Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Well, I'm not exactly sure what's going on with Abram and Lynix or Vinnie and Rosa at the moment, so I shall continue to wait until you're ready for whatever. x D
Adam told vinnie to visit.

Vinnie goes to visit of course taken Rosa. Climbing the window to Adam's room (the usually way Adam and Vinne visit each other cause their parents hate them) Lynix pushed Vinnie out the window as soon as he got to the top and into the rose bushes below. Adam doesn't know Vinnie is there. xD That's about it.
Gosh, everything seemed to be going so well and now I'm having a hard time posting here. D: I don't know why... I think my brain just went crazy creating new characters for the new rp's since I hadn't roleplayed in such a long time but now it's run out of juice. o n o Why does this keep happening to me?? *sniffles*
Meh, wrote another post for Jenny just cuz I'm bored and Timothy's refusing to work with me. :P I really don't know who's house she ended up at, so the first one of you to reply finding her or something is fine with it being your house. xD

I'm starting to wonder if she's more insane thank Lynix.

Xander just put her out of her pain. *hands him a pistol* One shot to the head at the temple should do it. :P
*shrug* Xander just really uncovered those rash memories at the plantation is all. Right now, all she knows is she's scared and needs to get away, lol.
Yeah I guess that is better than trying to kill vampires off and on or wanting them all dead at times. xD
Besides, what can I say? Interesting things happen when I'm bored. xD It was pretty much dead conversation between Xander and Jenny so I just decided to add some action, haha. Well, that and I got the vibe that you were a bit tired posting with Alexander. ^^; So I gave you some leeway there. :P

Jenny: *fumes* You stuck me out in the freezing wind and you could have some action?!! *growls*
I might as well randomly post with Kew. @ - @

After all, she's my only female character on this roleplay, and as a female myself, I prefer roleplaying as a girl.

been very worn feeling all week, thought it was sleep but I got plenty and am still slow.

In truth it might just be because my birthday is coming up and that's a very depressing thought.

Cake: Was going to ask if you want me to send Lynix to her garden. xD Since Adam kicked him out for now.
Aww... :C Your birthday shouldn't be depressing! *hugs* Wish there was something I could do to help.

And Jenny's getting boring now, isn't she...? *sigh* I've really tried but it just ...idk. :C :C :C
Aww, why is your birthday depressing? :C

And you can do whatever with Lynix if you want. x D I just want to at least post with Kew every once in a while, but maybe adding Lynix might make things a bit more interesting.
*Runs around killing off random characters then watches from the distance as the dust settles and the city begins to take in their losses*
Now that I think about it, Timmy's pretty drab too... DX Yeah, maybe I should just let her and him become victims of the first werewolf attack. :P Or I could just let Jenny pass away out in the rain from hypothermia and let Timmy get attacked by a werewolf...
*really really likes Xander and Jenny together though* o ^ o

Meh, I think my last added post was a little too dramatic for Jenny. I'm just going to delete it.
Wondering if I should ask to move Reverie and Xavior to the next day. Unless Reverie decides to go to Xavior's room to...apologize or figure out what is wrong. Could be interesting.

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