Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

-She finishes the song and then practices the notes once more then starts another song, not knowing that anyone was listening.- ~Do, Re, Me, Fa, SO, La, Te, Do!~ -Rose then clears her throat and tries to think of another song while pacing.- 
-Rose remembers a song and starts the song.... It was Whoa by Paramore. --> [media][/media]
Griffin tilts his head and walks out into the hall, shutting his door behind him with a loud enough slam. He flinched, as the slam sounded right in his ear, and heard Blue barking on the other side of the door.
Griffin grimaced. "Sorry!" he called instinctively, looking up at the girl. His blue eyes widened, when he realized she had heard the slam. "Sorry." he said again, a bit calmer.
Ray Jay and Rima laughed "Well that was very sudden." Rima said with a smile she then stepped closer to Nichole and smiled "Well my name is Rima." she then looked up and down at Nichole studying "Well im guessing you are Nichole." she then turns to Ray who was still giggly "Ray told me about you." Rima then looks at spirit and bends down to pet him "And who is this little cutie." she said as she pets him
-She looks down at the floor and then at the guy who slammed the door on accident. She smiled a little.- I-I'm a little jumpy. T-That's all.. -She walked over to her door and opened it with her key. Rose picked up Miali and held her secure in her arms.Rose then sat next to the door and crossed her legs over each other (indian style x3) and put Miali in her lap. Rose pet Miali on the head and Miali purred as she lied down in Rose's lap. Rose laughed a little.- Silly Kitty
nichole said“nice to meet you! thats spirit! say hi boy!” spirit licked rima's face.“hey who wants some cake i baked some earlier! and here ya go ray!”giving her medicene for her stomach.
Rima laughed as Spirit licked her face "Aww just so adorable." "Well thank you." Jay said smiling jokingly, Rima laughs as she got up from her knees "No one was talking to you Jay she says with a giggle, Ray takes the medicine that Nichole had handed to her "Uhhh thanks but I promise you im fine." she says with a faint smile she then hears Nichole mention cake "No thanks im fine." "Im not that much of a fan of sweets." Jay said scratching his head "I will happily join you." Rima said with a smile as she fixed her hair.
(Sorry, I've been at work all day.)

Griffin tilted his head an walked up to the girl. "What's the cat's name?" he asked curiously, sitting down next to her.
-Rose looked over at the guy who sat next to her. She blushed a little then looked away.Miali licked her hand and Rose looked down at Mialia and scratched behind Miali's ear, making Miali purr. She smiled then loomed up at the guy while petting Miali's head and said while stuttering a little.- H-Her name is Miali.
Griffin nodded and reached up to move his hair out of his eyes. "Cool name." he said,tilting his head again. "How long have you been at this school?" he asked curiously.
-Rose looked up at the guy. She had lost count mostly. Rose never was good at math, and never liked math. She didn't know how many days so she guessed the best guess she could give.- Um.. about 1 or 2 weeks... I think.. -Rose smiled then looked down at the cat again, Rose pulled out a stick of beef jerky from her right pocket and gave it to Miali. Miali ate slowly and looked funny when she ate the beef jerky. Rose giggled and whispered in the cat's ear while softly stroking its head.- Silly Kitty
Rima happily ate the cake, she was a huge fan of sweets even though Ray and Jay always taunted her about it "Your going to get another cavity." Jay said looking at Rima "Your going to get another cavity." Rima said back but she was imitating Jays voice she then went back to eating the cake. Jay looked at Nichole "I dont know really classes start soon so we only have little ti-" Ray then butted in and clutched onto Nicholes arm"No no no you always spend time with Jay its my turn!" she then dragged Nichole and Rima into a different direction and left Jay by himself "What just happened...?" Jay mumbled to himself.
Griffin smiled at the girl's closeness with the cat. It reminded him of he and Blue. "Oh, right, I'm Griffin Holmes. Ha... Didn't even introduce myself before. I just got here today." 
(I have a sudden urge to create an Australian character and introduce him by having him lean in behind Jay and say: "I believe you just got ditched, mate." Is it just me?) 
(Am I like, the only one who wants to do that?)
-Rose smiled at him and then opened her mouth to speak.- My name is Rose, Rose Vibrante. -She laughed a little at his comment and placed Miali down onto the floor in front of her. Rose pulled out a small red dotted pen looking pointer. She pointed it at the floor and Miali pounced at the dot and Rose turned off the pointer. Miali lifted her paws to see nothing there. Miali bounded up to Rose and let out a small meow before climbing into her lap and lies down. Rose giggled and pet Miali's head softly. Then she looked over at Griffin Holmes and smiled.-
Griffin watched the cat and then looked back up at Rose. He messed with his jacket zipper and sighed. "Some people try calling me Griff, but... I don't really like nicknames. Just so you know." he said, the song Just So You Know by that Jesse McSomething dude suddenly in his mind.

(I know who Jesse McCartney is, to clarify things. It's just Griffin's personality being all bleh.)
Nichole giggled and passed a guy. he said“nichole?!” she turned and said“cassey?”he hugged her and said“its been like forever! i see puberty did you well...” he moved a bang from his green eyes. he had black hair with red streaks. nichole giggled and said“its been a while!” he flipped her on her back and she dd the same to him.they laughed and fistbumped.
(alright, I didn't even know who that was anyways x3) -Rose smiled and blushed a little.- Alright -She said softly before opening the door and putting Miali in her dorm. She shut the door and sat back down.- Miali can be a very weird cat. -Rose giggled from her own comment and twirled a strand of her black dyed and scenic hair around her right index finger.-
(Gasp! Whaaaa?! You don't know??)

Griffin smiled and leaned back against the wall. "I get it. My dog is really weird, too." He reached up to scratch the back of his head. "Although, he is pretty smart."
(lol.. yeah I am more of a rock music girl so yeah ^-^) -Fixes her hair and then looks at Griffin.- Yeah, some dogs are smart, others.... not so much -Rose laughs a little then looks at her locket that her mother gave her. Rose smiled at it and rubbed her finger over the designs and looks at the patterns. She looked inside the locket to see a picture of a rose and a black cat.-

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