You wouldn't have me in you house, putting up decorations then." She mocked. "I'm fine." She said softly to Elijah, knowing he'd hear her with vampire hearing.
"So it is my fault you don't have an advanced hearing?" Klaus answered back, yelling.

"And I'm also a vampire dear, a hybrid to be exact. I can still hear you." He said, as the young girl said "I'm fine." softly, probably for Elijah.
"Yes Klaus I am well aware you can hear practically everything around you, it's basically the reason I don't sing in the shower, bring boys back or take phone calls when I'm within a mile of this place." By now Mirabelle wasn't angry anymore well she still was at herself but she found the present moment a bit amusing, not being able to hold in a giggle.


Elijah stayed quiet, drinking from the wine glass and letting the two have their verbal spat.
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Wow, Klaus didn't expect that as an answer. He sat back on his chair. "So I'm interrupting your love life or something?" He tossed his head towards the kitchen door and stared at Elijah unfocusedly. He didn't know if he should be happy or not or just don't care. But since the girl lives under his house, he just can't "don't care".
Mirabelle felt shocked at Klaus's reaction. "Of course not, I was only joking. " She grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and put the ramen noodles in that, before sprinkling some seasoning over them. "I like living here, it's pretty much the only time I lived somewhere that wasn't alone, full of murderous witches, or full of drug hyped gang members. I feel safe as funny as that sounds, I don't have to look over my shoulder or be afraid to fall asleep. You all kinda feel like a family to me, I know family is different for you but for me this is the closest thing to a family i've had so ugh yeah. Thank you for not kicking me out." Belle wasn't the type to share her feelings so that was incredibly awkward for her, she was thankful she was behind a big oak door.


Elijah stared back at Nicklaus. He himself was happy Mirabelle didn't bring anyone home, he didn't think she was for any type of relationship considering the males she chose to spend her time with outside of the Mikealson family. Elijah, hearing her mumbled speech waited for his younger brother to react first and instead studied him well twirling the wine glass around in his right hand.

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