Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Robin got his laugh adn was satisfied, he let him go,"Dont be going around poking people or itll happen again" he poked Sage,"You becareful now." Robin grinned.
Sage pouted and sulkily started fixing his hair. "Thanks for that." he said sarcastically as he looked back up at Robin. "How would you like it if I messed up your hair?" he demanded, reaching up to ruffle Robin's hair.
Robin bowed his face facing the ground gesturing "be my guest" to Sage.
Sage blinked, then grinned. He messed up Robin's hair and fluffed it all up. When he finished he stepped back and placed his hands on his hips again. "You have unnaturally soft hair." he said, pursing his lips.
Robin smiled,"Why thank you~" he flipped his hair back into place and smiled at Sage.
Sage narrowed his eyes at Robin before shaking his head. "So, I don't know much about you. How abouts we have a proper conversation about ourselves and get to know each other?" he suggested, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
Robin shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets,"Sure. I dont mind..." he replied.
Sage blinked expectantly before realizing that Robin wasn't going to say anything else. He stopped bouncing and looked thoughtful before smiling. "Well, I have no siblings, and I live, or lived, with my Aunt and Uncle up in California before coming to school here." he said.
"Oh, well I have Paige. We both came from seperate fathers. We're both from a wealthy family but our mother died and we were split. I Lived with my Aunt and she with her father. My Aunt decided it would be a good idea for us to come to school together and reunite." He didnt want to talk about HIS father....
Robin looked ahead,"Im from Montana. Then i ran away to my Aunt in the East Coast and im here!" He stated while walking. His eyes looked a little dull and sad when he mentioned the running away part.
"Ahh nothin!" Robin grinned and reached for Sage's hair,about to ruffle it but quickly remembered what happened and pulled back.
Sage pouted. "Why won't you tell me? Somethings obviously wrong. I asked you before, too, but you brushed it off." he said as he stopped walking. He sadly poked Robin's shoulder. "You can trust me."
-Rose smiled at Griffin with her cheeks full of food like a chipmunk.- Alright! -She ate the last of her quasodilla and swallowed. Rose wiped her mouth with a tan napkin and then started to eat her Burrito minutes after.-
-Rose sighed and laughed a little.- It's Alright, and hey... that kinda happens to me a lot at wrong times! -Rose laughed and then finished her Burrito. When she finished her Burrito she threw away the wrappers and wipped her mouth before taking a sip of her lemonade.- So what did that cashier ask you? I saw him talking to you but I couldn't here him talking.
Griffin's eyes widened before he blushed and looked away. "Er... Nothing important..." he mumbled. He calmed down and glanced back at Rose. "Just.... Whether or not I wanted an extra taco...?" he said, more of a question rather than a statement.
-Rose looked at Griffin with a questioning expression.- Griffin, I have a feeling that you are lying. What did he actually ask? If it's anything embarrassing I won't be bothered at all. Trust me, I've been through that many times and got over it.
-Rose graduated from a quizzical expression to a 'whatever' expression.- Alright, whatevz -Rose smiled and then ran her fingers through her thick, black dyed scene hair and smiled at Griffin with her light blue eyes showing happiness like they normally would.-

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