Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Not really Kait, it's kinda ooc/ic banter. It helps get past writter's block or even develop the characters more. It's not official rp here, just something to help feel out the characters and how they might react.
I agree totally with Lilly! :3

--- Merged Double Post ---

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm ready for the party! :D
Xander and Jenny? Sorry, I was up until 2:00 am last night. @ . @ So I'm a little scatterbrained, haha. xD
Yup, lol it keeps them in a nice spot until it starts. So we don't get suck into another plot that needs to be fixed before hand.
Ah, yes they are. Good point, good point. So Kioku should start the morning of the party whenever she's ready. :3 I feel like we've been dragging out the initiation of the party too long. > A <
New thoughts for Reverie:

Thought A: She becomes very desperate to stop the engagement, even using Xavior without realizing she is falling for him. Already kind of said before.

Thought B: Her old lover was named Alexander. No I did not remember that Xander is her betrothed and his full name is that. But it's funny to me and I am sticking with it.
Wait, hold on. I thought we were still on the day before the party! o. O; But if we're supposed to be on the day of the party already then we need to go ahead and start the next morning, Lilly.

And we have to finish up the shopping trip with Amber and Timothy.
I know. It is only thoughts. Besides Reverie probably won't care much for Xander. But it could change.

So Reverie is going to arrive late to the party as she doesn't even know about it yet. xD
Jennifer: Pouts and mumbles, "It better not change...." under her breath.

lol xD
lol Lynix probably knows NO ONE. But if they remembered him *shrugs* it could be possible how weird he is.
Guys I have a random question that is completely off-topic and you don't have to say yes to. I just like RPing with you guys so much. Now me and Legendless had this whole private RP planned (which we are still going to do later) but she said I am borrow the basic idea of it.

Basically there is this city, Cosset, where vampires, werewolves, humans, spirits, animaguses, and a bunch of other things all live. Each group of non-humans usually keep to themselves, preferring not to mix, until a select few from each group get involved in a battle between demons and spirits and humans (spirits and humans are on the same side). What do you guys think?

You can just ignore this if you wish.
14 is on! Now I'll stop protesting vamp rp post. xD *was waiting to at least see her on in hopes that if I slow my post she could catch up party wise*
Thanks but Legendless deserves credit too. We came up with it together. I might put up the summary and SUs today.

As for Reverie I am almost ready to move to the party with her.
Okay you guys once again, as always, and forever more I am behind so I need time to catch up. I can't keep up with this Sign-up chatter (which I <3) but I don't want to lose control of this Rp. I am so glad we are going to do this ball thing because it will bring everyone together but I don't know anything about it because I can't read all of the comments. Sooo can someone give me a basic summary while I produce a comment? Also nothing can be decided without my approval. I know I am not on as often as I like but that doesn't change that rule. Once a idea is upon please either message me or tag me in the post so that I can approve it. Thanks everybody!
Not sure what's what I think Cake wanted to announce their arrivals, if so Xander is there now.

As for plans, only one that comes to mind is Vas said something about wanting her girl in an arranged marriage. I said she could have Xander if one wasn't decided earlier for her. I think that's all that may need your approval but I could be wrong. @.@

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