Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

(alrighty yullen!) -She was laid on a stretch bed and taken to the hospital. They took out the bullet and cleaned her wounds before they stitched up her wounds on her arm and right leg-
-They let her rest for a while then asked her small questions before letting her rest again. Small questions like, "When did this start?" or, "Why did this happen." or even sometimes, "Who was involved in this other then your friend, and her mother and father?" All she knew was, well, nothing about it. So to every question they asked she nodded her head no and then rested.-
-The doctors left, shutting the door. When they shut the door there was a poof of black feathers fluttering down in smoke and there was those fog like soulless eyes and light grey figure. He smirked at her.- " I see you have done some of the game yourself! Ha! No one plays without Brian! -he exits with a poof of black feathers and then the door opens and the doctors come back into the room to see not even a trace of feathers, just Rose with her eyes wide as she laid down in her cloud white hospital bed, they asked if she was okay and she looks at them and nods yes.-
nichole looked around and said"dad hows mom?" "shes gonna be fine sweetie how are you?" nichole said"im ok..."her father said"here..." handing her a small brown and black puppy. nichole gasped it was a german sheperd her favorite dog!!
-The doctors let her call her mom and dad who where in Vermont- Hi mom! How are you doing? oh that's good... Oh I'm doing fine thank you for asking! -Rose decides not to tell her what happened- So what's going on in Vermont are you and dad having a good time over there? Oh I know I miss you too Mom. Oh sure, Okay I'll wait -she waits for a minute- hi dad! How are you? Thank you I 'm good too! How's your job dad? They promoted you?! Oh that's spectacular! Oh you have to go? Aww, I love you dad. Tell mom I said that I love her. Okay, bye dad! -waits for him to hang up and lies down to rest again and this time she slept-
nichole hugged the pup and he licked her cheek. her father said"i have to go i'll see you in the norning sweetie."kissing her forehead. he went to her mothers room and stayed there. nichole hugged the pup in her sleep but she whimpered flashbacks in her head. she was scared there was fire, people running, blood.
-She slept and had a dream with a long field of flowers, as beautiful as a whole forest of grass and flowers. Then after that the flowers slowly started to creepily laugh in a boy's voice and wither away into ash, small fires crackled in small parts of the field ad she woke up with wide eyes and then figures out that it was a dream. She stays awake, afraid of what she might dream of next.-
-She moved her arms and legs a little, knowing she could move she sneaked out of her hospital room and over to the sound of Nichole's voice, the hospital room next to hers to see her crying and a ghost standing right next to her. Rose gasped at the sight of the ghost and backed up a little- Nichole!
(( Missed so much))

Ray sat with Jay on his bed she then looked at Jay "Where is Nichole and Rose?" she said raising an eyebrow at her big brother Jay looked at Ray through the corners of his eyes "They are probably at the mall or something." he then went back to his phone Ray then pouted "They didn't invite me." "Because you are weird." Jay commented
-Rose stood her ground and stared at the ghost with a blank expression- I will not leave her to be tortured by you! -she stared at the ghost and prayed in her head. Lord, please make me strong, amen. Then she pulled out her dagger for protection and stood her ground, looking at Nichole then back at the ghost with a blank and serious expression, she pretended that she wasn't afraid... but she was just pretending. She kept in her fear and bit her lip a little bit, trying to fight back her fear.-
-Rose hit the wall with her back almost crashing into a chair. Her dagger slid across the floor and into the hall- Crap! -She pulled out her pocket portable bible and started to read- The lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters.
Ray sighed then stood up "Im going to see if there back yet." she then left out Jays dorm and headed for Nicholes when she opened the door no one was there "What?" she then shut the door and got out her cellphone she then called Nichole as she started to walk back to Jays dorm.
nichole's phone buzzed. the doctors rushed inside. nichole had burns on her arms and legs. her phone answered itself and her screams came through the phone. the ghost smirked his pain was her pain now.
Ray quickly backed her ear away from the phone when she heard screaming and footsteps "Nichole!? whats wrong where are you?!" Jay was right next to Ray also listening to the phone.
Nichole screamed"JAY PLEASE HELP! HIC IT HURTS IM AT THE HOSPITAL AHHHHH!!!!!!" the line went dead. the ghost said"well sweet cheeks looks like i found my new toy..."smirking. "names haou...and you will be mine Nichole....."disappearing.
Ray and Jay quickly got up and ran out of the school "Where's the closes hospital?!" Jay said to Ray "I dont know we just moved here!" she said in a panic they then called a cab and went in "Drive to the hospital now!" Ray said then the cab driver started to drive quickly.

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