Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Fffff! xD Naww, I found Xander's last post cute. *squee!* > w < heh heh. Oh my gosh, yes, that's just a ticking time bomb waiting to go off!

Ehhh, so late. @ . @ I gotta get some sleep now guys... I'll be on tomorrow though!
The only person Reverie had interacted with so far is Xavior.

But I like the idea of her loving someone and having to marry someone else. At least I think her mother would try and marry her off to get rid of her. Idk. I just like it cuz ~drama~
welp who interacts with who at the party?

I have a feeling that Abram will be meeting his betrothed, and possibly interact with Vinny and Kew if they so meet? and of course his beloved pet(Lynix)

Amber... pft I think that girl will be stuck on Timothy or if left to her own devices she will be far away from the vampires
I figured that Kew's mom would be announcing their arrival, and if the parents come, the parents will announce who will be betrothed to who and it goes from there.

Of course, this is all up to 14hca14.

And lulz, I can only imagine how Kew would react around Abram after that little episode when she was passing out invitations.
*snickers* you have NO idea... NO idea. Ever since I heard about the party and the whole betrothed thing... Abram already told me what he's gonna do.... I jut can't WAIT xD

It's gonna be awesome hehe
Sorry I haven't been on a lot between summer, driving school, cleaning house, watching my little brother, caring for three dogs (one is a physco and I swear you cannot beat me in the crazy dog contest so don't even try) and other stuff its been a little busy but I'm catching up tonight even if it means i'm going to be soooo tired tomorrow because I <3 you guys
Kioku are you there? I have a question concerning Reverie and Xavior.

And 14hca14 I am going to do something for Tress. Hopefully it's okay since you haven't posted with Marque yet.

EDIT: Never mind.
Actually I was going to ask if Reverie should or should not kiss Xavior but I already posted. Maybe I could amend it to if she should ask Xavior if she wants to kiss him and/or kiss him anyways. Because she is a tease like that. xD I'm kidding. Sort of.
Shay is just a mood wrecker like that. Though it would have been interesting if they did kiss.

My thoughts for Reverie are so random and sometimes changing. I think I'm just going to put what I am thinking here each time I get a new idea.

Reverie: Still gets betrothed to someone she doesn't want to, but am debating between falling for another vampire or her serf (because vampire/serf drama is awesome) or even a combination of the three (because Reverie is too indecisive as she is still not over her old lover and stuff).

That is all. Hopefully Tress finds himself in less complicated situations. xD
Hmm... The whole love triangle but would be interesting. As Xavior becomes more and more used to Reverie, he may start to develope feelings for her and get jealous. Much drama would await.

Oh my gosh, I feel so bad for Alexander and Jenny! DX rofl, draammaa
Yes a love triangle would be interesting. I kind of like Xavior/Reverie. Idk. Maybe it's because Reverie hasn't interacted with anyone else yet. Still ~drama~
Haha love it!!

Side note, how come my chars don't have it in them to be in the center of a love triangle? xD

Abram: *glares*

^ see what I mean *facepalm*
I dunno, Amber may not be in a love triangle but she seems a bit mesmerized by her master. *grins*

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