Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

nichole reached into haou's memories and said"haou its ok please let it go..," he said"you know nothing!" "please i understand your parents didnt give up on you they didnt you gave up! ACK!" "SHUT UP!" light started to show through haou. he soon disappeared into THE LIGHT.
-Rose watched this happen and stared at Nichole with worry.- Nichole???? -The ghost went into THE LIGHT and Rose jumped back nervously and walked toward Nichole.-
nichole disappeared and stirred in real life. her father held her hand."nichole?!" she opened her eyes weakly."dad?" she was back in her body and the lord was safely sending rose back to hers aswell.
huh?? what just happened??? -She was confused but not as scared anymore, although her scares stayed. She went to a bathroom and cleaned off the blood and covers the wounds with gaws.-
(sorry I'm horrible at spelling x3) -She came out with guazes on her arms and wrists. She walked over to Nichole and smiled and finally fixes her hair for once without something bad happening to her. She hugged Nichole then walked over to the lake.-
-a fury black cat came up to her and purred as it laid next to her, Rose pet the random but loving cat and it purred even more. When she got up and walked over to Nichole it follow, while purring it looked up at Nichole and Rose and meowed softly.- awww -She picked up the cat and it purred and nudged its head against her and Rose softly petted its soft and small head as it purred.- I think I'll call you..... Miali, because of your fire looking orange eyes you cute little kitty. -The cat purred and Rose put the cat down carefully, it stayed right next to Rose's left leg and purred. Rose giggled and gave it a piece of beef jerky that she had in her pocket.-
-the cat, Miali backed up a little and meowed at the dog, Spirit, and she hissed a little since she was scared of the dog (I'm more of a cat person ^-^ :tongue:). Rose picked up Miali and petted her soft little black fury head once more and held Miali in her arms.
-Rose walked over to a bench with Miali curled up in her arms and lied Miali down on the ground as she laid down on the bench and sleep peacefully. Miali jumped onto Rose and laid next to Rose and fell asleep slowly. Miali purred while she slept.-
-Rose woke up at least a half an hour later to the sound of the soft breeze and the small waves in the lake. She smiled and sat up, leaving her new cat Miali asleep so she wouldn't upset her cat.-
"Sure he is he has been through worse." Ray says joyfully, trying to lighten the mood Jay was laying on Rays lap still unconscious but at this point Ray just thinks the he is sleeping or something.
Ray sighed "So this has been interesting." Ray said looking at Nichole with a smile it has been an interesting time in her life, they were attacked by numerous ghosts which was actually quite fun even though she got slammed into a cabinet and her brother was possessed by one.
Ray raised her eyebrow with a questioning look she then shrugged "Ok...?" she said looking at Nichole as she smiled.
Jay groans and starts to get up "It feels like you already did that." Jay says a bit in pain, he doesn't remember anything but he feels like he has been beaten up, Ray laughs "Yeah... we will talk about that later." she says with a smile.
nichole blushed and said"sorry..."kissing his cheek. "hm?" she looked out the window and smiled some. she held her necklace and ran to her mom hugging her. "are you ok mama?" she nodded hugging her daughter"im fine sweetie...i saw what you did that took alot of courage..i knew you could do it..."smiling. nichole smiled brightly and her dad hugged her also. "cmon you guys too.."holding open his arm to ray and jay. he wanted them to join in the hug too.

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