Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Robin went to the dorm advisor office,"Umm excuse me? I just enrolled and need a room, not sure where to go." He shrugged and did a nervous chuckle.

A lady at the counter smiled,"Your name please?"

"oh! um, Robin Montegue..."

"oh here you are!" The lady checked his name off. She turned behind her and there was a wall of keys, she looked for a specific one and plucked it from the key holder,"Here you go, number 237. Its on the second floor hun.." she smiled and waved.

"Thanks." he smiled back. He turned out of the office and continued his way....
(oh *o*...LOVE EM!)

Robin went up into his room, there was a single tv, a couch and a bed in the room. He set his stuff down and sat on the couch leaving the door open...
name: Sage Whitlock

age: 17

gender: Male

weapon: Daggers that he hides up his sleeves, which are always long. (One hidden in each sleeve)


personality: Quiet, Laid back, Kind. He has a "Prince-ly" behavior, but can come off as odd to those who know him, which aren't very many people. He likes making new friends, but doesn't quite know how to. He isn't very nice to people who aren't nice to him. He has a secret love of all things pink.

bio: Sage has no parents, they died in a car crash. His legal guardian was his older brother Alex, but then Alex died of Cancer when Sage was 14.
(which reminds me...Hey yullen? can introduce a new character later on? I wanted to bring in Robin's little sister :3 shes gonna be from a different dad and her last name is gonna be Capulet xD ) 
(and yes i agree >////<)
(Woohoo. :D )

Sage yawned and stretched his arms as he walked down the hall, to his room. He passed by an open door and thought nothing of it until he was a few feet away from the room. 'There was someone in there...' he thought. 'Great opportunity to make a friend!' He smiled to himself before stepping back to the open door. He reached out and knocked on the wall but said nothing, curiously looking around the room. 
(I needed a blonde person. And I found one. Didn't think much of it when I chose him. xD )
Ray was just a ball of excitement she hasn't been on a motorcycle in a very long time ever since her farther became an absolute bum he had to sell the motorcycle for money Jay wasn't to happy about it either he was suppose to teach him how to ride it but he never did but that was in the past.
Nichole pulled up to the school and took off her helmet shaking her helmet hair. she sighed instead of it being jacked up like other people it was curly. some guys stopped what they were doing and stared mouths agape. (sure honey ^-^)
(thanks :D )

Robin got up from his couch and looked at the door,"Oh hello." he walked over,"Is room?" he asked incase the lady distributing the rooms was mistaken.
Sage blinked and felt a light blush growing on his cheeks. He quickly shook his head and opened his mouth, but failed to find words to say. He closed his mouth and let his head drop slightly so that his hair was covering his now red face.
"Did i say something?" Robin looked kind of concerned. He wasnt sure what to do about this situation, infact he didnt even know the problem. Robin put his hand to his chin.
soon there was a stampede of guys running to nichole. her eyes widened. she took off with the mob of boys behind her."I TOLD DAD I HATED DRESSES!!!" running like her life depended on it. then ran ,somehow she ran in wedges, faster.
Sage shook his head again and looked up. His blue eyes examined the stranger's face before he cleared his throat and held out his hand. "I'm Sage." he said softly, but confidently.
Robin kind of perked up again and kind of jumped at how Sage's attitude changed so abruptly! Robin took his hand,"Im Robin, Robin Montegue." Robin gave a small smile while shaking hands. "So Im assuming...youre new as well?" Robin added/asked.
Sage offered a smile in return, but took his hand back and stuffed it into his pocket. He nodded and looked down the hall to where his door was, right next door. "I'm right over there," he said, jerking his head in the direction of his own room. "I got here last week." He blew at some hair that hung in his eyes, but made no sign of moving it.

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