Ambrose A Vampire Signups

*Grrr* quit saying funny/humorous/intelligent/eloquent or just in general good things I can't properly show my approval through the use of a "like" button and Yes Facebook is evil....and that makes me a member of the dark side...*looks around for any other tattle tailing members of the dark side* just between you and me we don't in fact have cookies
Timothy: Peeps out from behind Amber to watch Lynix and Kioku. No one knows how he managed to make himself small enough to hide behind her...
Lynix: *crosses his arms* IF anyone should, shouldn't it be me? And no, I figured the weakling can take herself out just fine on her own. Little fool . . .
Timothy: "Oh trust me, I know what I'm doing. She isn't after you....s-she's just seemed to take a fancy to me, I believe...," he answered in a whisper so as not to gain Lilly's attention. Places his hands upon Amber's shoulders, now quite interested in the showdown between Kioku and Lynix.
Lynix: *looks around for a gun, since modern day tools seem to be the big thing now* Now you, you I may have fun killing *speaking to Cake*

*blinks* I think Lynix is actually trying to defend kew.
Oh really? Don't you want Kew and the rest of the vampires gone? Besides, she only half Human. =P

Lynix: I figured that much out when she said she had to have food to survive. Do you really think I'm THAT stupid. As for vampires go after someone who's a fair fight, or are you just one of those sick freaks who gets their jollies off the weak because they themselves can never truly get stronger.
Not at all. :P She's what's considered a Mary-sue and needs to be taken out. *pats Lynix' head* It has nothing to do with preying on the weak. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were defending her. >x3
Lynix *growls when being patted* So, aren't you a mary sue in you're own way? Does that mean you will willingly die under my hands?
Timothy: Looks at Amber. "Should we leave? Though this whole situation is actually quite intriguing..."
Lynix . . . you're fictional, you can't touch her.

Lynix: *growls* What's that matter? if she can touch the weakling I should be able to touch her!

.... it's a one way street.
Oh dear... *yawns* I believe I'm going to have to call it a night. @ . @ My brain is beginning to desperately need rest, haha. B-but Jenny and Xander are so cute, I'm gonna esplode! xD I wanna keep going with them but I should get some sleep now and continue tomorrow or else I'm going to get sloppy with my posts, haha. So g'night everybody!
I'm on, just punishing Lynix for his latest comment to me. "I knew I should have added rat poison to that punch"
I need to post but I don't know what. Maybe Reverie should run into someone or something. Or Tress finds someone else to talk to now that Jennifer left him.

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