Ambrose A Vampire Signups

No I didn't Kio thanks for letting me know :)

[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] I replied to Bret yesterday too, idk if you replied yet
Well, I've just spotted this, but might I inquire as to why there's a roleplay happening in a signup thread that seems to have extended the thread to sixty six pages?

The signup section is not intended for this, so I'd quite appreciate explanation on the matter.
I don't know about the others. To me it's just kinda IC OCC play for fun, and it helps establish the characters in ways.
Because it's a signup/OCC thread?

Lols, the majority of the posts in the signup are plot discussion and the likes anyway... The IN OCC just started a bit a few pages back while talking about the party O.o
Fair enough, I was just concerned because I was seeing an awful lot of posts rolling into a signup thread.
Yeppers what they said


I was waiting for Adam to reply before I made my next post
Tyra remind me to try to get a Xander post for you when you get back. I just not remembered I needed to get a new day started.
:3 Oh, don't worry about it, Lilly, it's fine, haha. I already posted a next day response for Jenny so whenever you want to post Xander, that's fine. ^^

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