Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Sage yelped and started running a bit faster, but he could tell Robin was catching up. He glanced over his should, which was a bad idea. It sent him tripping over his own feet.
Alex was holding onto the handle bars.She nodded slowly, fearful of the noise.She climbed up to the top quietly and looked to her left then right.She squinted her eyes as she saw a figure in the hallway.She looked at the girl "I see something" she whispered.
Robin stopped and looked at him,"Gotta be more careful!" She smiled trying to lighten the mood. He reached for Sage's arm and yanked him up in one quick motion.

Paige looked at her, really hoping that the girl wouldnt recognize what ever she is seeing. She patiently stood quiet and waited for a confirmation. For some reason Paige was now spooked, what ever it was gave her a feeling of fear, but she tried to push that feeling aside and stay strong...but deep down shes quivering.
Alex sighed."Did you see anybody in the hallway before I came?" she asked the girl.She looked back into the hallway at the dark figure.She blinked, unable to recognize the guy because he was wearing all black.
Sage pouted and glared at Robin's Hirt since he didn't feel like looking up. "I was careful." he mumbled. He slithered his arm out of Robin's grip and poked the taller boy ice more, getting his side this time. "You're the one who should be more careful."
Robin laughed,"What?! me? hahaha" He laughed from the tickled feelings. "Why do i have to be more careful? haha!!" He pried to stop Sage from poking.

Paige shook her head,"No there was no one. I mean there WAS someone following me but i heard you above me at that point." she explianed.
Alex nodded slowly."Go back down the stairs, now." she whispered.The figure started to walk towards her.She quietly went down the stairs.
Sage grinned and kept poking Robin. "Because I'll keep poking you if you're not." he said. He poked Robin's side again and then finally ended the attack with a firm poke on the chest. "I'm not as harmless as I seem, you know." he said cheekily.
Alex got to the bottom of the stairs and waited for the girl to come down."I'm hoping the guy isn't trying to kill anybody" she whispered to herself.
Rays body immediately froze and so did Rima Ray was still against the door she looke at Rima and saw that her face was terrified Ray then looked down and saw blood coming inside the closet through the crack of the door Ray dropped to her knees in the blood and covered her mouth wanting to throw up she had just got over the smell of metallic blood but it is now coming back and Jay had her medication but he was no where to be found.
-Rose glanced over her shoulder to see Griffin walking over to her. She smiled and started to eat her Burrito and her quasodilla.- mmm yumm -Rose said jokingly as she stuffed a quasodilla slice into her mouth and chewed. She swallowed it down with some lemonade and laughed a little. She glanced to her right to see a guy staring at her and smirking, but when she looked over at him he stopped staring and pretended that he wasn't staring.- uhh okay then... -Rose cupped her hands around her mouth and whispered to Griffin.- That guy is really creeping me out.... should I go beat him up if he stares at me again? -Rose couldn't help but slip a smile into her seriousness. Rose could be very violent and it was funny to her mostly... when she was the one beating them up anyways.-
Nichole backed away from Haou and he picked her up smirking. "do you know what all i could do to you?"holding the machete under her chin. her necklace glowed and shot out a light. haou hit the wall with a 'oof' but then realized he was in ghost form once again. he tried to get into Cassey's body but couldn't.
Rima backed away from the scene and went over to Ray who looked like she was about to die "Ray! stay with me now." she said as she shook her lightly. Rays eyesight was getting blury she then groaned.
Nichole started trying to run but was limping. she had tears in her eyes she couldn't take it anymore! Spirit ran after her knowing something bad might happen. Haou followed he wanted to see her break.
Alex closed her eyes and tried to think of who the guy might be.'Slenderman? No he's too short and not wearing a suit.Pennywise? What, why would I think of him.Michael Myers? This is a big fat maybe, but these people don't exist' she thought with a small laugh.

(Just watched the movie It. I couldn't help but laugh the whole time for some reason.)
(Hey, guys!)

Griffin ate two of his tacos rather quickly. He blinked and glanced out of the corner of his eye to see the guy Rose had been talking about. He looked back at Rose and shook his head. "... Just tell me if he keeps staring," he took a bight of his taco. "Yeah?" he added, making sure not to open his mouth that much, although it was garbled because of the food.
Alex sighed and decided to leave the case of the mysterious person alone right now.She had somebody else on her mind.She used the elevator to get to her room.She arrived on the third hallway and walked to her room, her steps silent.She walked inside her room and sat on her bed, putting her face in her hands."I hate it when I miss him" she mumbled.She broke up with her boyfriend just last month and they haven't talked since then.She fixed her bangs and looked at her hands "Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly" she whispered a lyric from the song Vanilla Twilight.She sighed.
Paige walked back down the stairs having that strange feeling of panick and anxiety you get when youre in a dark place by youreself. She ran back down and into the hallway she was previously at.

Robin smiled," You do seem pretty harmless!" He teased and laughed putting his hand to his stomach as his muscles clenched from constant laughter.
Sage's jaw dropped as he stared at Robin. "What...?" he began quietly. "Wha- What?!?" he ended up nearly shouting. "You did not just say I'm harmless!" he huffed, pointing a finger at Robin. His expression was one of anger, but it wouldn't really be considered a scary anger. More like a cute anger. Like an angry kitten.
Robin put his hands up and stared at Sage's finger in his face,"Whoa! Sorry...." Robin said softly.
Sage momentarily scowled, before frowning and looking down at his feet. "Sorry." he half-whispered. "I just get really mad when people think I can't do much damage, or around those lines..." He looked back up at Robin and tilted his head, grinning. "Did I scare you?"
"Yea a little..." Robin was still a little stiff. "Next time ill just becareful with what i say...." He grabbed Sage into a head lock,"Or you just might beat me up!" He gave him a noogie on the head.
Sage yelped and struggled to get free, but he was laughing. "Nooo! Stop it! Stop it! My hair! You're messing it up!" he squealed, uselessly clawing at Robin's arms. His smile was sure to split his face in half. "Stoooooop iiiit!" he whined.

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