Ambrose A Vampire Signups

No, not at all! haha

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Oh, and I'll post Timothy's reply as soon as I can, Chaos, my brain's just running on empty right now so I gotta have some time to think of a good reply for him, haha. ^^;
So I should post first with Tress? Just where would I have him to begin with?

And I want Reverie to fall in love with someone at the party, but learn her parents are forcing her into an arranged marriage as they don't think anyone would willingly marry her. They mostly want to get rid of Reverie or mostly her mother does. Maybe. Idk yet. Maybe it's a silly idea. Then she falls madly in love with Xavior and her family disowns her

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Excuse me for the double post but Kioku did Xavior responded to Reverie yet?
Oh, sorry Vassel. I don't think I saw your reply. I'll go check it out right now.

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In Star Wars, the main character has a crush on his sister, which he didn't know was his sister at the time. They also kissed once. xD
*wipes away tears* how romantic! I bet they made cute babies right! Right! ...why is everyone looking at me like that? No cute babies then?
Abram: oh oh I know I know

Amber: Put your hand down fool

Abram: :/ awh (lols was talking star wars reference... no babies yet... O.o )
Lulz, I own all the star wars movies too, except Phantom Menace. My little sister spilled Gatorade all over the video and broke it. TT - TT I also have two figurines which I used to play with all the time when I was younger, and a DS game which was way too short of a game.
Talking about Force unleashed? xD If so I adored that game so much I got it for a few different systems. >.> Course the x-box version was a gift from sis *has the second one too*. There are more games than that out there. You SO have to try KOTOR if you like star wars, but I suppose we're getting distracted from the main thread point.

xD *Has Xander waiting patiently for Jennifer to return.*
Oh, whoops. xD Sorry, didn't know you were waiting on me! *goes off to post*
*glances at Chaos suspiciously* I'm not sure I want to know why she's snickering. o - o lol
*glomps both Chaos and Lilly* Hey evil peeps! :D Plotting anything interesting? xD

Sorry my post took so long, btw. ^^;
I am ready for it. Ready for everyone to be like "What's wrong with this girl?"

Still thinking about my suitor/love interest thing.
awww Tyra didn't find my post evil. *Pondering putting off my next one till later, since I know Xander will be freaking when he wakes* >.> <.<

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