Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Why not just have one post for announcing everyone or whatnot and let everyone react to that ((of course once everyone is actually there)) instead of playing the waiting game while there's back and forth for something so simple?

I believe everyone is at the night or the day of the party and getting closer.
Technically Reverie and Xavior are a day behind cuz you guys move so fast, but I can edit it to it being morning or afternoon time for them in my head.
Okay so the match up of the marriage is fine

Not everyone has gotten/taken the time to deal with their invitation so I think everyone needs to do that next post

I will put together a post for Marque and Tress, do you mind if we skip the whole buying process? I just think that in order for us to catch up we may just want to try and jump into it.

Chaos I like your idea, once everyone is on the same page I think we should do that.

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Did I get it all?
14; With Vinnie and rose we can say he's been in a huff since well you know the fight. They get ready and go though you know or have his parents have serfs get them ready suddenly. Can't make the family name look bad.
Also and I know this really sucks for those of you who are ahead of the game but all posts involving characters at the ball should probably be paused because people are sooo spread apart. I want to get people on the same day and time and what not so that things might match up

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That is fine, Lilly. However you think Vinnie would handle it is fine
Works for me just may have to remind me of what xander needs to comment upon once in. I'll try to set up a vinnie one.
I am fine with skipping the buying process for Marque and Tress.

And Kioku maybe not. Reverie/Xavior are the most behind besides 14hca14.
Sorry for that post in the rp, guys. I thought I was posting in the OOC for some reason. ^^; Whoops, haha. And turns out, I can actually stay up for a while longer. Yaaayyy! :3
Well, I'll just be hanging around. I'll be turning my laptop off and switching to mobile. So if and when I post, it might take a while.

And like I said, I'll be pausing until everyone has caught up, but I'll still be around in case anyone needs me.
Hey 14, since Timothy's parents set up his arranged marriage when Timothy was young, I was thinking that he and Marque already know each other. :3 Or at least, Marque knew Timothy before his parents' death and he went all reclusive. His and her parents could have set up the marriage when they were just kids, going to school together or something. ^^ And since Timothy shut himself off from everyone for so long, it could be an interesting, maybe a bit awkward reunion. What do you think?
Amber disproves of this new enlightenment.

Abram sends Lynix to cheer Amber up.

Amber runs like hell from the hell dog.

Abram gains +10 amusement.
Mkay. ^^ Yeah, Timothy really just doesn't know what to think of the arranged marriage. He really doesn't want to have anything to do with it but it was his parents' wish and now that they're gone, he feels compelled to do what they would have wanted. Poor Timmy! *huggles him*

Timothy: Lay off, woman! >:U *flails*
I was thinking that Timothy and Marque have known for a long time that they were to be engaged when they turned of age. When they were little, they just shrugged their shoulders and didn't really think about it cuz they were friends, you know, only kids. Timothy's been thinking about it a lot, though, the past few months, not sure if he really wants to go through with it. If that's ok with 14 of course.
Aww, ok now I really have to get some sleep. I was up really late last night and if I try to continue roleplaying anymore tonight, my posts won't be as good, haha. I'll be on first thing tomorrow though. :3 G'night everybody!
Maybe Kew's mom can explain the marriage arrangement to vinnie when he gets there?

Not sure how Xander will find out.

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