Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Lynix gets three internet points for good bahviour! However, he did try to kill Kew, and got into a fight with Lily... So he looses two.
Nono he deeply considered killing her and in the end decide not too. And that he might feel guilty if he could. Sides he made back those points by defending her here!
Pffft, out of character context doesn't count. He still tried to kill her in the actual roleplay. u w u And I'm still considering killing her off. ONE Internet point!
Fine, I'll take it into consideration of I find some way to be able to roleplay with her again.

*pokes Lynix* ONE Internet point! ONLY one!
Jennifer: Gasps and balls her fists. "W-why you!!" She growls and pouts, turning away. "I'm DONE with him!" Blinks at Kioku as she gets poked. "W-what? There isn't a-anything going on!" Blushes.
Oooh, you know who's been naughty? Jenny. > w <

Jennifer: *blushes* Me?? I don't know what you're talking about! *turns away, crossing her arms*
I would but I'm going to bed in just a couple minutes here. D: I can get on tomorrow though! ^.^
I was bored so I decided just to add another post for Jenny even though I already posted a reply for her. xD
*is more all Riley when it comes to our rp's now to be honest* >.> <.<

Riley: *cosplays as Vinnie* ^.^ Maybe this will help?
Lol! xD

Jennifer: *pokes Riley* look just like him! *is fascinated with this new art of dressing up*
Riley: *yips cutely when suddenly poked* I do? Really? He was more difficult since he's more real that animes and most the stuff I usually do!

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