AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

Kiseki took in interest in the one named Sage. He had an odd power and character, however she doesn't think it would be hard in the slightest.

"Like I said, I call targeting
Sage Deynair... It looks fun." She said with a smile and a shrug.

I honestly can't wait to make conversation with such a person... She thought in her head.

(watching Shugo Chara~ xD )
Airi caught the phone and looked at it. She didn't like the color. "Leaving already, Sage?" To test it, she pressed the pressed 1 for speed dial, wanting to see if it would go through.
Code looks through the list, seeing which one he should pick. Then he reads Airi Motomiya's profile, then thinks she'll be interesting to assassinate. "I'll take this Airi Motomiya as my target, if it's fine for you Rin." Code replied, sliding the other profiles back to the leader.
"Oh, and I might as well tell you my crimes before I leave. Since we need to trust each other and all," He pauses, his back turned to him, so all you could see was his pin striped jacket," I have killed, tortured, and hurt people just because they caught my whimsy for that action. I have no morals and I will gladly push you all under the bus if it proves to me benifi..." He pauses a ringing echoing in the room, he stops and opens it, answering Airi's call," Good bye Airi." He hangs up the phone and quickly turns around. His eyes were cold and there was a maniacal grin upon his face, so wide that his fang like teeth showed," Now I hope we all have our priorities straight." He then leaves the room, chuckling madly.
Kaoru sat in his chair, staring at the wall. He listened to Sage's footsteps fade, then turned to Airi. "I say we kill him. He'd gladly murder us, his allies. He's a risk to all of our safetly." He slammed his hands down on the table, staring intently at Airi. "Well?"
Airi laughed at Sage as he left. "Bye-bye Sage." As Kaoru began talking and slamming his hands on the table, she turned to him. She had a small smile on her face as she spoke calmly. "Kaoru, please calm down. Even if he's willing to kill us for himself, he is still one of us. If you kill him, you'll be betraying our own. Plus, I doubt Sage will do that if the situation is not desperate. "
Sage makes his way out of the building, entering the world of the daylight. That Airi has always been a strange girl. He thinks chuckling at the image of her head on a stake. That has somehow for one reason or another wiggled into his mind. He slowly walks up town into one of the nice neighborhoods that surrounded the area, and enters a tall glass building. It only takes him a matter of minutes to make his way up to the 23rd floor where his apartment was located.

(I gtg for the Night sorry guys.)
Kaoru sighed. "Fine. Fine! But if he gets one of us killed, don't come crying to me!" He snapped. He didn't know why, but he did not like Sage. At all. He got weird vibes from that guy. Kaoru stood and walked to the door, then paused. "Also, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a tracking device in that phone of yours. He's probably planning to kidnap you and shove that pretty head of yours onto a stick or something." With that, he turned and left.
"If he does try to kill me, I'll handle it. You should watch your back, though. Bye bye, Kaoru," Airi said as she watched him leave. She didn't get why he was so wary of Sage. Sure, Sage was a little ill in the head, but he was strong.
(sry guys I fell asleep about 1:30am >.<)

Zash started to read the profiles starting with Airi, then Yin, Kaoru, and when he arrived to Sage's profile and stopped reading. He calmly smiled at the picture of Sage. So he was a Magic User after all huh? If we had known it... He continued to stare at the picture. " I have met this Sage guy already. I had a customer who wanted me to get rid of some guy who they claimed to aid the maffia in their massacres with the police, and with other bands. I'd rather call him a bloodthirsty demon than a magic user though... So when I was killing him, this Sage guy entered the room. I thought he was an ordinary human, and since my job was to kill the magic user I just left. The other day when I went to get the money, as I stepped into the room where I was supposed to meet the customer, all I saw was Sage standing in the middle of the room and everyone else was already killed." Tells Zash the story about his last mission, while looking at Kiseki. "However they weren't assassins, the customer surrounded himself with great fighters." He stops here for the moment, looks at the picture, then at Kiseki again. "I've heard about your skills but I would recommend you not to take this guy lightly." Zash still looked at Kiseki, maybe he was interested in her reaction. Then he put the profiles back to the table. Then he looks at Rin, aiming the next questions to her. "It would be good if we knew some important information like: Do they know about this AMU meeting? Do we know their locations? Are they alone, or do they have in a group with someone? If so we should get some intel about the others in that group."
Rin sighed and looked at Zash.

"Zash, if you really think that little backstory will stop her, than you're wrong. Just give up, once she has her mind set you can't change it... Trust me." Rin has tried many times in the past to change Kiseki's mind on many things, but no dice. That's on of the main reasons why Kiseki is like her sister. When she first met Kiseki, she told Rin that they would be best friends, but Rin refused. Kiseki wouldn't change her mind no matter what Rin did to try, so she gave up. Now, because of that, Rin ad Kiseki are like sisters.

