Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

"Anyway," Mcauley finally seemed to have calmed down. "Do you like this girl?" Mac didn't have to think about it. He replied with a quick "No." He heard Mcauley coo and sighed. "You do like her. Otherwise you wouldn't have said no so quickly! But, whatever. Now to my needs. Are there any cute guys over there for me?" Mac once agains sighed. His brother was always asking for himself. "Auley, I've only met one person, and it was a girl. Wh- Wait why are you even asking me? I'm not gay. It's not like I'd be able to tell you whether or not a guy is cute." he retorted, turning over onto his side, facing the door.

"Because you're the one over there, you dummy." Mcauley said fondly, as if Mac's question had been endearing. When really it was more of an irritated snap. "But that won't be for long."

"Huh? What do you mean?" At this point, Mac had no energy to deal with his overly-active brother.

"I'm going to visit next week! I thought I'd let you settle in before going to ambush and bring all the cutie boys back with me." Mcauley said, as if it were obvious. Mac's eyes widened and he sat up in the couch. "What?!? You're visiting already? All the way from Scotland?" as he finished speaking, he had calmed down, slightly confused.

"Yup! Your dear big brother, Moi, is going to go visit. But, you have to call me after you meet some boys and tell me whether or not they're cute. That and being able to see you would make being in America worth while." Mcauley sighed dreamily.
Alex stopped, noticing that she was strumming a little too hard.She sighed and ran her hand through her hair.She watched as her navy blue hair came back into her face.She pushed her bangs to the side and stared at the wall.
Nichole started to calm herself down. thump thump... she covered spirits mouth quickly and stayed perfectly still. the foot steps stopped at the door. there was a jingle of keys and it opened to reveal.....the headmaster? ''what are you girls doing? get outta there this instant!'' Nichole crawled out of rima's hold and looked up and screamed. the headmaster said''what what is it?!''SLICE...THUD! The headmaster's head slid off his body to the floor....behind him stood haou with a bloody machete! ''you're next...''
-Rose looked up at him with a smile but she was surprised.- Woah... that's cool! You must be really good at the guitar then... -Rose smiled and then took her drawing book out of her backpack and stopped for a moment. She flipped to the page where they had the lyrics and she took a glance at them and then blushed a little before putting it back away. She looked over at the doors to the front of the building.- Hey.. you want to go to the park or something? It's a nice day.... -Rose thought of the birds chirping and the lake with its calm essence swaying lightly, and she remembered the old bench where she always sat at after school to just take a brake from school and relax.-
Griffin shrugged and avoided looking at Rose, but couldn't help smiling. "I guess. I'm better at it than I am at playing the keyboard." he said, finally looking back up at Rose. He couldn't help but notice how blue her eyes were as he stared into them, his smile slowly fading. He blinked and looked away, clearing his throat. "Uh... Yeah. The park is cool." he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

After he finished speaking to Mcauley, Mac had gotten up off of his couch and went out of the room to get some fresh air. Although the room seemed welcoming, he couldn't help but feel uneasy in it when alone or not talking to anybody. He sighed and stuffed his hands into his sweatshirt pocket and began fiddling with the glasses in it as he walked out of the dorms and out onto the campus.
-Rose jumped and smiled- Yeayuh! To the park we go! -Sings a small little parody of Wizard of Oz jokingly- ~We're off to see the lake! The wonderful lake in the park!~ -Giggles and skips over to the main doors and then looks over at Griffin and blushes a little (what color are his eyes, I'm just wondering because I'm guessing his eyes are dark brown but I have no Idea.). Rose then flips her scenic hair, to fix it, to the left of her head. She smiles and combs her fingers through her hair and then stuffs her fingers into the pockets of her dark blue jeans.-
(They're sort of a weird mix between hazel and blue((both his parents had heterochromia iridescent eyes)) :D )

