Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

nichole sat down and listened to her music. she giggled watching spirit dance to the beat. he had rhythm and moves she'll give him that. "cmon spirit lets dance. ~dance like you know you can!~" spirit hopped around as nichole danced having fun with her pup. she spun and fell on her butt laughing. spirit licked her cheek smiling.
Robin laughed and put his hand on Sage's shoulder,"oh dont worry about it, shes a tough girl."

He reassured and smiled.
Sage flinched away from Robin's hand and blushed. "Yeah... But still..." He didn't dare bring up that Paige had seemed rather dejected when Sage hadn't spoken to her earlier in the day.
Ray waved at Nichole but Jay didn't see her,Jay pulled himself away from the group hug and looked at the girl "What are you doing here Rima?" he said with curiosity Rima stopped hugging Ray and turned to Jay and smiled "Well I was thinking about transferring here so I could be with you guys.." she said blushing a bit "I was very lonely without you guys back at home and I wasn't really needed." Ray the locks arms with Rima "Well I am so glad you are hear."even though Ray's stomach was hurting alot she still managed to put a smile on her face, she had lied to Jay so he wouldn't worry so much.
nichole and spirit walked to the group. "hello!"smiling at the new girl. spirit barked happily turning circles and hopped in a circle dancing to Nichole's song. she giggled at him and said"who wants to dance huh you wanna dance? lets dance spirit!" she excused herself backing up from the group so she'd have room. "i wonder if i can do that dance?" she took out some pom poms from her bag and said"ok this is for you spirit!" dancing to lucky star's theme song. she did the moves just right and laughed having fun.
Robin just looked at him,"But what?" He asked trying to look at his face.

"FOUND IT!!" Paige yelled from inside the dorm. She set a hard case on the couch and opened it with a lock and key. She took out her AK and hugged it,"yay!"
Sage bit his lip and shook his head. "I was just saying that since she's a girl... don't their feelings get hurt easily?" he covered, looking back up at Robin.
Robin crossed his arms,"I suppose so.." He though about it.

"What did you say?" Paige yelled from inside.

(alright ^-^) -Rose walks along the hallways, boredly. She didn't feel herself at all, but she didn't know why either. She wasn't normally her happy, jumpy, and outgoing self. She bumped into 2 guys in the hallways to the dorms as she took every level randomly. She fell back a little. She blushed with embarrassment and then brushed small strands of her scene hair out of the way of her pale face.- S-Sorry guys. -Rose smiled a little but bit her lip also. She never meant to bump into people, she barely concentrated on what was in front of her normally.-
"Why not? I could use some time to look around." Robin replied.

He put his hands in his pockets and folloed Sage.
Sage nodded and was just about to start walking when a girl bumped into him from behind. He turned around and looked down at her on the floor. He bit his lip again, but held his hand out to her. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.
-Rose blushed and looked at him.- Y-Yeah I am -She looked at the floor then up at him. He was reaching out his hand to help her. She smiled and blushed with a hot pink and grabbed his hand so he could help her get up.-
Sage pulled the girl up and quickly took his hand back. He stuffed it into his pocket and gave the girl a good look over. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked awkwardly.
-She brushed off her shirt and combed her fingers through her hair as she spoke.- Uh.. Yeah I-I am.. -She smiles with her pale face showing hot pink on her cheeks. It was very visible by the complexion of her skin. She stood then and looked down at the floor, then back at the guy. She smiled at him.- S-Sorry for bumping into you. I-I am very dumsy... I mean clumsy! -She laughed a little and blushed a rot red now in embarrassment from her slip up from speaking.-
-Rose smiled and then started to walk away. How stupid was she! She blurted out dumsy instead of clumsy. Oh my gosh! She put her left hand on her face, covering her whole face. She shook her head twice and combed through her hair with her fingers. She walked over to her dorm and unlocked it with her key. She walked inside and pet Miali on the head.- Hello pretty kitty. -She smiled then closed the door. She pulled out some pieces of beef jerky and handed it to her new cat. Miali nibbled on the beef jerky and Rose laid down on her bed and sighed.-
Robin nudged Sage,"she was cute~" his eyebrows bounced as he teased.

"Im just messin with you" robin smiled.
(aww someone likes her ^-^ jk I'm just messin' with you! LOL ) -She sat at the park and drew a lake it reminded her of. She finished with a tap on her paper with the pencil and walked back to the school slowly, thinking: Gee, that guy is...well the nicest person I have met today... Besides Jay, Ray, and Nichole anyways. She laughed at her thought and then finally reached the Academy after 10 minutes. She pulled out her key from her pocket and walked to the elevator. Rose pushed the up button for the 2nd floor and waited patiently to reach the 2nd floor. She walked slowly back to her dorm and thought as she glanced over at the guys: Wow they are still over there? hmm.. oh well. Rose giggled a little loudly while looking at the guys and then turned the doorknob to her room. She entered the room and set Miali down on the bed, after shutting the door with her foot. She gives Miali cat food and then lays down on her bed, flipping through the pages on her drawing book.-

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