Ambrose A Vampire Signups

*pushes Vinnie out* He doesn't TRY to be in them. lol

Vinnie: *mutters shuffling his feet in a bad mood for once*

GAH *puts Vinnie back away*
Well Reverie is almost forced into one technically and technically the man her mother picks out for her doesn't have to like her either. Besides her other side is her human serf.

As for the male vampire I want her mother to choose the list is (I think):






Wasn't the arranged marriages already set up? Didn't you get yours set up too?

As for my characters, they kinda already have at least minor things for others.

--- Merged Double Post ---

If not and you still need one Xander can be arranged.
Abram: Oh wise Lilly... do share the secrets of your puppets, the world wishes to know!

*runs off to poor Amber* Don't worry, we can find you a nice serf! Care to meet Lynix?
I got no such set-up for Reverie. Maybe no one wants to set their son up with someone like her? xD

And that is fine with me.



^^These are the ones that are in the first reply

Amber: Just my luck ><

Abram: Kid.. you're telling me!
Lynix: *licks amber's cheek*

And yeah Xander's father would arranged him if he saw no other hope for his son. See Xander has issues with or around women he gets all nervous and weird lol. But him and his serf have been cracking past that some.
Xander: *watches Jennifer goes and looks confused on what to do. Sighs and follows.* You know . . . we have to behave right?
Jenny: Blinks and crosses her arms. "Behave? I don't exactly feel like behaving at the moment..." Sticks out her bottom lip in a small pout.
Xander: *seems to be at a deep lost as to what to say to that. He couldn't FORCE her to behave, she knew he wasn't like that at all. Feeling lost he would glance around, he really didn't get women at all.* May I ask . . . why?
Jenny: *Blushes slightly, looking to the side* "E-er...nothing really..." ^^; *anime sweat drop*
Jenny: *blinks* "Nu, wait! Come back!" Q A Q *dashes over to him, glued to his side*
DON'T say that to him though! lol His mother ran off with her serf, so he's doing his best not to repeat it.
Aww, poor Jenny. She's just as mixed up as Xander, you know. She has conflicted feelings, haha.

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