AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

Kiseki frowned slightly.

"Mai you don't have any class... In addition to having him be pissed off, you might piss me off in the end as well." It's not like she could care about the civilians in the coffee shop, she just doesn't like to attract attention upon herself. She sipped on her mocha more while watching the displays of her fellow assassins.

Sometimes they are more like children than I am, and I'm 14...
"Sir are you okay? Here have a towel and I apologize for this person's behavior. They have a clusmsy attitude apparently." Code then gives the magician a towel, hoping to calm things down before a fight occurs. After cleaning up his suit, Code returns to the counter, acting as if nothing happened.

Code then replies back in a calm voice, "Yes sir, don't worry about that at all. This café does not use any types of poison in any of our products. If we did, we'll go out of business. Also, I prefer to kill my targets personally. Poison is simple and effective, but not fun at all. That'll be $4.50 though, Mr. Sage." Code shows his hand to Sage, waiting for him to give the said money.
Airi was walking around on the street when she passed the coffee shop. Inside, she saw Sage ordering. She thought it was funny how civilized he was acting, which made her smile. She didn't think Sage would be capable of acting normal. Airi stood outside the coffee shop debating whether or not to go inside and join Sage, not realizing that a girl had spilled coffee on him.
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Sage laughed, reaching out a hand to pat Code on the head," It is nice to meet someone with manners. I mean the last man who tried to kill me. Well... he was quiet stupid, but his screams were delightful to listen too," He pauses, looking towards Kiseki, giving her what seemed to be an almost devilish smile," It reminded me of that of a little girls, as his yells for mercy became more high pitched, as the suffocated slowly, unable to expand his lungs do to the fact I tired him to a board and loaded large stone on top of him. The very old fashion way of stoning."
"You certainly are one strange man Mr. Sage..." Code said as he was pushing Sage's hand off his head, finding it a bit annoying to be patted from nowhere. "Now are going to give me the money for your order or not? I don't have all day here."
Mai looked down at the empty coffee cup, mad that she didn't get any reaction out of him. What a waste of coffee...She thought bitterly. She put the cup down on the counter and moved closer to Sage. "Why don't we take this..outside?" Mai asked slowly, jutting out her hip out.
Kiseki looked over at Mai with a stern look.

"I don't think you are understanding the situation here... You are likely to get yourself killed if you choose the path of violence right now." She responds to Mai, ignoring anything that Sage was implying to her.

"You and I both know that he could take you out in an instant if he so chooses." She reasons, as she sips down the rest of her coffee and tosses it into the nearby trashcan.

I need more pocky soon...
"This is how I handle most of my jobs, and I'm not dead, now am I?" She growled at the girl. Her hand tightened around the still-concealed throwing dagger. If she had to put up with that girl's ego much longer, she might end up killer her herself. "Besides..."She started, glancing towards Sage. "I like a challenge."
Kiseki slammed her fist on the counter towards were Mai was standing. She leaned in close, getting in her face and staring with blank eyes.

"I wouldn't disrespect your superior on such matters. This isn't a game for the likes of you... Miss Yagami." She says, saying your name in a cute voice as she tilts her head and smiles.

Idiots... Sometimes I swear, I'm surrounded by idiots.
Well, whatever, Airi thought as she continued with her walk. She didn't feel like being involved with whatever Sage was doing, and she didn't have to worry about him. Though Sage was reckless and out of it, he was still very strong. Besides, to her, Sage was easy to get along with, though he is very sadistic. It didn't bother her. Anyway, she was sure he could handle himself if he were to ever battle an assassin. She stretched her arms above her head and smiled.
"Please, dear customers, don't start a senseless fight already! This café was made as a place to calm down and talk, not ruthless violence. So please calm down and have a drink, while settling your differences please." Code said to the three, hoping they wouldn't start something stupid over several insults. "To make it work out, why don't I give you all drinks for free and you settle your differences at that corner table over there?" Code then points at the said table while looking at them all, hoping they'll be civilized about it and listen to him. Hopefully...
Mai smirked, but didn't react other than that. "Well, if this isn't a game, then why am I having so much fun with it?" She flipped some light pink hair over her shoulder, and smiled at her 'superior.' She was well aware that she sounded like a b****, but she liked it. For some odd reason, she was having fun with it. "Now..Sage. Should we take this outside?" She asked politely.
"Although I don't believe in using foul language..." She begins with a smile.

"I must say, it's your F***ing funeral. I won't assist you in battle." She says with a shrug.

In fact, if she died I'm sure I would like things much better.
Sage smiles, leaning towards Mai, gripping onto her chin" Are you sure about this little girl. I wouldn't like you to get hurt," His thumb traces the outline of her jaw, a lustrous look in his eyes. Then suddenly his phone rings ruining his fun. He holds up his finger asking for a moment," Yeah, I'm here." He says into the phone, nodding his head as if he is agreeing to the voice on the other side," I am in the middle of something at the moment." He pauses looking at Mai, before hanging up his phone replying to the man, or female. You couldn't really tell from the way said person sounded," Okay, I'll be there but this better be good."

