AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

Ikuza continued to roam the streets,rater bored.He wanted to fight someone,know the victory of a bloodbath again.He hasn't killed anyone recently,and craved to kill someone assassin.Yeah,Ikuza might be a little rusty,but he wanted to kill an assassin.It would be hard,with no doubt,but he needed this.He wanted to feel the power,rushing through his veins,the music blasting in his ears.He wanted to kill.
"So be it. Then shall I go out and look after a few things about her? Asks Zash as he slowly walks toward the door. He stops at the doorstep opens the door halfway, looks at the others, and then looking at Rin as waiting for her reply.
"This should get some attention..." He murmured.He went into a crowd and began to sing,hypnotizing a large portion.The rest could care less.Ikuza walked into an alley,all of them following.He then screamed,and it was ear-piercing.They all fell to their knees,holding their heads.One by one,they fell to the ground,blood trickling out of their ears.Ikuza smirked,happy with his progress."Come and get me now" He murmured,walking through the alleyways.
Rin nodded.

"Yes, that would be the best thing to do, we'll split of from here."
Code gets up and walks to the door where Zash was, looking back the anyone left at the table. "Well if this meeting is over, I'll be on my way y'all. Call me if anything important happened or just want to talk..." Then he leaves the room while waving goodbye.
Zash hesitated a few second in the door, but eventually he left the room. He crossed his arms and started to walk on the street. Fortunately he knows how to get information about almost everything. He has his old contacts who have roles in the world of magic users.
Rin nodded and waved goodbye to Code right before he left. Rin then looked at the papers again.

"I think , my new target shall be Karou..." Rin smiled to her self for no real reason at all.
Mai stood, pausing to fix her miniskirt. "I should be going. Bye Rin." She turned on her heel and walked out of the room. She made her way to the coffee shop on the corner and went in, carefully tucking the packet into her bag as she pushed the door open. Mai tossed the bag onto a couch and fell down next to it, tiredly dropping her head on the cushion. She was happy to finally have a new target, but all she really wanted to do was sleep. She groaned and stood up, making her way to the cashier to get some coffee.
"See you later Mai." Rin said before Mai left the room. Rin gathered her own things and headed out the door, turning everything off and locking the door before, of course. She checked her watch and almost scream.

"Ah! I'm going to be late!" Rin ran as fast as she could to her apartment, She only had 15 minutes to get to work. She got a quick shower and changed before she had to go to her first job for the day: The Club. It was a bar, and Rin worked there as a waitress.
Code was at his "civilian" job after leaving the meeting a few minutes ago, thinking about his target's profile again. Airi Motomiya: 17 years old, uses a type of magic that can manipulate shadows and summon Shadow Hounds to her aid. Haves a strange personality but dangerous. And she's only one year older then him.

This made Code worry about his battle plan, since he would need to locate and attack her somewhere where it's too bright for her to not use her shadows. But even then, Airi might have a back-up plan for situations like those and still summon her magic somehow. As he was debating over this subject in his brain, a customer comes in and laid down on the couch, doing nothing for few minutes. Then after groaning, they walk over to the counter, getting ready to order.

"Hello, what can I get you today lady?" Code asked the customer without looking at her at all, still thinking about his current problem.
"One triple espresso." Mai sighed, pushing her pink hair away from her face. She looked up at the cashier, and her eyes widened, a smirk spreading across her face. "Code? Hey, I haven't seen you in ages." She said sarcastically. "You should do me a favor and charge this to Zash." Mai winked at Code and leaned on the counter. She was pretty sure it wouldn't work, but it was worth the shot.
"Shi-..." Code thought immediately when he saw it was Mai herself, ordering coffee from the store he worked at. After a moment of silent shock, he looks at Mai with emotionless eyes. "You want a triple espresso? If that's all, that'll be $4.50." Code replied back, hoping Mai won't say anything that might cause trouble for him in front of the manager.
Mai rolled her eyes, smirking at him. "Aw, you are no fun." She rummaged through her bag for a moment and managed to find five bucks. She laid the money down on the counter. "There you are, Killjoy." She sighed and stepped back from the counter, struggling to close the overstuffed bag.

Kiseki had left the meeting room with a piece of her pocky in her mouth. While not around others her face was pretty much a blank mask, showing the cute eyes of a little girl all the same. She roamed the streets looking through the windows of clothing stores, sweets shops, and the like, all while finishing off her pocky.

Looks like I'm out again... Oh well.

Kiseki tossed the empty packaging into a nearby trashcan and sighed.

I could always go for some coffee where Code works... White chocolate mocha, here I come. She rubbed her hands together as she thought of her delicious coffee drink. She skipped off to the coffee shop, where when she entered a bell went off above the door...
"Um, you should be careful with your bag lady. It migh-" As Code was warning Mai about her bag, she accidently drops it. That made everything in it suddenly scatter on the floor, making a mess in front of the counter. When he looked over the counter to see what came out, Code froze for a second. It seems that not only did Mai drop her "civilian" items on the ground, but things from her other life, like a profile and a bunch of daggers. Before his manager could fully see the content on the ground, Code suddenly slides off the counter on his stomach and lands on top of the items, putting as many daggers underneath him and into his apron's pocket.

