Ambrose A Vampire Signups

lol just be careful Vinnie doesn't pounce him in a hug to make him feel better. Or drag him around.

Xander and vinnie are free rp wise if anyone needs. Although girls with Xander probably won't work out for too long lol.
Timothy: Jerks up. "Say what now??" o _ e;

Me: "Hmm...I don't know. Maybe that is what he needs." :D
Vinnie: Really he's hurting that badly? *goes to try to wrap his arms around timmy* It'll be okay . . . really it will be.
Haha, you don't sound very exited, 14. xD rofl. We don't have to if you don't want to. :3

--- Merged Double Post ---

Timothy: Sees the attack coming and shoots to his feet, dropping his newspaper. Back up quickly, waving his hands. "U-uh I er don't think that will be necessary, Vincent..." ^^; Huge anime sweat drop.
Vinnie: *pauses confused only to chuckle and give chase* awww come on! It's just one hug!!! It won't hurt you!
Timothy: O - O; "U-Uh Vincent! N-no, really, I'm serious!!" Takes off in the other direction. "Vinceennttt!! No, down boy!" DX
Timothy: "Amberrrr! Help!!" Continues running for his life, eventually finding a tree and scurrying up to the top of it.
Jennifer: Walks up next to Vinnie. "Whatcha doin'?" Looks at him, then looks up in the tree, following his gaze.

Timothy: "I-I don't know. It's pretty comfortable up here, you know!"
Vinnie: *smiles to jennifer* he's all depressed so trying to cheer him up with a hug *pauses, glance to Jennifer tries to give her a hug to show timmy it's not that bad* See it doesn't kill you.
Jennifer: Blinks, surprised. o /// o "Oh uh, ok?" Wasn't expecting a hug.

Timothy: Sees Jenny's expression and stifles a laugh. "Uh huh, sure it doesn't...just wait five minutes. She'll be dead by then."

(Lol, I love this OOC stuff. xD )
Vinnie: *looks up sadden at that* Someone must have really hurt or messed you up for you to think that.
Amber: *blinks* D-did you just ask me to help you... with a vampire... of male variation *tears up* you must hate me after all! (da fuk... what got her all emo?)
Timothy: "No, I just...I'm iffy about hugs..." Crosses his arms. Sees Amber. "Amber, thank goodness! Get up here. I need support here! And no, I don't hate you; where would you get that idea??"

Jennifer: Looks back between Vinnie and Timothy. "Heh heh, this is fun to watch." - w -
Vinnie: *pauses to look to amber with a smile* Hey girl, you know Timmy right? If I boost you up there you'll give him a hug for me won't you?
Amber: Her eyes would widen like a deer's caught in a headlight. "N-no, please don't touch me" the fear most evident in her eyes.
Vinnie: *his fun would be so easily lost with that* Alright *it was easily different teasing Timmy who was just being foolish and amber who, well obviously there was something wrong*
Kew and Lily are free if anyone wants to interract. with them. Two cute alone girls. Who wouldn't want to interract with them? >x3
Well Xander you know how he is lol.

And Vinnie is kinda confused at the moment but they're also free.
Alright, well I'm heading to bed now guys. Night!

Timothy: "Hah! Triumph!" ^^

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