AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

Mai could harldy keep herself from audibly growling at him. "Whatever." She glanced at Rin. "Sorry about that." She smiled and leaned back in her chair, uncrossing and crossing her legs again.
"Okay we said all our greetings to each other, now listen to Rin before we start going overboard." Code said while looking at Zash with cold eyes. Then he looks at Rin. "So why did you assemble us?"
(You guys should type more O.o )

Kiseki skipped into the conference room with Ichigo pocky in her mouth. She put her hand up to it and bit it as she walked over to Rin, sitting in the chair beside her.

"Rinny! Pocky?" The girl said cheerfully with a smile. She held out a piece of the pocky as she rolled her chair closer to her "sister" It is true the two were very close, after all, Kiseki was trusted to be vice leader.
"AMU. Assassination of magic users." Rin started. "And not just any magic users, ones that use their magic for evil..." 
Rin smiled as Kiseki skipped in. "Hey Kiseki, You're late. And no thank you, I would not like any pocky right now."
"Hey Kiseki! Has something happened for being late?" Asks Zash from Kiseki with some worry in his voice.
Mai spun around in her chair, then tapped one sneaker down on the floor to stop herself. "Go on..?" She put her elbow on the table and laid her head on her hand, smirking at nothing. She anxiously tapped her foot on the floor. She lifted her head as Kiseki came in. "Hey Kiseki..."
Kiseki shrugged as she took another pocky and ate it.

"No, I just went to buy this." The girl said with sparkling eyes as she gestured to her box of Pocky.

"It's my favorite snack after all." You couldn't really tell that Kiseki was actually only around 4 months younger than Rin. It was definite that Rin looked and acted older and more mature. However in terms of skill as an assassin... Kiseki was one of the best in the organization.
After some time of waiting, Airi let out a sigh. She placed her hands together on top of the table, looking at the other two Magic Users. Might as well get on with it. If more come, we can just fill them in.

"No one else seems to be coming. For now, we should start."
Yin gave a short nod and sat up straight. She was more than ready to hear why this meeting had been called. "So," Her voice cracked into a whisper and she started again, brushing white hair behind her ear, "So, what exactly are we here for Airi?"
Rin sighed. "Anyways, like I was saying. The AMU is an organization for the assassination of magic users who use their magic for evil..." Rin clenched her fist for a moment, then unclenched them. "I have created this organization, hoping you would agree and help me."
"I have received word that we Magic Users may become targeted. I'm well aware that everyone here is strong. However, so are the people targeting us. As a warning, I suggest you watch your backs," Airi said. She glanced between Kaoru and Yin.
Kiseki looked at Rin with a smile.

"I'd follow you, even if it was to hell! Not that I'm not already going there. But I am definitely ready to kick some ass." She set her pocky down and made the motion of punching someone. She really was ready to kill, at any moment she could be given a mission. Kiseki leaned over onto Rin, resting her arm on her shoulder.

"I don't know about these chumps, but I'm in." She said happily.
Rin couldn't help but giggle at her "sister".

"Would you guys like to introduce yourselves?
"My name is Code Zero, but call me Code. I carry a grenade launcher, a UZI, and a personal machete into combat. That's all you have to know." Code replied, saying it without much emotion on his face.
Kaoru felt a smile slowly move across his face. "Maybe you should have someone watch your back for you, Airi? We could instigate the buddy code." His smile grew, and then he winked at the girl.
Yin raised and eyebrow at Kaoru's remark to Airi. This boy is clearly a flirt. With a small sigh Yin began, "So did you really just call us here to give us a heads up?" then added quickly as to not sound ungrateful, "I'm glad for the warning though!"
Airi smiled at Kaoru, though it wasn't a nice or happy smile. "What a nice idea, Kaoru. But please refrain from hitting on any girls, be it friend or foe. If you start breaking hearts, it could become quite troublesome." She looked back at Yin with a kind smile. "Yes. If any of us were to get attacked, we should immediately try to contact the others.'
"Anyone else? Or will I have to introduce you guys myself?" Rin said as she leaned her elbows on the table, eyebrow raised. Rin's face didn't show it, but she really hoped that they all would like Kiseki. She was the only family-like person left in her life.
Kaoru made a face. "You're asking quite a lot of me, Airi. But I'll do my best..for you." He fit in one more flirtatious smile, before leaning back in his chair. He was thankful for the warning, but he could take care of himself just fine.
"Shall I go then!?" Kiseki exclaimed, standing up.

"In case you didn't know, I am Kiseki Satsujin. Though, the last name isn't quite relevant of course! Lets see..." She said, pausing to think a moment.

"I use butterfly knives to chop up my little victims!" she said enthusiastically, as well as sinisterly. She reached in her pocket and pulled out one of her bronze-pink colored Butterfly knives and spun it around in her hand, doing cool tricks.

(If you don't know what a butterfly knife is, or a Bishong, I think, then you should look up a demonstration. they were in kick ash (s) )
Rin smiled again.

"Thank you, Kisei." She paused as Kisei kept doing tricks with her butterfly knifes. Rin lightly grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Okay, that's enough."
"Thank you, Kaoru," Airi said, completely ignoring his smile. "But I do think the buddy system isn't all that bad of an idea. And we should have a way of contacting each other if we need back up."
Kiseki giggled as she flipped the knife closed and put it back in her hoodie pocket. She sat back down, still with a smile on her face as she waited for other people to talk or do something. However, on the inside she was beginning to get bored. She was more of a "Do-something" type of person, than a sit and listen type.

I'm curious as to what my first mission shall be... Perhaps something that will get me to apply more effort than usual... She thought in her mind. Kiseki twirled her light red hair with her index finger, then took and ate another Pocky with her other hand.
Kaoru tapped his finger on the table nervously. "I could establish a telepathic link between us all." He started slowly. "But it is very, very dangerous. It may be worth it though..."

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