Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Lilly: Well obviously she's not and if Xander can't even see that, he's blind. >:U rofl xD

Jennifer: "What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine!" Pouts and glares at Xander every once in a while, still having resentful feelings.
Jennifer: Waves her arm irritatedly. "Exactly! See what I'm talking about? He doesn't even acknowledge me. Who needs him anyway?" - 3-
No one, not even his ex-fiance it seems. xD Too bad Kew isn't more healthy she could have asked him to dance.
Jennifer: Looks over at Kew with Xander and her whole mood seems to plummet immensely. "I never had a chance anyway..." she murmurs, dropping her gaze to the floor and walking away solemnly. "I was silly to think I ever did..."
lol To be honest I didn't expect any of the actual played characters to notice it. xD It was more of a thing Vinnie would do. I didn't expect anyone to actually real our rps. *hides*
I'm kinda where Legend is, I scan a lot of the others, sometimes a few catch my eye and I read, but usually I just read my own. xD Or I couldn't keep up.

You guys can always come join Chaos and me in some of the other rp's we're in though. ^.^ Would love to see you guys.
Yeah, that would be cool. :3 I'd love to, though, I'm in a lot of roleplays right now and I'm not sure I could fit another one in... :C
Actually, I'm only sticking one roleplay at a time. Especially since I got my own roleplay website back online. Next time I need to pay the bill on time. ^^; But thanks for the offer, I'll keep that in mind if I get bored.
I understand. xD I tend to try to keep up with rps and want them more fast pace but can't manage that.

Oh yeah Cosset just have to try to figure out players for it.

I was talking about the school rp Chaos was trying to set up, based on some manga. *runs to my look at folder in subscriptions for vass'*
Jennifer: Sits down on a bench and sighs, holding her chin in her hands. Blinks at Kew then sighs. "Yeah right..." Rubs her forehead. "Look, even if he did, I'm a serf, he's a vampire. It would never work...he hates what his mother did, running off with a serf, and he's terrified that he'll do the same thing. So he's shut himself off...." Sticks out her bottom lip cutely, then looks over at Kew slightly.
Aww, well it looks like I gotta go do some stuff. :C Hopefully I'll be back later.

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