Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

(You're welcome xD ) 
(Ellie Gouldiiiiiiiing)

Sage closed his eyes when Robin ruffled his hair. He pouted and looked up at the taller boy. "What the hey was that for?" he asked in a whiny voice.
Robin laughed,"Aww dont be upset. I do that to a lot of people. Like my sister...except...she hates it... And youre so small i couldnt help it." Robin chuckled ,"Hey atleast you arent as small as my sister! HA!"
Alex stopped when the figure turned around and grabbed her by the arm.Alex's eyes widened and she gripped a nearby pole.She felt her hand slip and she watched as the mysterious person took her away.
Robin laughed when poked,"Alright alright!" he gave in,"I wont do it again....*cough* no promises *cough*" he smiled.

Paige tip toed to the door of the dorm and slipped shoes on,"That spider better be gone when im back..." She opened the door and walked out. Before going anywhere she pulled a lollipop from her wrapper,"Ooh! Watermelon!" she said while taking the wrapper off and looking at the hot pink candy. She stuffed the wrapper back in her pocket and and popped the lollipop in her mouth and casually walked down the hall.
Mac blinked when a girl came out of the room and casually started walking down the hall. He blinked and gave the door one last glance before shrugging and continuing his walk down the hall.

Sage scowled childishly and turned away from Robin, crossing his arms. "Mean..." he mumbled, not really intending for Robin to hear it. He sighed and looked over his shoulder before he heard his stomach growl again. He blushed and reached out to grab Robin's hand and started dragging him to the school gates. "C'mon! I'm hungry!"
Alex realized that she had taken off her jacket and left it in her room.'There's only one other option' she thought.She screamed and the figure let go of her to cover his ears.She quickly stopped screaming and ran as fast as she could.She could hear the figure's footsteps behind her.She slid down the handle bars on the stairs and continued to run.
Paige's eyes rolled to left, focusing on the sound of footsteps behind her, she slightly turned her head to see if someone was there, continuing to walk.

Robin blinked,"O-okay!" He dragged.
Mac yawned as he continued to walk, not aware that the girl had turned around. He sniffed and stared down at the ground, stuffing his hands into his sweatshirt pocket again.

Sage finally became aware that he still had Robin's hand in his own and stopped walking to let go. "Er...... Sorry." he mumbled, looking away from Robin. He flicked his head so that his hair was covering his face from Robin's view again.
Alex pushed open the doors to the second level hallway. She looked back at the person that was chasing her.She looked forward and continued to run.The thumping sound of her boots on the floor created a catchy beat.
Paige could hear running from the hallway level above her. She looked up while walking,"Hmm?" she tilted her head slightly. She had time to spare so she walked to the stairs to check out the commotion.
Alex stopped and looked back at the guy.She quickly ran towards him then slid under him.She got back up and ran downstairs.Her legs were feeling weak.
"whoa!" Paige jumped back when someone ran down the stairs. She looked up the stairs,"What the heck is going on?!" She asked herself through the lollipop in her mouth.
Maverick watched the girl climb the stairs to the third floor and he tilted his head. He faintly heard the sound of fast footsteps from up there and he became confused.
Alex finally stopped running and sat on the ground.She looked at the stairs and didn't hear footsteps.She closed her eyes and laid down.Her breathing was heavy, but slowly turning back to normal.
Paige looked around not really knowing what to do. She walked up to the mystery person and crouched beside them,"U-um...are you okay? Do you need a drink? My dorm is just down this hall." She looked concerned.
Alex opened her eyes and looked at the girl next to her."I'm fine...I don't need a drink or anything" she sat up and looked back over at the stairs.
Sage stood there in silence before poking Robin again and running off down the hall. "Come on!" he called, turning so that he could walk backwards once he was a safe distance from any more hair ruffling. He grinned and stuck his tongue out at Robin. "Slow poke!"
"Slow poke?!" Robin smirked. Robin ran after him.

Paige looked at the girl,"What happened?" she asked while looking up the stairs as well.
Paige turned to look at her in shock,"What?" it was retorical. She looked at the stairs and stood up. She went up half way, quietly and slowly walking.
Sage nodded, but he started to run again. "Yeah!" he called over his shoulder. "Slooooow poooooke!" He turned and ran out of the school gates, listening to Robin's footsteps behind him.
Robin laughed and after him faster, getting closer and closer. "Ill go into a sprint if i have to!" Robin yelled. 
Paige got close to the ground the closer she got to the top. She reached the top on all fours, slowly peeking from the stair well and into the hallway. She looked to the left, then to the right. A sound came from her left and she stood still, her heart pounding hard and fast, her eyes and just her eyes rolled to the left, not wanting to turn her head. She heard another sound, a thump, but closer... She got startled and fearfully sat on one of the stairs in the stair well, away from the hallway. She just stood there looking at the other girl,"Did you hear that?" she whispered.

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