Ambrose A Vampire Signups

No it's okay. He walked off after talking to Reverie so I was wondering what to do next. Have Reverie go to him or skip to the next day.
See see Lynix isn't that bad. xD Just don't tell him that. >.> <.<

*has to wait for 14 and chaos for the other rp and such*
Lulz. What a sweet moment, in a weird and disturbing way. x D

Anyway, so that means you won't be posting with Lynix anymore until the two of them are online again, right? Cuz if that's the case, then I'll be going to bed now. x D
Omg guys I've missed so much *n* Power outages, I got Married, and just been so busy. Im debating whether I should catch up (If I even can) or drop this ):


Eth Tenshi






Blood Angel


Eth was born with only humanistic traits, after ten years of living a life of running from the plantation he stumbled into a ritual that could only be held once a millennium and was chosen as the next and only "Blood Doll". Rejecting the notion and title he began calling himself the Blood Angel, a gift instead of a slave, he walked his own path never to return to his parents whom are long dead. Due mostly to his short burst of uncontrollable power, where any being that got near to him either turned to liquid or burst into flames. Its was a decade before he got close to any living thing learning that his powers were like and yet unlike a vampires. Now he wishes to find out if being a serf is as bad as he imagined, after having many adventures as the "Vampire" Eth Tenshi he now returns to the human plantations as Boyd. His abilities include being able to sustain off of his own blood and produce more, mind reading that only effects humans and their masters in turn, when blood is given willingly, his own type of entry myth, regeneration, and 'complete' control of his blood. The down side is how much strain it puts on his mind, and is always growing and being damaged, also when his emotions run awry he looses 'complete' control of his blood it seeming to have a mind of its own. {{Think Psyren anime fans}}

Creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick. Good at a broad range of things, but slow on the social side.




Likes citrus fruits, hates rude people.

You can make a profile right now I would recommend making a female or male serf because I have a male vampire available.
The last couple posts I did with Jenny were really out of character so I deleted the most recent one and edited the one before that. I apologize if I've seemed edgy. I've seriously been having the worst month ever. Fourth of July weekend, I couldn't swim with my friends because I was sick. Then I didn't fit in anymore with my friends I haven't seen since last year because mainly my one friend was into her boyfriend so much I was obsolete and I pretty much had to watch the fireworks show by myself. THEN my amusement park trip got cancelled because of bad weather and I got sick again... There's other stuff on top of that, but I won't bother you guys with it.

Point is, I needed to edit Jenny's last post so I did and I'm sorry if I snapped at any of you or was just acting unlike myself. ^^; *anime sweat drop* Hopefully, I'll start feeling better, just kinda depressed right now. *takes a deep breath*
Long week myself not given details

Particle no offense but your character seems to have read the outline and twisted it to be more powerful or weird?

14 has the last say but I don't see how that one has anything to do with the setting put out for us.
Weird, for a long time he isn't going to use his ability at all, and might even forget about it, as far as being powerful goes, any little use of his ability strains his mind. Of course he can make it easier on himself by understanding as much as he can about the given application and then making a "program out of it" I kinda stole some Ideas from a great anime *Sweat drop*


I can change my character with no problems, but this has been my personal character for a little over a decade so I wanted to see if I could fit him in.
*hugs Lilly* Sorry to hear that, Lil. :C Hope you feel better soon! Want me to send Devin over with flowers and a get well card?
I like your character Particle but I agree with Lilly. I am not sure exactly how it fits into the setting/plot the main focus of the rp is on the relationship between the serf and the vampire and not on power. We may eventually get into a rebellion but none of the vamps have power. So I am going to have to say no to your character. I think he is very creative and I am actually amazed by him but I just don't think he fits into the plot.
How is that evil? xD

Devin: *pops in, candy and balloons in hand* Aw come on, cheer up Lilly! ^^ *hops cheerily over to Lilly and pats her head then hands her a balloon with a huge, ridiculous grin* :D
Devin: *tilts his head to the side seeing Lilly's blush* Huh? Wait..there's something on my face, isn't there? *immediately reaches up and feels his face*
Ffff! X3 Am not! Just sneaky. ^.^

Me: Alright, Mister, this isn't your thread and you know it. xD *pushes him to his right thread*

Devin: But but but-! *flails* D: Waaiiitt! I wasn't done yet!
Seriously! I'm a dork when it comes to some characters. *glances around for Luke before given an innocent look*

If it helps very few characters have me go awww *grabby hands*
Thats fine then >.< I guess I missed that part, I'm used to a different system of setting up a role play, I'll probably show that style when I make my own role play. Hontoni, I'm not sure I've ever seen a role play that doesn't have some form of fighting, I'll edit this with the new profile. Thank you for the compliments though. Could someone give me a link to My Vampire? ^-^;


Eth Tenshi








Eth has never been the type of person to ignore people in true need, his kindness is his biggest weakness and often rewarding for him. He hasn't spent much time learning from Vampires, but natural cunning and thought has brought him a far sight down the road of learning then most others would guess. He spaces out every now and again thinking about everything and yet nothing.

Creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick. Good at a broad range of things, but slow on the social side, and spacy.


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Likes citrus fruits, hates rude people.

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