Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Lynix: For protecting my master? I see how your sick game works, you're just as bad as the vampires.
Jennifer: *tilts her head to the side* A sewing....machine? *seems confused, having been raised in the 1500's* You mean you don't do it by hand??
Lynix: Intruder.

Riley: I do that too at times.

*kicks riley back to the proper form* Bad girl shoo shoo you aren't to play here.
<< Damnit had an Amber post, thought it was posted and now... I'm not seeing it (I double check like every time to make sure a post actually goes through so this is extra frustrating) Someone please tell me it's there... and I'm only going crazy instead of insane.
I'll post with Timothy soon, Chaos. He's just being stubborn and I can't think of anything good to post with him currently. > A <
Oh don't worry about it.. I've left characters sitting some here and there when they refused to talk to me... they get upset that they're ignored and will give me beautiful lines afterward xD

Gah still mad that I lost my original post... I couldn't get the wording back from memory... I wrote that thing as one of my first posts this morning... t.t
Don't worry, I know how you feel! I had this post typed up with Azalia earlier but then I accidentally refreshed the page without copying it... Q . Q *sniffles*
Lol try being stuck for over a day, finally getting an idea doing it most excellently only for you to realize... wait I don't see it where go?

((I copy everything in word and c/p not to lose... and I think I must have deleted her lines when I deleted one of the posts that I had already replied to... silly word gets all the colors mixed up depending on where I click. Evil Evil Thing.
*hugs* Don't worry, all of your replies are simply wonderful and detailed. You're very creative and I'm sure you'll come up with posts in the future that are even greater than that one. ^.^

Oh, and I added another paragraph to Jenny's last post, just to cause some action. xD lol. Gosh, I'm so mean to her, aren't I? D:

Jennifer: No kidding... - . -
Awh that's amazingly sweet of you!!! I'm always working to improve... so it means a lot that you say such a thing <3

Heh. Torturing your characters is fun. It's about the only legal abuse out there *blinks*
^^ You're welcome. Well it's true! xD I'm also always trying to improve my rp skills. :3
I don't know how up I'll be to rp's. I'm not feeling well, as some of you know yesterday from another thread. I also seem to be more snappy, if not brutally honest and to the point. So yeah, maybe I'll watch the occ stuff but I don't know if I have the heart to post.
Yeah, maybe, but not just this one for me Cake, my mood isn't well so I'm dazing and can't think as well for any post.

>.> Although if I do get back to rping I still want to see Cake in action with one of my characters.
Well, I can have Kew sneak out of the house at night to visit Lynix if you want. :3

Maybe some heavy action will lighten your mood; hopefully you feel better. :C
How would she even know who he belonged too? Sides that means bumping into cut up vinnie and rosa and them.

You still have astes and gypsy as well though.
Trust me I planned on Lynix visiting Kew some time myself.

And he might if his master snaps at him. xD

But yeah you see where the hmm how would they know comes from?
Well, I figured Kew would know since she was responsible for handing out invitations and had to know practically all the guests and serfs.

But it's no big deal. x D
Maybe but Lynix wasn't there when she met Adam xD

And who really cares to keep track of the serfs?

What a waste of time, they're just back ground, useless servants, slaves, or at most pets.


sorry best way to explain my view when it comes to the general vamps.

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