He looks back to Mai," I am sorry Miss, but I must go important business and all." He muses, making his way out of the coffee shop and disappearing down the street without paying for his coffee.
Mai huffed angrily. She stared straight at the door for a moment, clenching and unclenching her hand around the hilt of her dagger. "I'll see you guys later. " She muttered without looking at either of them. She strode out the door and down the street, heading to her apartment. She jogged up the steps to the front door and angrily jabbed the key into the keyhole. Mai walked in and slammed the door shut, leaning back against it momentarily, and then turned swiftly, snapping her wrist. The dagger flew through the air and into the wall. She walked over and yanked it out. She felt less twitchy, but now she had a giant hole in the wall. She moaned and tossed the dagger down on the table, heading to the shower.
Kiseki sighed and then looked over to poor Code, who was trying to deal with the antics...

"Anger is so arbitrary and trivial... Honestly, I don't see how she is a good assassin at times..." She said, looking down at her hoodie, deciding to zip it up. She put her hands in her pockets and felt the cold metal of the two butterfly knives, as she leaned against the counter.

When, oh when, can I filet someone...
"Huh, it seems like my shift is over now." Code said when he looks at the clock, the outside world also indicating that it will be dark soon. He takes off the apron and goes to the back, getting his clothing and other "personal" equipment, before leaving the store with Kiseki behind him. Code never did understand why the little girl would usually visit the café after she discovered his true identity, always sticking around until he left work for the day.

Sometimes he would accompany her to The Club, the bar that Rin worked at, always going his seperate ways with them at the bus station. "So... want me to accompany you to The Club tonight?" Code asked while looking at Kiseki, ready to go if she said yes.
Kiseki thought for a moment before deciding that she wanted to go see Rinny.

"Sure, I wanna see my favorite person!" She said enthusiastically with a smile. Rin had always been the one constant in Kiseki's life, so much so that she won't accept the fact that Rin could possibly pass away some day while being an assassin. Kiseki would most likely become a shell of a person again if Rin wasn't with her.

Rin... Rin... Rin.... I love my Rin... She thought as she skipped alongside Code as they went on their way to THE CLUB.

( xD u just like make up history in each post lol)
Yin yawned. She was growing bored easily more and more lately especially since she really started figuring out all the things she could do with her powers. Just the other day she electrified a puddle someone was standing in. Lucky for Yin a couple was walking down the tree lined path, switching her stance up in the tree so she could see them better she conjured a lightening ball in her hands and tossed it at the feet of the man walking by. He of course jumped and the couple was confused. Yin smiled and threw several small balls towards his feet again, making him dance like a puppet. Yin let out a loud giggle of enjoyment- which only confused the couple more since she was so well hidden above them.

Yin stopped using her powers and just watched them freak out and when they started to calm down she sent one more ball flying towards them to send them running. She wasn't a fan of senselessly hurting people but she enjoyed confusing them. Well at least now they will have an interesting story to tell!
Rin continued to run around the bar trying to severe every0ne.

I really should get paid more for this she thought. She only got paid $2.50 an hour.
Mai's wet hair fell down around her shoulders in frizzy pink waves. She sat cross-legged on the couch, clad in a tight fitting tank top and loose sweatpants. She was happy to be alone-she never dressed like this around others. She was always wearing short skirts and corsets. She still had her spike-covered leather bracelets on her wrists though. She leaned back against the arm of the couch and absently tossed her dagger up in the air, catching it, and throwing it again. She was blasting some rock band, but couldn't remember the name. Not like she cared much. Mai sighed and looked around. God I'm bored.
Code and Kiseki made it to The Club, arriving around the time Rin should be finished with her work as a waiter there. But seeing that she wasn't outside, they both enter the establishment, wondering why it was taking so long for her to come out. Seeing the place packed full of people, the two assassins decide to sit down near the staff room and watched Rin running around the place. She looked real busy, due to the amount of plates and cups she had on her tray. "This might take a while..." Code thought as he closed his eyes, taking a small nap before Rin finished her work and told them it was time to leave.
When Rin was finished she went to the back to get her stuff when she ran into her boss. Her boss yelled at her for slacking off earlier. Rin managed to slip away when she spotted Code and Kisei sitting at a table. She walk over to them.

"Code? Kiseki? What are you two doing here?" Rin asked. She hadn't noticed them earlier. Maybe she worked too much to not notice?
"Rinny! It's good to see you too!" Kiseki says enthusiastically to her favorite person.

"Am I not allowed to see the adorable Rin in her work outfit!" She said, mentioning the fact that earlier Rin had been dressed for work.

"Kawaii indeed, your so lucky..." She says with a fake pout before standing and giving Rin a quick hug. She was always like this to people that she was friends with, which apparently would only be Rin....

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