While doing this, the bell went off above the store's door and someone else came in. When Code looks up from his position, he see Kiseki looking at him with a confused look on her face. After looking at Mai (who was still picking up her things), Code looks at Kiseki and greets her, acting as if this was normal. "Hello dear customer, how may I help you today?"
Zash, after doing some research on his target, enters a bar. He walks near to Rin and greets her: " Hey Rin! I came to tell you a few things. I'll be waiting by the table at the corner. I'd order something as well." And so he walked to the table which he mentioned, and checked his pack of smokes, but unfortunately it was empty already.
Kiseki dramatically drops to her knees and starts laughing at the scene before her.

"You two are such the cards!" She stops laughing and her face becomes somewhat serious, as she stands up again. She walks over to the two who were still picking things up. She then bends down to the two.

"Must you be so clumsy?" She says in an enthusiastic voice, that also has a trace of authority and dark tones... She stands up again and looks around the coffee shop, noticing that luckily nobody was paying much mind to the display.

"I swear. You two mustn't disappoint me like this... You should get those
things together.. now..." She hissed slightly at the end, knowing that if they weren't picked up, it would cause a scene.

Honestly... Assassins my ass... Sometimes I can't even fathom these things...
Rin turned toward the person who called her name and her eyes widened when she saw it was Zash.

"Z-Zash?! What are you doing here? How did yiu know I worked here?!" Rin rambled.

"Only kiseki knows I work here! Did she tell you!? She better not have!" Rin countiuned, very, very, embarrassed.
Mai's mouth fell open as she stared at Code. "Uhh..Having fun down there?" She laughed nervously, then dropped down to her knees, pulling her bag close and sweeping things into it. Idiot! She closed her eyes and attempted to calm herself. Mai pulled a dagger out from underneath Code and stuffed it into the bag. "You can get up now." She hissed, still trying to not laugh and cry at the same time.
"Come on Rin... How would I able to track them if I couldn't find out where do you work?" Replies Zash with a big smile on his face. No secrets he enjoyed seeing how embarrassed Rin was. "By the way this waitress dress suits you well" Adds a few moment later with an even bigger smile. "I'll be waiting there then"
"What are talking about dear customer? I am simply helping this clumsy soul from her uneventful accident." Code said to Kiseki, who was giving a innocent but scary smile toward him and Mai. After that, he gets up and puts the "things" into Mai's bag while looking at her. "Also, mentioned clumsy soul, you should be more careful next time. Someone might have a misunderstanding if they saw what you carried."

Code then walks back to the counter and starts to make Mai's triple espresso. Code then looks back at Kiseki, who was staring at him. "Dear customer, do you want the usual drink? White chocolate mocha, with extra whip cream on top?" Code calmly asked Kiseki, who seemed to lose her angry mood from before due to the mention of her favorite drink.
Rin sighed.

"That's true. Sorry. It's just kind of embarrassing..." Rin flipped some of her long sliver hair (That is usually in 2 pony tails, but not now) over her shoulder. She looked down at her outfit.

"Really? You think so? Thanks..." Rin smiled a little.
"Tch... Make it." She scoffs, before saying the two simplistic words. She gets out the money and then sets it on the counter.

"You don't have to act like you don't know me. It kinda sucks when the only person I can talk to is Rin." She says with a straight look on her face. In truth, Kiseki could only ever talk to Rin out in the open. Nobody else really acknowledged her, and that kind of pissed her off a bit.

It's almost as if they all think they will die if they know me... Kiseki was targeted by numerous mafia gangs, due to her previous position in the ranks. Of course, none of those could ever lay a finger on the girl.
( God, I hate moving. )

Airi let of a sigh as she played with her shadows. Soon becoming bored, she stood up, making the shadows shrink to their original size. Maybe I should go have some fun. With that thought in mind, she began walking in the direction of the town. For safety measures, she stayed in the shadows where she could easily teleport from shadow to shadow.
"Okay then, wasn't sure if we should let people know were friends or something. I'm not really good in dealing with these social situations though." Code replied back, taking the money and giving the drinks to his fellow assassins. Being open with people isn't a normal thing for him, due to living for his own sake for a few years after his master's death. By joining AMU though, things did get a bit more interesting, since he got to meet those like him who won't judge him on his past deeds.

Code looks at the two girls, who were looking back at him too. "Well, here are your drinks Kiseki and Mai. I hope you enjoy them, since I put my soul into those drinks." Code said without a smirk on his face. "Also, Kiseki, next time you come by the café, bring Rin along too. I'll give you two free drinks as my way to apologize for ignoring you like that in the past. You too Mia, even though I have nothing to apologize to you for. Hell, bring Zash along too, I don't mind."

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