Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

haou shook ray off and glared. nichole got picked up by her hair and slammed into the wall her head hitting harder everytime. "DADDY!!!!" her father tried to bust the door down but haou had locked it so no one could get in and no one could get out! he said"ah the wonderful sound of your screams may i hear more?"smirking. he then threw her at the heart monitor and she felt pain in her back. he said"hmm not good enough..." he saw the automated heart difibulator and smirked bringing it to her. nichole shook her head no."no please!" he said"too late bitch...clear..."placing it to her chest. nichole screamed her lungs out as the charge went through her body. 
(bye rose!)
Ray was slammed into a cabinet it was painful but she has been through worse she then fell to the ground and saw that she was being shocked with a heart difibulator "Nichole!" she slowly got up to her feet and protected her "Stop hurting her!" she said furiously.
haou said"outta the way shortie!"pushing her aside. nichole was out cold but her body was twitching and Spirit charged at haou and thought:no one hurts her! im sorry for the one possessed... biting him in the crotch. haou's voice went to a high pitch."OW YOU STUPID MUTT!!!" trying to pull him off. spirit let go then used his collar placing it to haou's head. engraved on the collar was the lord's prayer. haou screamed and was thrown from jay's body which went limp. Spirit ran over to nichole worried.
"Jay!" Ray ran over to ay who was out cold she then held him close "He's going to kill me when he finds out that I punched him in the faceso many times. Ray then goes next to Nichole and the dog with Jay still inher arms "Nichole are you ok!?" she said worried hoping she would reply.
nichole was still twitching from the shock. spirit whimpered and nuzzled her. he licked her face trying to wake her. haou said"heh that was smart...shes nit waking up anytime soon...shes still alive but shes not gonna wake up tata...."disappearing. nichole's father busted in and said"nichole!"
"What do you mean she's not going to wake up!" but it was to late he was already gone then a mam busts through the door saying Nichole.
nichole's father held her close. he was worried. he shook her"cmon sweetie wake up..."gently tapping her cheek. her head just lopped to the side. he felt her pulse and saw it was there but it was going too fast!
-Brian was only seen by Nichole, Jay, Ray, and Rose. Only only heard by them too.- Brian: oh what a shame... looks like your friend has a very serious problem hasn't she? -he laughs creepily then looks at Rose as she struggled to break loose but couldn't.Brian smirked then evilly cackled at Rose. He touched her defenseless face all wet with tears and made a cold zap go through her.- Brian: oh yeah, I almost forgot... Rose we have business to take care of... actually.. a game! and I think I'll invite some friends too! -He referred to Haou as he clutched her face with his supernatural and soulless hands. He soon disappeared of with black feathers falling in a swarm, but, he brought Rose with him this time.....-
(so is haou going to come or.. no? just a question I mean he doesn't have to if you don't want to do that in the rp.) -Brian threw Rose at the wall of where they reappeared to. Rose had no idea where she was. Brian laughed creepily to her confusion and pain.- Brian: you see Rose? You cannot win this time! I only leave to become stronger foolish girl! You think you can destroy me?? HA! -He grabbed Rose by the neck and held her up, choking her for at least 30 seconds then throws her against the wall again. He pulled out a knife next to him and cut her slowly on the wrist making 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 marks then he tightened the rope that was constricting her and kept cutting her wrist. She cried in pain as this happened and the rope burns became more visual.-
(no sorry rose he has some grudge against Nichole) Nichole looked up in her subconscious. haou smirked he could do anything he wanted to her. he grabbed her and threw her against the wall and she felt a crack.
(alright, just asking) -Rose cried and curled up.- CUT IT OUT!!!!! STOP DOING THIS TO ME -She cried in a horse voice as she tried to yell at the top of her lungs. Brian just smirked and came closer to her, tightly gripping her wrist and pulled her closer. She tried to rip away but he made a iron wall chain appear on the wall, tightens the ropes and then latches the chains to her legs and hands tightly and showed a key in his hand, and quickly burns it. Rose cries, she knew there was no way out of this. She didn't know where she was and didn't know if anyone could hear her. The chains moved by themselves closer to the wall, not abeling her to move from one spot except staying hung on the wall like a coat on a coat rack. Brian flew closer, he was face to face, nose to nose close as he grabs her hand and grips tightly onto it as he leaned his face over and whispered in her ear. He put a cloth in her mouth when he whispered in her ear.- "I cannot cut it out, it will only grow back!" -He creepily laughed and threw her hand against the metal wall.- "Oh and don't worry... after a while you'll start to love this game.. it's almost like monopoly... except it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and well.... you get the idea! And when you land in the jail house... there is so escaping!" -He cackled.- 
-the ghost untied the ropes but Rose stayed strung up on the iron chains and wall, still unable to move. She cried and drooped her head. Brian smirked.- "Ah I love that sound... makes me think of music!" -He flew up to her again and slowly clawed her face as he whispered in her ear.- "Now..... keep singing that beautiful song of yours!" -He cackled as Rose cried.- "There we go! What beautiful noise!" -Brian smirked and floated in front of her, watching her as she cried.-
Haou smirked and said"was that your leg? my bad..."picking her up. he then flew over to a river and dunked her head in. Nichole covered her nose and mouth but haou uncovered them.he dunked her under multiple times.
