Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

Nichole's heart rate was skyrocketing! they quickly gave her a shot to calm her down. no one saw the burns or cuts on her. the pup whimpered nudging her.
When Jay and Ray arrived at the hospital they ran to the front desk "Which room has a girl named Nichole in it!" Ray yelled when they lady pointed to the room they quickly ran to it they then barged open the door "Nichole!" Ray shouted.
Nichole's head was lopped to the side. the burns and cuts were now visible to those who have seen ghosts. shee was whimpering. "j-jay make it stop...ray anyone p-please...hic.."tears were going down her face.
"Nichole!" Ray and Jay quickly ran to her bed, Ray held her close "What happened who did this." Ray said trying to sound calm to comfort her.
Nichole screamed some. the background changed from the hospital to a room splattered in blood and was on fire. in the bed the one Nichole was in laid a boy his eyes were glossy he was dead. next to him was a ghost he looked angry.
Ray jumped back a bit still holding Nichole "What the hell?!" Jay said a little confused and shocked.
the ghost looked over and saw Nichole. a smirk appeared on his face.her floated over and touched her face. "aww are you scared?" a frown appeared. "YOU SHOULD BE!"
-she ran to Nichole and stared at the ghost- Don't Touch HER!! -she hissed at the ghost, now she was pissed off and not at all scared- The Lord watches over her!! you will NOT touch her!!
-She looked at the ghost with anger, not even scared anymore as she stares it right into its soulless eyes- Do not bother her!! don't touch her!! don't even come near her!! -she held Nichole's arm as she talked with her eyes directly on the ghost, Haou, with her light blue eyes.-
-Brian appeared from black feathers behind Rose- Brain: awww is she causing trouble? I'll take care of that! -Brian (the ghost) covers Rose's mouth then pulls her back. He pressed his transparent hands against her mouth. Rose tried to talk but couldn't. Brian smirked- There we go!! Oh yeah.... Remember Rose, we have not finished yet! -He smirked and let out creepy laughs as he made a screeching sound that sounded like nails on a chalk board. He smirked and then whispered in Rose's ear, a piercing sound she winced and then her eyes widened and she tried to wrench free from his ghostly hands but couldn't- Brian: Man, I thought you would have learned Rose, tisk tisk -Brian, the ghost, grasps even more tightly and cuts her arm and Rose stops trying and sheds tears and looks at Nichole with sadness and thought: I'm sorry Nichole.... I Tried.. Brian smirked- Brian: good girl -he kept the painful sounds humming in Rose's ears-
haou said"thanks lets see what will happen if i posses your boyfriend ne?" nichole said"no dont you dare hurt jay!" haou cackled and entered his body.
-Rose watched and she tried to cry out but couldn't- -Brian smirked and kept letting the noises get louder and louder in Rose's ears as he creepily laughed- Brian: Now this will be a show! -Brian looks over at a chair and pulls it over with his powers and sets it on top of Clioe, trapping her under it and he sits down. Even though he didn't need too. Rose let tears fall from her face- NOO!!! -Brian slapped Rose's face really hard with his forceful powers and smirked.- Brian: i love the sound of pain -he laughed creepily-
((Noo my baby TT^TT xD ))

Ray stared as the ghost had went inside her big brother "J-Jay!?" she then backed away from him.
(im sorry >.<) haou smirked"im not lets see what i can do now..."smirking cruelly at the trembling nichole. SMACK! Nichole's head clicked to the right from the slap. she had tears in her eyes as she held her cheek. haou said"that felt for your pain by your boyfriend's hands ne?" he grabbed her by her throat and she struggled to breathe.
-Brian claps with his lifeless hands- Brian: there we go! now the action begins! Am I right Haou? -Brian smirked then looked over to see a rope. He smirks and puts his hand up to his body-less face- Brian: hmm... -Brian cackles and brings the rope over and tightly wrapps it around Rose and moved the chair as he tightly wrapped it around her and the ropes gave her instant rope burns. She winced and shed tears still, She looked over at Nichole.- I'm so sorry Nichole... I Tried.. -Rose drops her head and cries. Brian looks over at her and touches her with his hand, which sent cold straight through her.Brian evilly smirks at her.- Brian: aww someone is sad.... good I love that! More entertainment! -He cackled.-
haou said"i agree my friend..." nichole tried to pry his hands off from her throat. her ears were ringing. she then kicked him hard in the balls. haou said"OW MOTHERF*CKER!" he let go then said"oh your sooo gonna get worse for that!" he grabbed nichole by her hair and she screamed as he tossed her at the wall. the iv was painfully ripped from her vein. she slid down the wall holding her arm. the puppy named, spirit, bit haou's/jay's arm. haou said"get off mutt!" shaking him off. nichole caught the pup and held him shaking.
-Rose screamed- NOO NICHOLE!!! -She cried as she saw this happen.- STOPP!! LEAVE HER BE!! -Rose cried out all of this after she saw all of this, she shook to the bone as she was tied up with rope burns around her hands and legs.- -Brian angered and slapped her across the face and traced a knife down her arm so that she would bleed. Rose screamed and Brian cackled.- Brian: where is your hero now Nichole? Rose? hmm? -He laughed evilly.-
"Hey dont use my brothers body for that!" she then jumps on Jays/Haous back and covers his eyes making him unable to see she then starts to hit him in the face and repeats to herself "Im sorry Jay, im sorry Jay."

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