Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

"Ah i see..." Robin looked around awkwardly. He knew this was an awkward conversation but the looked nice and Robin liked friends. *beep beep* Robins phone pinged,"Hmm?" he looked down at it and read. He made a slight shocked expression,"Hey my sister is here!" he looked up at his new friend,"You can come along if you want, i gotta go pick her up from the front!" He said and made his way towards the door.
(windows young grasshopper the windows -nods- and this is why nichole hates dresses) nichole said"STAY AWAY YOU FREAKS!!!" "NICHOLE WE LOVE YOU!!!" Nichole said"CURSE YOU DAD!!!" Her father looked up from his tea. "huh? well my plan is working!" smiling. nichole ran into the building and panted leaning on the wall. BAM! "WAHHH!!" she was once again running for her life from the guys. "WHY WONT YOU GUYS DIE OR SOMETHING!" it was scarying the poor teen.
Sage blinked and stood there as Robin walked off. He shook his head and jogged to catch up, silently tagging behind his newly made friend. 'Finally! someone to talk to!' he couldn't help giddily thinking.
(This is Robin's sister :D )

name: Paige Capulet

age: 16

gender: female

weapon: AK47


personality: She the opposite of her brother. Shes outgoing, brave, and dominant. She used to be sweet but after the death of her mother and disappearence of her father she became a little more snooty and almost bratty. She takes a lot of risks and doesnt pay attention to opinions. Even though she acts tough her real self id deep down in there somewhere.

bio: Mother died and father disappeared. She was spoiled since the day she was born and shes in the same situation as her brother, their aunt takes care of them and what not.
Robin led his new friend to the front where Paige stepped out of the car. She lifted her sun glasses above her head, with her long blonde hair in a high ponytail. She smiled at Robin,"ROBIN!" she hugged him.

"Hey Paige!"

"SO happy to see you!" She pointed to her things,"Could you be a lovely big bro and carry my things?" she asked.

"Sure!" he grabbed her stuff.

Paige turned to Sage,"Oh hello there! You must be one of Robin's friends, Im Paige Capulet! We have different last names because we're from different dads."

Robin heard a commotion going on,"hmm?" he looked around and saw a girl in a dress, he sighed,"women...always getting into trouble..." he jogged over to her leaving Sage and Paige behind him.

He ran up to Nichole,"Hey there you are!" He pretended to recognize her. He grabbed her wrist and whispered in her ear,"just play along..." he said. "Ive been looking all over for you little sis! C'mere!" he started to pull her away from the crowd of guys. 
(lolz its just a facade :P )

Sage watched Robin run off, leaving him all alone with a... girl. He glanced back at Paige and stuffed his hands deeper into his pockets, shifting uncomfortably. He gave her a small nod to show her that he acknowledged her presence, but nothing more.
Paige looked at him,"hm?" she smiled,"No need to be so stiff~!" she giggled a bit.

"Dont worry! I dont bite~ Whats your name?" She asked straight out.
Paige made a pouty face and crossed her arms and said nothing else, all she did was turn her back to him. She was kind of hurt but didnt show it. She was good at that, good at hiding her more vulnerable emotions, she doesnt want to be portrayed as weak or childish. "Well then..." she mumbled. While facing away from him her face went from pouty to a little sad. She sighed, still not looking his way. 
(nsfhaugugh WHY IS HE SO GORGEOUS >:U xD )
Sage glanced at Paige an sighed, feeling slightly guilty. He reached out and Placed a single tap on her shoulder, smiling so that when she turned around, she'd see that he had nothing against her. It was just his personality.

('Cause I want him to be xD lol

Sorry if I'm a little slow, I'm using my phone right now. :( )
(oh its okay, when i do this on my ipod im slow too xD )

Paige turned around and looked up at him noticing his smile. She gave sort of a bashful smile back,"I told you i wouldnt bite~!" She looked around at the school a bit,"Are you new like my brother?" She looked at him adjusting and tightening her pony tail.
(I just now realized Sage and Paige rhyme xD )

Sage's smile faltered, but he managed to keep it small and polite. He shook his head in answer to Paige's question. "I got here last week. Your brother and I are neighbors... I'm Sage. Sage Whitlock." he said, analyzing each word before it was spoken. He did that a lot around girls. Analyzing. Thinking. It hurt his brain.
(*gasp* OoO...... xD LOLZ)

"Oh well its nice to meet you you have a nice name! My brother doesnt know it yet but im going to room with him!" She said with a grin. She stared at him for a moment,"Youre shy....arent you? ^w^" she sort of teased.

"Its okay if you are! Theres nothing wrong with that :D " she reassured.
( xD Lol)

Sage scowled at Paige's comment about being shy, but it was quickly replaced by a blank stare. "Not shy... Just... Quiet." he corrected, stuffing his hands into his pockets again. "That'll be interesting... Being neighbors with you, I mean." he added, frowning as he spoke. Neighbors with a girl. 'Yipee...' he thought unenthusiastically.
Judging by his facial expressions Paige knew he wasnt happy. She stood quiet and picked up some of her bags and walked away she knew her place, i mean coming fro a wealthy family she was taught to know her place, wether she was accepted or not, wether to talk or not, she knew. And Sages face put her in her place, so she just walked away knowing she was unwanted. She asked the atendant where Robins room was and madr her way up there
Sage stood, confused as always, before runnig after Paige. "Wait!" he called when he saw her nearing the room next to his. He caught up and leaned forward against his knees. "Man I have to go running sometime..." he mumbled. He stood up straight and looked at Paige, giving her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about... My behavior. I'm just notbused to talking to new people, especially not girls," Slight lie. "But, I'd love to be friends, if that's still an option." Another slight lie. Sage wasn't being completely honest. He did want to be friends with Paige, he just didn't know if he'd love to be friends with her. Talking to Robin, a boy, was one thing. Talking to Paige, a girl, was another.
Paige put up a gake smile,"dont worry. I wont be hurt i mean you cant be forced into something you dont want to do and enjoy it,so its fine. Its understandable, no worries!" She said before walking unto the room.

(Hey im kinda sick and not feeling well right now, gotta sleep D: night :3)
(D: Get better soon! Night. ^^)

Sage sighed and let his head hit the closed door to Paige's room. He stood like that for a moment before pushing himself upright and looking down the hall. "Well... Off to find adventure! And possible a new personality." he said to himself before heading down the hall an out of the building. He hummed "Somewhere I Belong" as he walked, tapping his thighs with his hands. 'Today was interesting enough.' he thought, looking up at the sun.
Nichole said"um ok.."looking at Robin. the guys ran for her again and her eyes darkened. "Hi...Ya!" roundhouse kicking four guys. some had nosebleeds."sweet she wears flower underwear...."
((Woops nvm this looked at the wrong post xD ))

Ray and Jay took the helmets off of their heads "That was fun." Ray said with a smile Jay then got up and pulled Nichole next to him and glared at the guys causing them to look away they then started to walk into the school.
Ray started to walk around the school lucky for her classes did not starts yet so she had alot of time to explore around the school more the truth is that she was actually quite happy that she had moved, sure she missed her old friends and all but at least she got out of that crazy house filled with chaos Ray then sat on a bench that was near the cafeteria she was tired so she took a nap on the bench.

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