-Brian came closer- "How about we see how Haou is doing hmm doll?" -He grabs her, puts on handcuffs and makes her and himself disappear and reappear near the river, watching Haou dunking Nichole into the river. Brian chained her to the tree tightly and squeezed the cuffs tightly on her wrists and he grabbed her hands, clutched them tightly then threw her hands against the oak tree and the tree made a Bang noise, he cackled as he floated next to Rose and recovered her mouth with a cloth and tightly tied in on her mouth so she couldn't speak or scream or even cry out, not even one little word could she speak.- "Say a word and I'll cut you on the wrists, make you bleed and make the cuffs tighter, even though they are tight, but they look a little loose!" -He smirked then his soulless eyes stared into her and she felt a chill as he stared at her then over at Haou and smirked as he whispered to Rose.- "Make sure when your friend is gone you won't say a word!" -He cackled and then kept watching Haou dunk Nichole in the river...-
Nichole was then tossed against a boulder. "AHHH!!!" Haou said"so beautiful!"he bent her and she let out loud screams of pain before there was a sickening snap. Nichole went limp and haou cackled dropping her. she hit the ground with a thud not moving.
-The cloth dropped from her mouth, she didn't care if the ghost was going to cut her or do anything else to her. All she cared about right now, was Nichole.- NICHOLE!! -Brian looked over at her and grew angered.- "I know you heard what I said!" -He tightens the cuffs and feircly cuts her wrists.- "i told you i would!" -Brian cackled and then looked over to see Nichole in pain and thought it was funny so he clapped.- "Beautiful job Haou! Ha! -He smirked at Rose who was crying and smacked her randomly.- "There, now this is a beautiful entertainment! watching Rose and Nichole suffer! Best show in the world! -He creepily laughed and then smirks at haou.- "To bad her boyfriend is missing out..."
-Rose looked at Nichole with hope in her eyes and tried to struggle out of the handcuffs, she tried to wrench free from the cold metal that was around her hands. Her light blue eyes stopped shedding tears as she stood up and looked down at her mother's locket and smiled then she was thrown to the ground by Brian's force. "Stay down you weakling!" -brian smirked But Rose kept getting up only to be thrown down, she finally got up and started yelling at the ghost.- I will not be pushed down and beaten! The Lord is my shield and my strength and I will not fall to your evil dues! -Brian smirked and then tisked 3 times.- Poor confused girl.. -He threw her and she yanked at the chains trying to rip them from the tree. Brian grasped her hand and squeezed tightly and did not let go. Rose screamed from his nails digging into her skin. Brian smirked then looked over at Haou and then back at Rose, laughing creepily at her pain.- "You see? Why will you keep fighting you naive and pathetic little girl? You see I have won! You cannot win this! So back down or you will next loose your life! Or even.... your freedom of fighting! -Brian entered her body for a minute then came back out to let Rose know what he meant. When he did so he choked her from the inside for that minute, and when he came out she was gasping for air.- "Now you see what I mean you naive and foolish pathetic girl??
nichole said"GET AWAY FROM HER!" holding up her cross. a bright golden light surrounded brian and haou."I BANISH THEE IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!"
-Brian was burned and he flew up in the sky and entered the gates of hell. Rose's chains disappeared and she ran to Nichole and hugged her tightly while crying.-
nichole winced and smiled weakly. but haou was still there! "i told you you cant banish me!"smirking. he picked up nichole and she struggled.
-She went over to Nichole and said the lord's prayer. Then she grabbed Nichole and didn't let go.- I will not let her be tortured by your demonic hand!
-Rose stared at Nichole then back at Haou then back at Nichole.- Nichole!!! I know you are strong!!! You can win this fight no matter what!! You can do it!!! This ghost cannot harm your courage and faith!! -She looked at Nichole with her pleading light blue eyes. She threw and stick and Haou and kept trying to throw things at the ghost to make him distracted and mad.-

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