Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Jay wasn't that much of a hugger especially group hugs "Uhh im fin-." before Jay could finish his sentence Ray had pushed him into the hug and she also joined, even though Jay wasn't a hugger Ray sure was.
they smiled and they soon let go. "now nichole whats this i hear you got a boyfriend?" nichole blushed deeply twiddling her fingers. her dad said"excuse me jay was it? how long has this relationship been going on?" nichole's blush deepened.
"Ehhhh a couple of days." Jay said scratching his head nervously he wasn't really good with meeting the parents type of thing and Ray knows that also thats why she started to giggle a little bit.
nichole's mom pushed nichole and jay together. "smile!" taking a picture. nichole's dad smiled and said"now son let me warn you what will happen if you break my daughters heart...."glaring a little. "you will never be found..." nichole said"mama dad stop embarrassing me!"blushing. she quickly covered her fathers mouth."no you are not using acid dad! you used that on your last target and no killing my boyfriend!"he pouted. "awww cmon!" he put her in a playful headlock."ok but im holding you to your part of this deal!" nichole laughed and said"what deal?"blinking."i dont kill jay BUT you have to wear this outfit all day today!"smirking holding up a dress. he knew she had a tomboy streak."no not the dress!" 
(sure you can honey ^-^)
(*gasp* :D !! yay! *glomps* okie okie lemme make teh skelly n stuffs OoO whats the chara limit :o )
Jay sighed with relief knowing that he wasn't going to be killed he then noticed that her dad was holding up a dress telling Nichole that she had to wear it Ray then went behinds Jay's back and whispered into his ear "You want to see her in it dont you." Jay then blushed a bit and pushed Ray away from him "Shut up!"
name: Robin Montegue (anyone get it :3)

age: 17

gender: male

weapon: skilled in boxing but carries a sniper rifle with him, slinged to his back.

appearance: he has blue eyes btw :P

personality: Hes a sweet guy. He thinks about others before himself, even though he can be a total gentleman...hes still a guy...and you know guys, all about the girls. He isnt one to be sarcastic but he can be at times.

bio: He lived a normal life until his mother died. He was quiet since and his father became an alcoholic. He became dissapointed in his father and ran away, but his rich aunt sent him to the school and takes care of him from a far by sending things he needs, her home is his. Hes been through a lot and because of that hes understanding towards people.
Nichole's chased her around and tackled her there was a dust cloud. "no i hate dresses!No!" the cloud cleared and there stood Nichole in a cute spring dress with pink flowers the background of the dress was white. the good thing was there were straps. she pouted and her dad smirked."and these!"holding up a bracelet and white wedges. she groaned putting them on. "now dont you look adorable!" 
(accepted honey and Montegue as in one of the families in Romeo and Juliet!)
(YAY! you got it xD i couldnt think of anything else xD and we were watching it in class today :P )
(whoaaaa OoO thats...pretty awesome!!! i wish we did that xO)

Robin sat in his car watching the trees roll by as they got closer to the school. "Youll do great! This is one of the best local school around! Im sure youll make it alive" His aunt in the driver's seat smiled at him. Robin sighed,"Yeah...."

"Look.....i know the situation about your father, but he needs time to sort these things out, so dont worry."

"Okay...." he said.

The car pulled up to the school and stopped. The passanger door opened and Robin stepped out looking at the school.
Ray tackled Nichole "Oh my gosh you look so cute like little doll!" Ray says as she starts cuddle Nichole Ray then looks at Jay who's face was a bit red "Aww Jay." Jay looks at "Ray "Ohh shut up!" he then looks at Nichole then away "Well you look cute." Jay said with a smile.
(is this a boarding school? just to clarify OwO)

"Amia Academy huh?...Lets see if this school can change my life..." He said in hopes of forgetting his current situation.

"You'll do great! Dont forget your sister will be coming too, so try to make some friends so you and her wont be awkward with each other." His aunt sort of giggled.
(kay thanks :D then ill just...type thissss...."

Robin went to the back seat, he grabbed a back pack and put it on. There were a few bags in there as well, along with the back pack he slipped the handles of a duffle bag through his left arm and a wierd looking, long, thin bag on his right one. He picked up two other duffle bags in his left hand and a suit case with his left.He closed the door with his foot.

"Ill be sending you money and other things you need, kay?" she said through the passanger window.

Robin nodded quietly.

His aunt rolled up the window and took off in her shiny/expensive car.

Robin strolled in, ignoring the weight of his luggage....
Ray then gets up offof the ground and dusts herself off "So are you going to school like that?" Ray said looking at Nichole "Im not complaining." Jay says with a smie Ray rolls her eyes "Of course your not because that just how your boy mind works." she says giving Jay a look, Jay just stuck out his tongue at Ray.
the headmaster wondered where rose, jay, ray, and Nichole were. Nichole said" looks like i have too...." her dad added"also you have to see a horror film!" smirking he was soo settling the mood. Nichole said"no no and NO!" her dad said"huh is that the sound of the deal breaking?" He held s gun. Nichole said"ok i'll see a horror film!" she hated horror films!
"Well we will be going." Ray said as she grabbed Nicholes and Jays hand she felt like Nichole didn't wantto talk about horror movies which Jay actually happened to love when they were out of the building Ray looked around "Ok so how do we get back to the school?" Ray and Jay were still new to this town so they dont exactly know how to get back.
]Nichole shrugged putting on a motorcycle helmet. she climbed onto her dads bike and reved it up."need a lift?"tossing Jay a helmet and ray as well. her parents were driving the car home anyway.
"Oh hecks yes!" Ray sayed as she sat behind Nichole she then patted the seat behind her "Come on hurry up." she said rushing Jay sighed ten got on the back of the bike.

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