Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

-Rose smiled and got up.- Sure, I mean, we are skipping class but it's not like I care - Rose laughs then takes her dad's old keyboard back into her dorm. Then Rose comes back out and drops some beef jerky sticks into Miali's bowl.- You are a spoiled kitty, now behave when I'm gone Miali. -Rose pet Miali on the head a few times then shut the door. Rose walks over to Griffin and smiles.- Okay, I'm ready.
Griffin smiled and stood up. "I don't have class today since it's my first day. Something about settling in." he said once Rose was back. He started walking down the hall, away from where the two people, who were now gone, had been standing.
-Rose followed closely after Griffin and then caught up quickly to the pace of his walking.- Lucky, I had to sit through a lecture... and a really boring one at that.
-Mimmicks the voice of the head master.- Something about, ' oh this school is so wonderful! your going to love it here! now here are the rules blahblahblahblah.. you will go to your dorms after another historian fact about the school blahblahblahblah.' It lasted like 1 1/2 hours! And the guy has monotone for his voice also -Rose laughs while talking.- Like seriously I don't see if he has a social life or not! -Rose keeps laughing but then sighs.- And sometimes... This place did have some very non-describing and horrifying things here.
Griffin chuckles. "I think i had to go to his office, but oh well." He walked into the elevator when the doors opened and looked at Rose with confusion etched onto his face. "What do you mean horrifying?"
(of course cinder ^-^) Nichole woke up in a room strapped down to a table. haou smirked walking over with some surgical utensils. Nichole struggled frantically. haou picked up the scapel and started cutting open her arm. Nichole screamed her lungs out.
I'm very sorry for coming in during a role-play session.

Name: Alex Bermudez

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Weapon: Two small hand guns that she keeps hidden in her jacket.

Appearance: She's only five feet tall with blue and green heterochima eyes.Her hair is dyed a dark navy blue.She wears a black jacket where she hides her two twin hand guns, she always wears jeans and boots, and will wear sandals, but that's rare.

Personality: Alex is quiet and shy, never really talking to people unless she gets comfortable with you.When you know her she's friendly and caring, but can easily be scared by anything.

Bio: Pass..
Ray had finally saw Jay and Rima they were sitting down at a bench having a conversation and an occasional laugh Rima then notices Ray, Ray was on her knees and holding her stomach in pain she looked absolutely horrible "Oh my god Ray!" Rima and Jay ran over to Ray and kneeled beside her "Are you ok?!" Ray just groaned.

Jay then dug into his pocket and took out a bottle of pills But when she saw it Ray backed away and shook her head no violently "Ray. Take your meds!" he said trying to give it to her but she just tries to smack it out of his hand "Ray take the damn medicine!" Jay then holded her down and tried to force it into her mouth but she kept squirming "No they taste like crap!" she yelled, when Jay finally got her still he shoved two pills into her mouth then covered her noes "Swallow." Jay said refusing to let go of her noes until she does.

Ray's face then started to turn red because of lack of oxygen she finally swallowed and Jay let go off her noes and she gasp for air "I hate you." she says looking at Jay Rima just smiled nervously "Ray you know you are suppose to take those daily." Ray pouted then turned away "I know." she mumbles "Then why didn't you!" Jay says a bit angrily "You try eating something that taste like absolute crap!" Ray said turning towards Jay "I have, you cooking!" Jay yells "Ok~." Rima said calmly "Lets settle down." she then pulled Ray close to her and hugged her she then looks to Jay "Your so mean." she mouths then sticks her tongue out at Jay.
Alex slowly walked into the office.She got her room number and key, putting her key in her pocket she walked down the hallway. She looked at the walls as the only noise she could hear was her footsteps.
Ray and Jay were still arguing so Rima was the only one who noticed the dog barking she then bend down and petted his head "Whats wrong boy." she says with a sweet smile.
Alex stopped and leaned against the wall.She stared at the wall in front of her."I would expect it to be a little noisy" she said to herself.She looked to her left, then her right.She sighed and closed her eyes.
Rima gently grabbed the bloody necklace out of the dogs mouth "Guys come here!" she yelled causing them to quickly stop arguing Ray and Jay both walked over to Rima and saw the bloody necklace "Isnt that Nicholes?" Jay said worried "Yeah!." "Where is she!?" Rima said a little scared.

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