Griffin laughed and shook his head as he made his way over to Rose. His hair blew in the wind and he tried to fix it, but it wouldn't stay placed.
-Rose saw that he was trying to fix his hair.- Are you trying to fix your hair? -She looked at him and she knew what he put his hair like earlier and fixes his hair for him (she has kind of a photographic memory ^-^). She did that without thinking and then looked down at the ground with her black dyed hair covering her face she blushed with a bright red covering her pale cheeks while she was walking with him to the park.-
Griffin sighed as he walked besides Rose in silence. After she had fixed his hair... He didn't know. Things seemed to get awkward. He looked up at the sky once they reached the park, then down to the large field of grass. "So... What now?" he asked quietly, glancing back at Rose and finally noticing that her cheeks were as red as her name.
-Rose looked back over at Griffin and combs a finger through her choppy and thick, black hair.- Uh... -laughs a little trying not to show her embarrassment.- Uh m-maybe we should uh.... listen to the birds or something? I mean that always clears my head of anything from school.... -Rose laughed a little and blushed a little deeper. Then she looked over at the trees. She whistled a small tune that a bird would whistle and a bird as blue as the water flew over to her and perched on her right index finger. Rose smiled at it as she let it perch onto her finger. She whistled once more and it whistled back. With a beat of its wings it flew into the trees and forest.-
Griffin stared after the bird and couldn't help thinking back a few years when he had a friend who had adored anything with feathers. It was weird , but the kid always loved to watch birds. He glanced at Rose and watched her before looking away and stuffing his hands into his pockets. "You remind me a lot of this friend I used to have." he said, speaking his thoughts. "He used to love watching birds. It helped him relax, I guess."
-Rose turns around to look at him and smiles.- Well, it does calm people down. Like one day I was really mad.. but when I came to the park and listened to the birds..... I wasn't mad anymore. -Rose spoke in a small voice, almost in a whisper. She dazed to the memories of the birds always chirping and singing her songs in Vermont. She remembered her mother teaching her about birds and how they sang. Rose zoned out a little and then blinked a few times to snap out of her memory, that was the past though. Rose sighed and walked over to the bench.- This place... It's so beautiful.
Griffin nodded, looking around at the trees and the field. They were on a small hill, so he sat down parallel to the ground below. He looked up at Rose and patted the ground next to him.
-Rose looked down to see him sitting down, patting the ground. Rose knew she was motioning to sit down and so she did. Rose smiled and then blushed a little bit, showing bright pink on her cheeks. Rose's pale face glowed slightly in the sun and her eyes shone in the sun, they seemed to look like they were sparkling a little then she looked over in the shade and it showed her normal light blue eyes the way they would be. Rose looked over at Griffin and noticed his hazel/blue eyes and thought they were interesting. They seemed like e field of grass and blue flowers all in one. She smiled and then crossed one leg over the other (Indian style sitting ^-^) while she sat on the ground. She leaned back and placed her small fingers on the soft and grassy ground. The scent of flowers lingered in the air. Rose smiled and then sighed.-
Griffin looked away from Rose and down to the bottom of the small incline. He glanced at Rose before laying down and launching himself rolling down the hill. He knew it was childish and would look weird to Rose, but he didn't care. It was something he hadn't done in years. It was having fun. When he reached the bottom of the hill, he dizzily pushed himself up and stumbled to the side, before letting himself fall to the ground. As he lay there on his back, he grinned up at the blue sky.
-Rose giggled as he went down the hill. She jumped up and screamed since he was all the way down the hill.- Here I come!! -She lies down and comes tumbling down the hill. Rose giggled all the way down and she landed at the bottom with a thump.- Oof! -Rose giggled and looked over at Griffin who was 1 or 2 feet away from her. She started bursting out laughing. She lies down and looks up at the sky, then starts to sing, in her natural and beautiful voice, Alligator Sky By Owl City.- [media][/media]
Alex walked back to her room, dragging the guitar with her.She went inside her room and placed the guitar by the bed.She looked out the window and saw how peaceful it was.She shook her head and went through her bag to find a change of clothes.
Griffin laughed as he watched Rose roll down the hill. He grew silent when she began singing and looked back up at the sky. He turned onto his side to face Rose and rested his head on his arm.
-Rose finished singing and laughed happily before sighing with happiness. She sat up and looked over at Griffin.- That was fun Griffin -Rose laughs again and then gets up only to walk in circles randomly with her hands behind her back.-
Griffin nodded. He watched Rose get up to walk around before starting to randomly roll around on the grass. His thoughts wandered over to the birds again and he stopped rolling, now on his back again. I wonder what ever happened to him...
-Falls over from dizziness and giggles. Rose looks over at Griffin to see him pondering about something.- Hmm... Whatchu thinking about Griffin? I mean like you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but you can if you want. -Rose smiles at him and then sighs as she looks over at the lake.-
Griffin didn't look at Rose when he answered. "I'm thinking about that friend I told you about. The one who liked listening to the birds..." he trailed off an rolled over onto his side again to glance at Rose. "I don't know. I was just wondering what he's doing right now. You know, what's been going on in his life."
-Rose smiled and then walked over to a tree backwards so she could face Griffin while she was talking.- Okay. -Rose giggled and then bumped into the tree, tripping on a stump and falling onto her back laughing like crazy.- I'm so clumsy! -Rose keeps laughing.-
Alex grabbed a black skirt and red jeans.She quickly threw the clothes on and looked in the mirror."Sometimes the scene hairstyle is hard to manage" she said to herself as she fixed her hair.She walked down the hallway and out into the courtyard of the school, with her writing notepad in her hand. She found a bench and sat down.She set her notepad on her lap and stared at the blank page.

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