Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Cake: do I npc your mother telling Vinnie about their arrangement? Or did you want to rp that out?
lol Well Vinnie is there 'Vincent BloodStone' full name, he's just sorta off by himself, well him and his serf that's following.
Kaitwink, how do you wanna do it?

I have it that Abram discovered her name, but has no idea who she is so he's paying attention to announcements, having no idea how he's going to react yet... well he don't so much xD
Arrrggghh, you guys are so fast! DX I was seriously on ALL day yesterday and nothing happened, then today I had a boatload of places to go and you guys take off! Meehh....

Oh, ok, Lilly. I wasn't sure about Lynix so I just guessed, haha.
Nah, it's ok. It wasn't much to read back over. :3 I just hate it when I miss all the action. DX haha
(( [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] I posted about their arrival but then went ahead and posted a second time for them entering the party. I was just going to merge the two posts but I didn't get back online in time to do so ^^' so it's 2 things on 2 diff pages))
Thanks Kaitwink and I haven't even looked at the thread yet but Tyra's comment has me worried...I predict a lot of reading in my future :)

--- Merged Double Post ---

So I have read/skimmed but mostly read all of the posts and I think I may be in love...can you legally marry a blog. *Shakes her head out of the clouds* eh hem sorry I was a little crazy there but I'm back. I love Sir Abram/Miss Eve she/he is so funny to me. She/he kind of reminds me of the cross dresser in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil but it might be just because they are both cross dressers....Sadly I have to go soon but I promise to post as much as I can before I leave and than finish everything up when I get back.

P.S. I love all the other characters too
(( no problem [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] and I don't want you to have way too much catching up to do Iliana wise so in my next post I'll have her dismiss Bret to go mingle :3 that way you won't have to feel obligated to reply to all my posts lol :3 ))
(( [MENTION=2373]AlwaysChaos[/MENTION] I have no idea D: But Iliana doesn't know she is getting married - especially to a guy in a dress haha))
nonsense Xander finds them all beautiful. He just isn't good with women, doesn't know how to react and well is a fool lol.
Lol Kait... it's okay she can think she's getting married to his serf for their first meeting xD

well how are her parents going to go about telling her?
She ran off from her parents, I can have them come after her and pull her into a room with Abram and his serf, then they'll tell her and she will think they mean the serf?
Ok [MENTION=2373]AlwaysChaos[/MENTION] I made the post... I didn't want to put too much of a reaction for Iliana so you would at least have a chance to respond lol.
Aww, poor Jenny's positively crushed now, rofl. X3

Jenny: 8 ^ 8

Me: *pats Jenny's head* There there now.
Kait: Lynix responded just waiting for Chaos and Abram xD .

Tyra: >.> Xander only found out about it that day. lol Sorry about my serf, he's a weird one.

ALTHOUGH Lynix is single, and probably plans to stay that way. xD

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