AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

Sage walks into the small meeting room, twirling what seemed to be a bone white walking stick, a lopsided smile upon his face, yet a bored look in his eyes," I hope you called me here for a decent reason," Sage says, a hint of venom in his voice. He was in the middle of an important, lets say 'project' when he had received the call from Airi, saying that he needed to report to her. The slams the stick on the table, and straightens his red tie," I am a very busy man as you know."
Mai rolled her eyes, and sighed. She was starting to get bored. Guess it's my turn. "I'm Mai. Mai Yagami. I specialize in hand-to-hand combat and throwing daggers." She smiled, attempting to not look like a brat. She tried, really. 
Kaoru groaned as he rolled his eyes. Airi called this guy? Oh, come on. "Long time no see, Sage." He smiled at the other magic user, skillfully hiding his annoyance and obvious dislike of Sage.
"Well, well. Sage. How nice of you to turn up. I didn't think you'd come," Airi said with a smile on her face. She gestured for him to sit down. "Now, with that idea of yours, Kaoru. We can't take any risks. Out goal is to live or kill."
Kaoru nodded. The only real risk was turning all of their minds to mush. Of course he understood if Airi didn't want to risk that. He was silent for a moment. "Well, that's all that I've got to offer. Anyone else?"
Yin shook her head. She had kept herself mostly isolated so these names only vaguely registered for her. A little frustrated at her lack of knowledge she ran her hand through her hair. "I'm not sure i'm up for a telepathic link..." She turned to Airi and continued softly, "So... who is after us adn why have we suddenly become a target?"
Zash glares in front of him. It's sure that he has something on his mind. His face shows anger, and hatredand he isholding his sword as he wanted to draw it at any moment. Mages, huh? Who would have thought that this day would come this early... Then he starts to introduce himself: My name is Zash. I can kill with katana or with my own hands." Though he didn't made any eyecontact.
"Thank you, Mai. Now if only Mr. Katana over here would say his name...." Rin said a little annoyed at how long the intros were taking. She really wanted to get the meeting truly started. 
(BRB y'all, SORRY!!)
Mai blinked as Zash angrily introduced himself. She tilted her head to the side, trying to make eye contact with him. She gave up after a moment, and turned back to Rin. "Is there anything else?" She asked. She twisted her hair up and let it fall down again, startled by the awkwardness of this meeting.
Sage sits down on the far side of the table, away from the others, beginning to snicker at Airi's words," Oh, come on darling what is life without a little risk. I got an Idea we can test it one you and if it doesn't work then....oops." His snicker started to became more of soft chuckle, but he could tell the others in the room didn't like the idea some much, so he just smiled at them like he had just told them that they were getting a unicorn for Christmas.
Kaoru's eyes widened. "Are you crazy?!" He shouted. His eyes went even bigger at his own outburst. "No, I shouldn't have mentioned it. It's far too risky." He sat back down and ran a hand through his hair, attempting to calm himself.
Yins eyes widened at Sage. She didn't know who he was but she didn't like him. He went directly against her caring nature. But she felt a lot calmer at Kaoru's decision to not even try. "So," she spoke up raising her voice a little bit louder to be heard, "What are we going to do about being targeted?"
"I haven't been able to find that out yet, but I do know they wish to kill Magic Users. Now, we all know each other here, yes?" Airi looked from Sage, to Kaoru, then to Yin. "We all have to be on good terms in order for this to work. And Sage, unless you want to test it first, please do not continue on that subject." She looked over at Kaoru, then to Yin once again. "We're going to do what ever we can. Like fighting back or avoiding."
Sage laughs at their disgust, staring at Airi with a look of amusement in his brownish red eyes," Fine, but I must say you are no fun at all." He says pretending to pout," Oh, and lovelies I know you didn't hear, but they aren't just killing any regular old magic users. No. No. No," He tuts, leaning back in his chair, proceeding to peel the skin and muscle off the bone of his hand, detaching the piece of skeleton from his wrist. Watching it quickly heal back as if the bone hadn't just been dismantled from his body," They seem to be only going after those who have done dark deeds," He looks around the room, his eyes resting on Yin." I saw it the other day in fact. A man I have known for awhile cut down before my eyes." He grins as if this was amusing, what little sanity he had left disappearing from his eyes.
Kiseki started to frown a bit at the lack of activity she was being engaged in.

"Are we going to get a mission anytime soon? Because honestly, my hands are... Beginning to itch." Kiseki kind of killed for sport in a way. She kept count of all of her victims, which at this point was a startling 377. She had been in the business since she was 7 after all.
"Now, now Sage. Please, enough of your sadistic nature. People will start avoiding you," Airi said with a small laugh. "But thank you for the information. It will help."
Kaoru scooted away from the obviously mentally-unstable magic user. I should keep an eye on this guy. He might end up trying to kill us all. Kaoru rolled his eyes again, and turned back to Airi. "So basically, a bunch of people that we have no idea who they are, are trying to kill us? Do we have a battle plan or something?" He asked, still annoyed with Sage. Scratch that. Kaoru was furious with him.
"Sadistic I am only speaking of what I have witness with my own eyes, but thank you for your concern I wouldn't like to be avoided it makes my job so much more difficult," Turning his head towards Kaoru," So, I must ask you all, because I am a creature of curiosity. But what crime have you all committed to cause these little toys to come after us," He pauses blinking innocently," I mean it couldn't have been me I am to pure."
Airi noticed that Kaoru was moving away from Sage. "See, Sage? They're avoiding you now." She laughed once again and turned to Kaoru. "That's pretty much it. We don't have a battle plan, but I don't think we need. Plus, I don't like plans. I say we just fight 1 on 1. After all, we Magic Users tend to do most things alone, right? If we ever need help, we can just signal everyone else." She shot a quick glare at Sage. "That's a bit personal, Sage."
"Well, aren't you vice-leader of the group, Kiseki? Why don't you start explaining why were here?" Code said to Kiseki, wanting to see if she could take over for Rin for a bit.
(So sorry Y'all I had to go spend time with my family. I'm back now, though.)

"Now that introductions are out of the way. I thought we should discuss our targets." Rin shuffled the papers in front of her with the magic users information on them.

"There are currently 4 main magic users that we should be after." Rin gave each person in the room a copy of each magic user's profile.

Kiseki rubbed her hands together in anticipation as she looked over the sheets of paper with rather eager and sparkling eyes.

"Will we take them on all by ourselves?" She asked, a bit of excitement in her tone. Looking over her sheets of paper, she noticed that these were some of the strongest magic users out there, as well as the darkest. She looked at one of the sheets titled;
Sage. She pointed at it.

"I kind of want dibs on this one." She said with a smile.
"So our targets are Airi Motomiya, Yin Sakagami, Kaoru Takashi, and a Sage Deynair... so what makes these guys so special in our list? Code said to Rin, wondering why she specifically picked them.
Mai stared down at the packet, reading each paper twice before moving onto the next one. She was uncharacteristically quiet as she sat there with the packet in her hands.
''Each one of them have committed the worst, and most crimes in history. They are almost impossible to kill. That's at least what everyone says, but I have faith in all of you." Rin answered looked at all at the table.

"I wish for each of you to pick one target. We should plan quickly and strike soon." Rin look through the papers herself.
He shrugs, starting to sit up," Are we almost done here, because I grow tired of not going anywhere. I need to get ready for my impending doom," He says the last part sarcastically, throwing a bright pink cellar phone at Airi," My number is on speed dial just press 1 and hope I answer if you need help." He grabs his walking stick ready to leave.

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