Ambrose A Vampire Signups

If you publish the book you can just donate my portion of the legal profits to a dog rescue or something. My parents probably would not be crazy about this plotline that I came up with, its a bit pg-13 and they think my rping is strictly G.
My parents are like that, too, even though I'm going to be 18 in about two months. x D

Plus it's not really PG-13, more like PG. Or maybe like Rated E-10+
Yeah, your right it is less pg-13 and more dark. I am fifteen and outside of my writing they are fine but when I do write they expect it to be cheery... even though my mom writes and it is not all rainbows and butterflies
Well, if we bring in the werewolves or something, it could easily become rated R for gore. x D

I can't really say my parents are bible-thumpers, because they're not like that, but they still want me to roleplay modestly, despite the fact my little sister (Fire-of-Hearts) Roleplays sexually! I'm surprised the mods haven't gotten on her case! Cuz I sure have, but she doesn't listen to me. - _ -

My apologies for the small rant...
[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] [MENTION=1978]KiokuLovesCheesecake[/MENTION]

OMG guys I'm sorry I've been gone so long. I'd love to start posting again, if I have not been kicked out T_T
D: you guys make me feel old >_> I'm 20 lol.

[MENTION=2815]Particle Blade[/MENTION] thanks :3 I hope that's the case. I'd still like to be in this RP if I haven't fallen too terribly behind
Oh, it's fine Xina.

Really sorry, Chaos. D: Timothy ran away from my mind and is refusing to work with me right now. > A < Hopefully I'll get my creativeness back soon.
Tyra... if it's too difficult we can always get rid of them. I notice you've been having problems with Timothy/Amber for awhile now, and honestly if you don't want to play him anymore it's okay. Forced rping isn't fun, so if you don't have the heart for it just let me know.
Grr, I really do like roleplaying Timothy, he's just being such a jerk right now. :/ I'm sorry. Maybe we should just drop them for a little bit and let me go over Timothy's character and such, thinking of possible plot ideas, then pick up later.
*grins* I may have a solution of course 14 has final say.

Xander needs a male serf to . . . somewhat babysit Jennifer? Since he has no clue how to handle her and things are starting to get awkward. It wouldn't be a bonded thing. It would be more of a pick up you look after and take care of her and keep her out of my way at least this many hours a day while I work thing.
[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] [MENTION=1978]KiokuLovesCheesecake[/MENTION]

Ok, I'm going to try to pick back up and start posting again. Where are we for Iliana/Bret and Kew/Lily 's parts? In other words what all did I miss and where should I pick up?
I like it Lilly, [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION]@ Bret is just chilling at the ball waiting for Illiana to leave and take him with her. I am sorry I have not been on there has been another death in the family but I should be on more often.

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