Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Thanks, 14. :3 Though I can probably read back if I have to. It's only for a couple days or so.
Im at work on a lunch break or I would post, but 14, you do realise what marcus did to Eth right? Eth was hoping vor nothing and gained more then he clould imagine he would tackle the world for him
I am not sure I really registered how much Marcus was giving to him, Marcus is pretty flamboyant and can at times be a bit loose with his money.
Name: Skylara Anaidan

Gender: Female

Age: 100

Species: Vampire

History/Personality: (This may be pretty for the serfs but just describe the kind of Plantation they came from. In terms of Vamps what is their life and family like): Her family is very rich, they can be kind of snotty, but Sky is very shy. she doesnt talk much and usually squeaks when spoken to. she secretly trained with a friend to learn the Chakrams.

Appearance: she has firey red hair, with bright green eyes.

Other: I am new to RP nation, so if people would help when needed, that'd be great

Name: Victor

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Species: Serf

History/Personality: (This may be pretty for the serfs but just describe the kind of Plantation they came from. In terms of Vamps what is their life and family like): it was a rocky prison, with no color. aproxamatly 120 serfs were in his plantation, he just does what he is told, although he sometimes argues. when he isn't ralking to vampires, he can be kind of hot headed.

Appearance: he has dark blue eyes, and black hair


(Sorry, i am having major writers block...))

Skylar welcome to the world of Rpnation, as of right now it looks as if we only have one serf available for your Vampire and that is Lilly's serf Whisper. However before you are accepted please put a bit more detail into your form and your Vamp. must be 100. Thank you so much for looking into my Rp and once again WELCOME!!!!
Not much really, but Eth see's a mountain from a grain of sand, give him ten buck and in a week he will turn it into a thousand. If it were earlier I'd make a post but my curfew is twelve v.v
If KaitWink has really abandoned the roleplay, then I can have my character Kew take on SkyLaraKitty's serf....

I need to ask KaitWink though... :C
You changed your name O.o I was so confused for a moment. Lilly you do not have to play Whisper if you do not wish to we can figure something out. And once we discover if Kaitwink is leaving us or not :( we can make further decisions.
How would you guys feel if I wrote a book loosely based (or heavily based) off of this roleplay? I've always been wanting to write a book, and I think this would be a good start for me. Plus people will eat up the mushy vampire romance crap, so it MIGHT be a decent seller. =P

However, for novel reasons, I would take stuff away and add stuff. I wouldn't be able to add everyone's characters, though. And I would dedicate the novel to you guys and give you all a percentage of the money I make. 14hca14 would get the majority of the percentage since this IS her roleplay. I would go over various things with you guys, stuff you do and don't like and such.

So please please please let me know what you guys think. Everyone would benefit from it.

But for now, I need to work on my Legend of Zelda fanfiction. >.>

To the triforcemobile! Awaaaaaaaaaaay!
I am perfectly fine with you creating/writing a book based on this rp but I would not need any of the profit if it took off.
Thank you so much!!! *huggles super tight*

And dude, I WANT to give you something! Plus with legal issues, I have to anyway. x D
Wouldn't it just be easier for legal rights and all involved if you took the concept and made it your own with original characters and plots that you created?
It's more fun to base most of it off of this roleplay. Plus I have two other original story ideas, but I want to start off with this for my first novel, but if you guys don't feel comfortable, I can drop the idea. It's not a big deal.
I don't mind if you use Xander I guess. But if it's no to Adam then i have to deny Lynix and Vinnie only because of the connection.
Like I said, it's no big deal. Plus I wasn't going to plan for it to be word for word. And even if I did take Adam out (which I wasn't planning to) I'd still make a connection with Lynix or Vinnie since, like I said, it's going to be based off of the roleplay, but like that of a movie adaptation to a book.
So confused lol. As long as I get credited for such and the characters stay true. Of course this means if you ever actually plan to publish you have to hunt me down right before you do so and get my real name. xD
It was a stupid idea anyway. Plus AlwaysChaos is right, it's better to just make a book made completely from my own characters.

I suppose I didn't make myself clear... They wouldn't directly be the characters as you know them. Their roles in the roleplay would be based off of the familiar, but because of this, the concept and such, I would still owe you legal fees.

I guess I really suck at explaining myself.

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