Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Xavior: *grabs Xander's hands* We have been through so much in the little time we've known each other but... I'm not attracted to you like that. It's not you, it's me.
Xander: *Glances to Xavior so confused* I don't . . . quite understand where this is coming from.
Reverie: *looks at the boys* Well this is quite interesting. I see now why you didn't want me Xander. It was my serf all along.
Xander: *eyes widden at that and a blush crosses his cheeks* You're both . . . you're both obviously confused about something.
Xander: *hands up backing off, only to pause and actually get angry* Wait . . what? You . . . your serf? You can't be serious!
Jennifer: Walks in eating popcorn. "Aww...I just missed all the action, didn't I?" Watches Xander storm off. "H-hey, wait up!" Zooms after him.
Hey, Lilly and Chaos, do you mind me stealing your 1x1 idea? xD Your 1x1 rp with Adam and Vinnie got me thinking a bit. 14, would you like to do a 1x1 with Timothy and Marque, to establish their friendship when they were kids? *peers at Lilly and Chaos to see if they approve of the idea stealing*
lol don't do it!! Poor poor Amber would go crazy every time she saw a reply in it xD

sure just credit us for being awesomely amazing and thinking of doing a public back-story :P
Yes ma'am! *salutes* I credit Chaos and Lilly completely for the idea of a 1x1 backstory, taking no credit myself whatsoever. *epic serious face* Not to mention, they're awesomely amazing. X3

Timothy: Is reading a newspaper but lowers it and glances at Amber, hearing the conversation. "What do you have against me and my friendship with Marque?" Raises an eyebrow.
Vinnie: *goes to put an arm around Timmy still hurt due to current rp* becareful, the past can be both a beautiful and painful thing
Timothy: Sighs and puts his nose back into his newspaper. "Yeah yeah, I know..." Looks at Vinnie questioningly.
Vinnie: *just gives a weak smile, and sits beside him going off on one of those famious vinnie rambles/talk* You know, because they are sad memories you wish to forget, or happy ones that at times you're glad to have them but wish you could relive in away. The innocence of youth long ago lost. *this from vinnie who probably was still to innocent for his own good in naive ways*
Ok. ^^ I'll probably wait a little while to start it though, cuz I want to search through my ideas and make sure we have enough to build on. :3 It will be fun, haha. @14

--- Merged Double Post ---

Timothy: Retreats farther into his sulk. "Yes yes, I heard you the first time... of course, how should you know? You never had anything like that happen to you," he replied, his voice thick with sarcasm.

Me: "I apologize, he's depressed and being unreasonable because he doesn't know what to think of the arranged marriage."

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