Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Oh, and btw, this coming Monday will probably be the best time for me to start the party. ^^ Tomorrow, I might be on in the morning if I have time, but I've got a really busy day tomorrow so I might not make it on. After tomorrow, I'll be gone Friday and all weekend camping so I won't be back until Monday. If we don't start the party on Monday, then probably Tuesday or Wednesday evening will work for me. :3

Timothy: "No buts!" Crosses arms. "No killing." Thinks about it for a moment. "Er...unless I say so."
*blinks* Kew was set up with Vinnie for his last name right? Well families set each other for nobility and rank, her family would do that for that reason right?
Vinnie's family is very high up there. Help start the plantations and such well his father did. BloodStone is well known for their dealings with the serfs. Not that Vinnie approves. In his past a girl used him to try to get at his family name. xD His family is trying to get him more involved in the business or to straighten up more. So you can see where I'm going with this I hope.
I do see. x D That makes sense. This should be interesting.

Now, a few questions for 14hca14, will the arranged marriages be immediate? (Like immediate marriage), or will it just be an announcement, (like the parents announce the engagements, but everyone goes home). Or, will the women move in with the men to get used to each other (but no immediate marriages) or vise-versa? Just curious.
No way will you be able to force Vinnie into a marriage right away, he'll rather run away or kill himself even.
Amber: Another vampire... move in? Timothy can I kill it??

Abram: *snickers* as if my parents would approve of 'playing house' before marriage, they're all for looks and the like, so they shall protect my integrity.

This one like announcements, with perhaps a meeting at the party... NO immediate marriages, that's just cruel and wrong even for a warped one like myself. I thought at least half of the arranged marriages wouldn't even go through with them because of their characters in them... I think the specifics would vary on the 'parents' involved and their arrangements??
I was thinking it would just be an announcement and the parents may start having dinner parties and what not to get the vampires used to each other. Of course because of the time period the male vampire will have more say in whether or not he will marry the girl so if he refuses the marriage it will be more likely for the couple not to marry.
Ya know, Kew's "mother" would use Kew to get to Vinnie's family. She wouldn't give up the marriage proposal easily. > w <
That's okay I was talking to Chaos on how Vinnie probably will take Kew. Cute kid! Adore, look after even, not really see much for marriage. Joke about adopting her after awhile though and being his in that way.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Vinnie: hey little one! I got you another lollypop! *beams*
Vinnie: *Pauses seeing Rosa sad and looks confused going over to check on her patting her on the shoulder* Um . . . what's wrong? Did you want a piece of candy too?
Vinnie: *looks confused before dashing over to Kew and trying to pick her up and put her on his shoulder with a smile* Come on Kiddo, I want you to meet my serf!
Vinnie: *just keeps smiling ignoring her words*

Not my fault you gave Vinnie a scapegoat to where he doesn't have to be mean and shoo her off but doesn't have to fully accept the marriage thought since he sees her as too young. :P
[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] By the way, I don't know if you saw my reply or not in the main roleplay. Just wondering if you saw it.

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