Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Doesn't work easy like that lol >.< Not sure who would be there sorry Cake. Although I do need to movie vinnie some I guess. Xander likes his little hiding spot at his table alone.
It's not you it's THEM.

oooo I could have it being lynix as he escapes! But he's a bit of a beast. Already sent Jennifer crying, told off ill lol you sure you want to tango there?
>:3 Bring it on.

Lulz, not even Lynix can be truly mean to Kew. x D

Wait...Oh dear god... I've created a Mary-Sue!! What have I done?!?!
Tress is technically free. He is trying to awkwardly push himself into a conversation.

And sorry about not being on yesterday.
Hey everybody, I'm going to be online tonight later with replies but the next few days are going to be iffy. I have no idea whether or not I will have computer access so if you don't see any posts please don't leave me in the dust. :) thanks
We'll try not to! [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION]

By the way, I'll be at a hospital all day tomorrow because my older sister is getting knee surgery, and the Hospital has Internet, so I'll actually be free all day. Lulz.
Alright guys, because of the fourth of July, I'm going to be gone on vacation from today until Monday. Then on Tuesday, I'm going to an amusement park so I'll be gone all day then, and on Wednesday evening, I'm going out with my family to see fireworks. So I'll try my best to get on whenever I can on my dad's iphone since it has internet to check up on how the roleplay's going, but I will most likely not be posting very much at all due to all the activities my family has planned on our vacation. D:

Be good while I'm gone, everyone! ^.^ Maybe I'll even bring back some firecrackers for you guys. :D
Don't say that, I'm lazy. xD If no one cares I at times just let things sit unless a muse hits and I need an escape. *is pretty happy currently so rp's aren't so omg I need*

Cake, I'm not like that. If I don't care for your rps I just don't rp with you, I don't offer.

I rather not role play than to fight to figure out how to enjoy one. I'm lazy remember.

Sometimes it's just that my characters are difficult. >.> Like Xander *bats him* he would have easily danced with a number of females if he wasn't such a freak when it comes to them.

Either way Lynix is set up. Sides if I didn't like your rp's I wouldn't have figured away to rp with you more. :P Even Lynix is difficult to get working well around others.
@.@ I swear my poor Lynix is going to be put down one of these days. *keeps telling myself stay in character stay in character if he dies it's his own darn fault*
Yeah, I don't think if she's like that she could stop Lynix for leaving sadly. And Lynix is the type to pounce serf or vampire a like. Hell he's around older teens early 20s in age. Adam told them to let him age and such. If he wasn't picked by Adam I would give it a week or two later he would have been killed as well. It's like dogs in the pound when they get older and no one wants they get put down due to not being worth the space or money for upkeep.
Well, I'll just say Kew went to her room. Anyway, if anyone needs me, I'll be checking up every once in a while. But until then, bye.

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