Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Alex closed her door as Maverick disappeared down the hall.She suddenly realized that she forgot her bag in the hallway. She sighed and opened the door and quickly came back in with her bag.She tossed her bag onto the couch and sat down.
Haou smkrked and said"well i took her friends body just had to mess with her memories of him..." Nichole cried and spirit pulled at the straps.
Alex took out her IPod and plugged in her earbuds. She put her songs on shuffle and closed her eyes as her favorite band Get Scared was first.
"Why do you want her dead so much?" Ray said she then put her hands behind her back and made a little hand signal Rime knew what it ment so she held Nichole close to her.
Ray saw Nichole pass out of blood lose so she thought it was a perfect time to do this Ray quickly dug into her back pocket and grabbed pepper spray she then sprayed Hauru directly into his eyes Rima picked up Nichole and ran out the room and Ray got spirit and followed then she just noticed that Jay was gone "W-were did Jay go!?" Ray said worried "Wasnt he with us when we went to the door?" Rima said looking back at Ray "I dont know!" Ray replied.
Ray follwed the direction that spirit was looking and saw hauo he looked like he was going to flip a table "Run run run run!" Ray said as she quickend her speed and so did Rima "Your cousin was right!" Rima said as she ran faster still holding Nichole "Yeah I know." Ray said as they sharply turned the next corner.
They ran into the janitors closet and locked the door Rima held Nichole as she sat down "What do we do, should we call the cops?" Rima said worried Ray looked at Rima like she was dumb "If that didn't work in sixth grade I am pretty sure its not going to work now." Ray said as she puts Spirit down and leans against the door so that no one can come in.
-Rose waited for the elevator door to open and she hopped out and waited for Griffin to come out also. She smiled at him and then thought of a question that was annoying her if she didn't ask it.- So uh... How long have you been playing the guitar? I mean, my dad always played the guitar to me and sang to me after work. -Rose smiled and then looked up at the ceiling while talking about her dad, like she was searching for a picture in the sky... or a small video of her and her father sitting in the living room with her father playing the guitar.-
Griffin shrugged and stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked out of the elevator. "Ever since I could hold up a spoon, I guess. My old man would teach me different chords and techniques everyday at noon for an hour." He stared at the ground as he spoke, remembering how his dad's face would light up anytime Grififn got the hang of something quickly.

Mac rolled off of his bed and landed on the ground with a thud. He groaned and rolled over onto his back before sitting up and running a hand through his blonde hair.
Alex opened her eyes when her IPod died. She took out her ear buds and looked at the door.The lights flickered and then the room turned dark.She sighed "Light bulb probably went out" she looked up at the fan, which was pretty much the only light source in the room, but it's bulb went out. She got off the couch and looked in a cabinet for any spare light bulbs.
Alex grabbed a light bulb and went back over to the fan.She found a small ladder and used it to reach the fan.She replaced the old bulb with the new one and twisted it in. The light shone in her eyes and she fell backwards, falling off the ladder and onto the floor.She groaned and rolled onto her stomach.
Alex got up after laying on the floor for five minutes.She felt a sharp pain in her back.She groaned and decided to get out of her room for a little bit.She dragged her guitar out with her so she could tune it.She stood against the wall outside her room and strummed a chord.She listened to it and tuned it.
Mac pulled out his phone and glanced at the screen. He groaned. Two missed calls from his mum and one from his older brother. "... Mum or Mcauley...? Which one to call....?" he wondered out loud. His finger hovered over his Mum's name on the screen before swiftly shifting to his brother's name and pressing down. He brought the phone up to his ear and waited, listening to the rings. It rang four times before there was an answer.

"Rick!" was Mcauley's immediate cry. "Baby, I miss yoooooouuuuuuuuu!" Mac winced at the loudness of his brother's voice and had to hold the phone a short distance from his ear. "When are you coming back, Sweetcheeks?"

"Stop calling me that, Auley. I'm your brother not your boyfriend." Mac said, although his laugh indicated that he was amused. Mcauley always had been rather eccentric. There was a short pause in which Mac thought he heard Mcauley sniff. "I miss you, too, Auley." he said softly. "Is mum there?"

"Yes..." Mcauley answered. There was a shuffling noise from the other end that distinctly sounded like the rustling of bed sheets. Mac stood from the floor near his bag and walked over to the couch before lazily sprawling himself upon it. "Tell her I couldn't call back because my phone was dead, and that I miss her as well."
Alex finally got her guitar tuned.She strummed a G chord and closed her eyes, trying to imagine writing a song, but she sucked at writing lyrics."Well, my dream of becoming a singer is gone." she told herself as she put her guitar down beside her.
"Have you made any friends? Do you love them more than you love me? Do you? Do you? You better not, Ricky. I should be the only one besides mum and dad that has a place in that too big heart of yours." Mcauley said, his voice sounding awfully childish. Mac chuckled and brought himself up to curl into a ball on the couch. "I have made one friend... At least, I think she's my friend. I'm not really sure. We only talked for a little bit." he replied, honestly wondering whether or not he could consider Alex his friend yet. "And I can't say that I love her more than you... I don't even love her. We only just met, Auley. Calm down."

He heard Mcauley snort, which was very un-classygayman(he likes to call himself a "ClassyGayMan") of him. "Yeah right, Rick- Wait what?!" he practically screeched, once again making Mac move the phone away. Mcauley dramatically gasped. "A girl? But Maverick Jones Duncain never talks to girls! What was so special about this one in particular?"

Mac grimaced at Mcauley's comment about never speaking to girls. Of course, it was true, but it still stung. "I simply tripped over her and apologized. Then we realized that the office had messed up and given us the same room number. We didn't speak much after that. I left to get a new room and I haven't seen her since." he said, scratching the back of his head.

He could feel Mcauley's glare through the phone. "You switched rooms even though you had the same one as her?? You ruined your chance at actually having a girl to talk to!" It was Mac's turn to snort. "For a ClassyGayMan, you don't show much class towards the ladies."

"Duh." he heard Mcauley drawl. "ClassyGayMan. I don't have to try and impress girls. Psht. Idiot." That was the thing with Mcauley. His attitude could go from fawning over Mac, to calling him an idiot. Mac loved him either way, but it was still very contradicting behavior on Mcauley's part.
Alex glared at her guitar."I hate my parents for making me come to this stupid school.I only met one person and this place makes me feel lonely.I could've met ten people now at some other school" she mumbled.She picked up her guitar and just started playing random chords.

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