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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thomas floated in the water, feeling the pressure on his stomach. Faint lines appeared on his chest "Well.....Maybe if stuff like rage, passion, fear, powerful emotions may set it off. Then again that's just my theory," he hummed while slowly spinning in the water.


Anella blushed at Pike's comments. "Well, I wouldn't say very smart but..." She looked down, turning even more red. "The only thing I needed was a confident, enchanting man with success and is as smooth as he is gentlemanlike." Anella rested her head against Pike, looking up in his eyes and giving a smile.


Tristin looked down at Katherine again, then to Thomas. "Oh, powerful emotions." Tristin turned red and grabbed the ladder pole. Slowly, she raised herself out of the water and held herself horizontally sideways in a human flagpole position. She was a good six inches out of the water, and she smiled at Thomas. "Igor taught me this trick." Tristin then proceeded to inch up the pole with her hands, tilting herself upwards and winking.

@Shammy the Shamrock
--Maxwell Research Station; 45 km from Ceres; 2920 AD--

"This is Maxwell to Capitain Ko'Zane, engage your engines and head for the warp hole." A voice over the radio ordered, the pilot of the little ship pushed a lever and the craft began to move. The young pilot was clearly nervous, yet there was determination on those eyes masked behind her helmet.

"Hey Juni this is Quintaine, How are you feeling darling?" Said a man over the radio, he had some kind of paternal tone that soothed the tense nerves of the pilot a little bit.

"So far, so good... A single trip to XXI century Earth... pretty cool for a test drive" The pilot chuckled over the radio, the man on the other side laughed briefly as well.

"Well, You're going to make history darling" Said the man but the pilot smirked "I'm going to rewrite history, Quin...".

Alrms blared, red flashes bathed the control tower, The radar officiers scrambled into position as they tried to pin point the interlopers. But their worst fears finally came true, numerous AM ships appeared on the radar and Quintaine slammed his fist on his console in frustration, cracking the glass in the process.

"Juni, activate the afterburners and enter the warp ASAP! All fighters wings, take off immediatly and engage the enemy! Everyone else, man the battlestations!" Barked Quintaine while drips of sweat were forming on his forehead "Wait! I'll engage the enemy too! I can't let them through the warp!" But as soon as the pilot tried to steer her craft the on-board computer overided her commands, sending her in a course through the swirling purple-ish sphere that was the warp hole.

"Wait, Why!?!" The pilot yelled through the radio, meanwhile plasma cannons began shooting, the battle was raging all around her and she felt so angry and powerless.

"Don't worry Juni, we'll be ok, enter the warp and carry on your missio- Dear god... they bought Battleships too!!!" Said in utter terror Quintaine as two enormous spacecraft came out in the battlefield, they were almost as big as the space station and they were making short work of the automatic turrets sent against them.

"Please Juni! You're the only hope for us and the whole humanity!" Plead Quin.

"B-But what about you?!? What about the station?!?" The pilot yelled with tears on her eyes.

"We'll collapse the warp as soon you'll be on the other side... don't worry... We'll be ok..." Said the man over the radio, his voice was broken with sadness and explosions could be heard in the transmission.

"Quin... I love you..." Said the pilot with tears running on her cheeks.

"I love you too Juni..." Said grimly the man before static filled the transmission.

Parts of the station exploded and the radio transmissions were filled with the agonizing cries of doomed pilots, but everything muzzled into nothingness as Juni entered the warp. It was a strange experience, psychedelic colors surrounded her and it seemed like the stars shifted around her, but then she finally arrieved, Earth.

She was left amazed and speechless by the blue oceans and the splotches of green that dotted the dry lands, a spectacle she never saw outside history book.

But then her on-board computer blared in alert. She was entering atmosphere and flames were forming around the craft. It was going to be the ride of her life.
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"Well I would and just have, besides smart doesn't mean knowing stuff from text books" Pike says giving a kiss on the check. "I could do with one of them too" Pike says in a sarcastic manner. "If we keep complementing and flirting with each other nothing will get done so come on" Pike says walking out of his secret room, waiting for Anella before closing it. "It isn't too far from here" Pike says going for the apartment door. @JPax42

Anella nodded and followed Pike. She glanced up at the massive carrier. "Apparently they go up in these elevator pods and stuff. See the small things dropping down from the bottom?" Anella shaded her eyes and pointed to the bottom of the carrier. It actually cast a shadow over a part of the city, blocking out the sun completely in some parts. Small pods dropped down without harming the city in certain parts, and officers were stepping in and out.

"I think it would be an idea to hide in one of those crates for now" Pike said point over to a cargo hold of some kind. "I'll go first" Pike says leaping over the fence and landing softly on the ground. A few guards seemed to be around but so was a rather large perfectly Anella and Pike shaped crate. A simple throw of a coin seemed to get the attention allow the thief to slip in but not before waving to Anella. @JPax42

Anella ducked behind another crate and shot off the cap of a lipstick to sprint into the crate. When Anella ran, the image of her body seemed to blur, like when something goes fast past. She jumped into the crate and held her mouth so nobody would hear her breathing.

--Earth, somewhere in the atmosphere, XXI Century--

The fighter shuddered and the entry flames were enveloping the small craft, the pilot was doing her best to keep it steady, she was confident in her ship, but she was seriously concerned for her life.

Extreme G-forces were pushing the pilot deep in her seat and thearmor she was wearing was doing all it could do to mitigate the forces.

