Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

(I have a character I want to introduce but I have class in a little bit and I can't make the whole bio thing right now. Can I just give you the basics now and make the rest later?)
(Thanks :) )

Name: Griffin Holmes

Age: 18

appearance: (Will be done later)

Personality: Griffin isn't very social, but when he does make a friend he's very loyal to them. Not to mention possessive and protective. He's also very protective of family and those who he used to talk to.

Bio: (Will be done later)
(I was too sick and i left schhool so now im home ): )
(Okay, so, here is Grififn's full bio.)

Name: Griffin Holmes

Age: 18

Weapon: Ruger LCR Revolver


Personality: Griffin isn't very social, but when he does make a friend he's very loyal to them. Not to mention possessive and protective. He's also very protective of family and those who he used to talk to. He can sometimes be friendly if he feels like it.

Bio: Griffin being the oldest of three was expected to be the first to attend Amia Academy. His mom wanted the best for him, and his younger siblings idolized him, but he only ever cared about one person in particular. He and Sage were inseparable. Then Alex died and the two started drifting further and further apart. Griffin is partially to blame for Sage's social awkwardness.
Griffin looked up at the school building and sighed before beginning to walk towards it, rolling his one suitcase behind him. He reached the office and stood in front of the desk for about a minute before getting annoyed and tapping on the desk with his knuckles. The lady behind the desk looked up and fixed her glasses. "Yes?" she asked. Her voice reminded Griffin of that weird slug lady from Monster's Inc. "I'm here to get my room number." he said, frowning. It should've been obvious since he was carrying around a suitcase. The lady stared at him for a moment before looking back to her computer screen. "Name?" she drawled. "Griffin Holmes." The lady's eyes scanned the screen and nodded. "Yes... Room 233. Second floor, hun." she replied, grabbing a key from one of the hooks behind her and handing it to him. "Wow... Third transfer in today..." he heard her mutter as he walked away. 
(I'm not sure.)
Griffin walked around the campus looking for the cafeteria after he went up to his room and left his stuff. He finally found the building and walked in, immediately regretting it. People... He sighed and walked to an empty table without buying something to eat or drink.
Griffin heard a feminine voice and looked up to see a girl standing by his table with a tray in her hands. He nodded and pushed out the chair across from him with his foot before sitting up straight. "Hi."
Griffin nodded, showing that he had heard her name. "Griffin." he said, slightly sliding down in his chair. He looked around the room, then back to Nichole. "Do you know you way around the campus? I could use a tour guide."
Nichole nodded as she finished her sushi. she liked it it tasted so fresh. she sipped her tea then ate her cake slice. she got a bit of frosting on her cheeks though.
Griffin smiled and shook his head. "It's not your fault the frosting wants to spend more time with you. I wouldn't mind it either." he said, his smile becoming a smirk.
-Rose walked into the cafeteria and sighed, she saw Nichole and waved. Her black, fluffy scene hair fell into her face and she brushed it out of the way. Then she got some food from the cafeteria. She found perfected and cooked spaghetti with tomato sauce. She smiled and picked it up and then got a drink of Lemonade and sat down (spaghetti --> ) at an empty table and waited for someone to be friendly and sit down with her. No one came. She sighed and slowly ate her spaghetti, every time she felt some sauce go on her face she would quickly wipe it off with a white napkin. She was kind of a perfectionist. She drank her lemonade after finishing her spaghetti slowly and sighed, just sitting there in boredom. She wanted to know how her new little kitty, Tama was doing. Last time she hid her new kitten in her room and gave it food to last the day and a kitty litter box. The cat loved her so the cat didn't cause any trouble in the room last time she checked. Rose smiled at the thought of her cat.- 
(lol Nichole already has a bf probably is the reason why x3)
(lol Nichole and Jay are dating and hes protective ^-^") Nichole said"im ok..."holding her hands to her side as she stood. she smiled some and once again here comes the random group of guys. Nichole's eyes widened and she said"s-stay back!"backing up from them. she suddenly felt breeze and heard a click. her face flushed crimson as she eeped holding her dress down.
(Ahhh. xD I see.)

Griffin frowned as he watched the scene unfold. He turned when he heard the click of a camera and glared at the guy who had taken the picture. "Delete it." he immediately growled. "Now."

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