Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Amber: <3 *gasps and destroys the heart* Timothy!!! *reddens at saying his name for the first time*

'it's something else' O.o *Amber blinks*
No, it's not Timmy and Amber either, lol. Just don't worry about it, ok? I'm going to do my best to ignore it because I luff roleplaying with you all so much. *hugs everyone* ^^

Kio! >:U *tackles and duct tapes her mouth shut* It doesn't matter; it's my pet peve, I'll deal with it the best I can... ^^;; *anime sweat drop*

Timothy: Looks frantically from Lilly to Amber. "Hide me!!" Dives behind his serf.
Cuz it will just cause this to all blow up if I bring up what's bothering me, trust me I know it will from past experiences... So I'm just going to keep my mouth shut, and do what I can to avoid it. If I can't handle it...well, then I guess I'll just drop the rp afterall.
Trust me, you'll all probably just get angry at me if I say it. Plus, there really isn't anything you all could do about it. That would be asking too much... *zips lips shut*
Is it . . . the boy x boy relationship? If so I can kinda understand? I have a few friends uncomfortable with stuff like that. In truth though I also have a few friends who swing like that or both ways. If we keep them colored right you could just avoid reading them if that's it?
*fidgets nervously then nods, bowing my head* Yeah...look, I do not hate gay people. I treat them the same as anyone else, kindly and respectfully. However, that doesn't mean I can't agree with their lifestyle, which I don't agree with.... It just makes me really uncomfortable. I try not to read it, but it's hard because it's always right there and sometimes my brain reads automatically. Plus, I really like reading everyone's posts. But again, there's really nothing I can do about it. I'll go die in a hole now... *crawls under a rock*
Tyra if it helps, my dad is the same way if not worse. My sis and I tend to be more loose with how we see things personally. So we get preached about it a lot. It doesn't mean we hold it against him though or love him any less. It just means we see the world in a different fashion.

Sides I always saw it as a two way street, you respect the fact we think it's okay and are comfortable, we do our best to respect the fact you're uncomfortable with it.

I must warn you, you might not want to read some of the rps other places we do. xD I don't actually do couples like that too often but sometimes it just happens that they work so I let them. All my characters can swing either way, it's whoever clicks best with them.
I understand... It's just hard for me, especially when every time I try to explain how it makes me uncomfortable, I get yelled at for hating homosexuals...

And yeah, I checked out Twisted Fairytales cuz that looked kinda interesting but I saw that dilema way early on so I didn't join. ^^;
I don't think there is any gays yet in there.

If it helps, I got in a big fight once defending a friend's comfort because he was the same way as you Tyra and my friends jumped that poor boy word wise. I dislike those who don't understand or respect your side of it just as much as those who are totally against it.
There, I told you Tyra. Admit it, I'm always right. u w u Lulz, just kidding.

Anyway, I'll just jump in randomly with Kew...
Who wants to kick xander in the balls? *raises hand* xD

All my characters are like that though all difficult at first at least.
Poor Rosa though... D: Uh oh, Vinnie's really gonna get a whoopin' from her later on. xD
Yeah Rosa is kinda pissy right now and Tyra I'm glad you spoke up about your feelings because it is hard for people who are still a bit uncomfortable with the idea of homosexuality. I am personally completely pro-gay rights but I always keep an open mind and don't push my ideas on others. I think it is unfair that by having multiple people open their minds to gay rights we have harshly isolated those who disagree or are just a bit uncomfortable with the idea. My dad is not anti-gay rights he is just a bit uncomfortable mostly because he got "hit on" in a bar once and it kind of freaked him out. Anyways I am happy Lilly and Chaos brought in a little mix of sexualities because it brings some character to the Rp!
Yeah... It just bothers me's against my morals. I don't agree with homosexuality and I don't think it's right, but that doesn't mean I don't love and respect gay people for who they are. No matter what they choose, I will never hate them. That's where most people freak out, either the straight person judges the homosexual just because he or she is that way or the homosexual judges the straight person by assuming they just hate gay people. There's a major difference between disagreeing with someone's lifestyle and just plain out hating that person.
I think I need to get off of Facebook....I just tried to "like" your post...this is a reoccurring problem for me
Lol! xD Haha, that's why I hide from facebook. Ish eevvviilllll I'm telling you....eeeeevvviilllll..... o. o

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