Ambrose A Vampire Signups

@Lilly Okie Doke :3 I'll give Chaos a chance to respond and if they don't after bit I'll have Iliana respond to Lynix ^^
I actually expected Vinnie to be more the chick magnet lol, Xander just . . . well maybe he's a challenge is why. And this arrangement, probably won't work I think Vass has a love for her vampire.
Lulz, if the marriage doesn't work, then Kew and Jenny might be mortal enemies. >x3

And well, it IS most likely because Xander is a challenge.
Does any serf or Vampire for that matter need a person to interact with because Bret is ready to mingle?
I know that Kait you jumped the gun and didn't wait turns. :P He still has every right to react to her as she's leaving since he would.

14: Vinnie is free if you want to poke at him, probably off in some shadow keeping to himself.
Okay, Rosa just tried to get his attention by tossing the notebook she was supposed to use to spy on Vinnie with into the fire
Yeah . . . Vinnie is kinda avoiding Rosa at the moment. He's hurt by her and kind of prefers not risking it.
Jenny: Glares at Kew. "You and Xander are half siblings for pete's sake!! You can't like each other, that's just weird!!!" DX "Of course, in the rp I don't know that yet but still!" Pouts. 8 ^ 8
Lol, he might not want to try she is feeling a bit snappy and rash this evening. Vinnie may have released a hidden monster
Oh, lol. I thought you guys had already decided on the half sibling thing.

Jennifer's heart breaks and she slowly slips off the screen.

Me: Don't worry, she'll come to sometime or another.

Poor Timothy, lol, I think his last post was lost back there in the wave of replies because no one's replied to him yet, haha. xD
It's still a bit undecided, but it would make a good plot twist if she did find out he is her half sibling. =P Then she would really think her life sucks.

After all, it would mean she discovers her heritage as a half vampire. xD
Amber didn't reply cuz I figured that it was for Marque(SP?) and perhaps then react xD

I had nothing to post aside from standing at his side lol
Yeah, that's what I figured. Don't worry about it. :3 [MENTION=2373]AlwaysChaos[/MENTION]
i shall watch the banter some unless Amber gets pulled in xD . Just gives me more to work with watching for a bit

btw... poor Amber xD
Jelly? Pfffft, Xavior, jelly... Ha! I laugh at you sir!

Xavior: *emo corner because Reverie being in an arranged marriage*

Don't see why, ^.^

I know Xander is a bit more comfortable now that rev is all, friends works.

Edit: Xander >.> I meant Xander too many players in play.
It's getting really late here where I am so I think I'm going to call it quits for tonight. @ . @ I'll be on tomorrow afternoon though, and I'll post Timothy's reply then, 14. :3 My exhausted brain's just having a hard time coming up with replies right now. xD

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