"And the magic users do not know about the AMU I have kept it a secret between all of us. Among that secret I have also kept our location a secret too." Rin sat the papers down in front of her.

"If they are alone or not is something I do not know, unfortunately. They should be alone, but they could be with other magic users." Rin answered trying to explain it without it making no sense at all.
"I'm not trying to stop her, I'd just recommend to take him seriously." Said Zash with a bit offended voice. But for the next sentence he changed his voice back to normal. "Anyway... We have five member against their four. Put me up against whoever you'd like. I don't really care. But we should know where we can find them. Do you have any intel on that?" Zash leaned back in the chair, and waited for the reply.
Yin had been caught up in her own troubled thoughts due to sage's question about what she had done. She lost herself remembering every last detail of her most horrendous act and when Kaoru slammed his fist on the table she jumped in her seat. After some well hidden calming breaths yin waved goodbye to Kaoru and then turned to Airi. "I appreciate the warning and what you're trying to do here." Yin stood up quickly, the girl was light on her feet and enjoyed almost skipping from from place to place. it had become such a habit that she always did it even if she was in a terrible mood. "I don't know how well its going to work though. Kaoru is hostile and Sage is completely crazy, more-so than the rest of us." Yin scrawled something on a piece of paper and slid it across the table to Airi. " There is my number. Call if you need me." And with a small sympathetic smile to Airi- because in her opinion this entire idea has totally failed- Yin lithely left the room.

(sorry about the sudden disappearance yesterday. I'll be on for the next hourish but then I won't be back until Monday because of my school's event- see you guys then!)
Rin nodded.

"Okay, just letting you know. And as for location, each person would be at a different place. For example: Sage would probably be out somewhere killing someone, while someone like Airi would be off some where manipulating someone. So, it all depends on the person."
Ikuza roamed the streets,looking for more assassins to kill.He despised them.He kicked over an aluminum can,which used to contain soda.It made a large *clank*ing noise.Ikuza usually tried to be load,get their attention,and then kill them.It worked quiet well,given many wanted to kill him.Ikuza began to sing very loudly,and his voice was smooth,singing over every line.He hoped he could be load enough to grab some attention,alone in an alley.They usually tried to kill when people are alone,Ikuza had learned.
Airi took the paper from Yin and nodded. "Thank you, Yin. If you ever need something from me, just cause a big disturbance. I'll be there. " She smiled and leaned back into her chair, waving good bye to Yin. She didn't plan on leaving the meeting room right away, so she decided to make herself comfortable. The shadows from beneath her stretched across the walls and ceiling of the room after Yin left. This made the room completely black. Airi smiled to herself.
"So then..." Starts Zash "What's our next step to make? Also where do you want me to go Rin?" Asked Zash as stood up from his chair, took his sword from the table, and made himself ready to leave at any moment.
"Well," Rin started until her phone beeped.

"Sorry, hold on." She checked her phone and when she did her eyes widened, then turned to pure anger.

"There's another one..." Rin slammed her phone shut.
Ikuza kept making a lot of noise,and was probably noticed by now.They don't know what they're up for... Ikuza thought.He kept to himself in the alleyways,knowing they're just waiting to kill him.But he would hear them before they heard him,that's for sure.
"An other what?" Asked Zash with a disappointed voice. He wanted already to leave the room, and look for the targets.
Yin was bored. She was becoming more adventurous with her decisions ever since she first used her powers to destroy someone... well more than just someone. Yin shook her head. Her brother wouldn't have liked what she did but that didn't matter now. Yin jumped up, grabbing a tree branch, she swung herself up into the tree. She liked to be above the ground so she wouldn't be taken as easily by suprise and could hide if she needed to. The little meeting she went to was still swimming in her head as she sat in her tree looking up at the sky. She had maybe only ever ran into two other magic users other than her brother and his friends. Yin idly formed a small tight ball of lightening and tossed it from hand to hand deciding what she should do to entertain herself.
"Another Magic User. Ikuza Kumimoto. He hypnotizes people and make them to evil things..." Rin laid back in her chair and sighed.

"Just what I needed... You want to take him, Zash? Or someone else?" Rin opened her phone again to look through his profile more. And if you were wondering, yes Rin does have an app on her phone that tells her when magic users become some of the top criminals.... Don't judge.
"Like I said I can take on anyone. Either him, Yin or Kaoru. You name it, I'll chase it." Answered Zash as he looked at the profiles on the table. "One way or the other. It's all up to you. For me they are just other targets."
"Hmm, well, how about you take Yin then. Then only Mai and I need to find a target." Rin answered for Zash. She was thinking about who shold be her target.

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