Juni, the pilot, could see some kind of dwelings on the surface, it was some kind of city, she wondered what kind of settlement was that, for a moment she fancied about the fabled cities of Angeles and Newyark, whose it is told their citizens never slept.

Then some kind of big craft appeared on the screen, it was as big as a freighter, however it seemed like it had atmospheric flight capabilities, much to her wonder.

She though a bit, it was kinda difficult with all the allarms blaring in the cockpit but she had to make a decision quickly.

She opened an hailing frequency at the direction of the aircraft "This is Capitain Jun Ko'Zane, Starlancer-class fighter, I request permission to dock, please, this is an emergency!" She said with a bit of fright in her voice and waited for a response.

@SirGrey @JPax42
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Katherine saw an aircraft on the radar. "Are you kidding me...something from-" Katherine muttered something about the future but nobody heard over the sound of the engines. A runway glazed on top of the carrier and Katherine turned the entire carrier to fly the same direction as this 'Jun Ko'Zane.' She then sent out a transmission.

"This is commander Katherine Cardinal of Trinity. We are ready to catch your aircraft. Crew are preparing catapults and other restraining devices. Thank you for your cooperation."

Katherine stepped outside of the cockpit and a mask materialized over her mouth. She increased her gravity as she stepped onto the runway so she wouldn't fly off the runway. The GLASS officers in helmets were cabled to the runway, but Katherine confidently walked on the top of the carrier without a second thought. She began overseeing the hitching catapults and lit up flares, setting up the runway for landing. Of course, the carrier was moving forwards so it would be easier for Juni to land.

Pike gave thumbs up, with a hand over his mask as well. It seemed like forever but it was only about five minutes. The lid shut and they were carried somewhere. "I guess we are on the move" He whispered. @JPax42

Anella held onto the bottom of the crate and waited for them to reach the carrier. While she did so, she pulled out a glowing gun. While the crate was dark, there was the light from her eyes which lit up what she was looking at. She put in six bullets and spun her knife in her hand. "Ready."

JPax42 said:
Katherine saw an aircraft on the radar. "Are you kidding me...something from-" Katherine muttered something about the future but nobody heard over the sound of the engines. A runway glazed on top of the carrier and Katherine turned the entire carrier to fly the same direction as this 'Jun Ko'Zane.' She then sent out a transmission.

"This is commander Katherine Cardinal of Trinity. We are ready to catch your aircraft. Crew are preparing catapults and other restraining devices. Thank you for your cooperation."

Katherine stepped outside of the cockpit and a mask materialized over her mouth. She increased her gravity as she stepped onto the runway so she wouldn't fly off the runway. The GLASS officers in helmets were cabled to the runway, but Katherine confidently walked on the top of the carrier without a second thought. She began overseeing the hitching catapults and lit up flares, setting up the runway for landing. Of course, the carrier was moving forwards so it would be easier for Juni to land.

Juni sighed in relief "Thank you Trinity, I'll try to bleed some speed but my ship is basically a flying piece of ferrocrete!" She activated her retro-engines and the speed of the cradt dropped noticeably, she wondered if their restrainst were strong and advanced enough to catch her but she had faith in them.

And the faith payed back, the spacecraft was successfuly catched and it landed safely on the carrier, the pilot yelled in happines and opened her cockpit as quickly as possible.

The figure that came out of the furistic spaceship was almost robotic in appearance, it was clearly feminine as the pilot's armor followed her curves but the helmet was hiding her face behind a shiny black slate.

She jumped down and waved her hand at the amazed onlookers "Well... uh... Greetings fellow humans..." she said awkardly with the voice distorted by the speakers of her helmet.

GLASS officers immediately stood in attention. Katherine raised her hand, and the officers stood down and stood up. The officers had tech far advanced for the time they were in. Katherine stepped forwards. Red hair was neatly tied behind her head and not a strand was out of place when she extended her hand. Her face lacked expression when she stepped towards the feminine figure. "Jun Ko'Zane. Welcome."

JPax42 said:
GLASS officers immediately stood in attention. Katherine raised her hand, and the officers stood down and stood up. The officers had tech far advanced for the time they were in. Katherine stepped forwards. Red hair was neatly tied behind her head and not a strand was out of place when she extended her hand. Her face lacked expression when she stepped towards the feminine figure. "Jun Ko'Zane. Welcome."

Juni took off her helmet, some fumes formed as the armor depressurized and for a moment her ears rang, The woman from the future was blond and pale skinned, but her eyes were almond shaped, she also had some sort of white painting under her eyes "Greetings Katherine Cardinal of the Trinity" She made some kind of gesture with her hand, a clockwise small circle that was supposed to be some kind of future handwave.

"Thank you for saving me and my ship, unfortunately it's not designed for atmospheric flight..." She looked around and gazed at the officiers around her, the clothes they were wearing almost seemed like those made for historical films, but she was kinda disappointed that none of their uniforms had golden finery.

"I... Suppose you people are the Merica Army? It is told it was immensely powerful and it almost destroyed Earth with a deluge of flames... I guess the deluge is yet to come right?" She said with a smirk to Katherine.
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Pike made sure his umbrella was ready before he open the crate. They seemed to be in a storage area. "Clear" he mutters. Going to the door, he slides a small camera cable underneath. "Guards on the door and patrol" He says pull the camera back. Looking around the room the thief sees his old pal vent shaft. "Well I'll take that unless you've found something. @JPax42

Katherine's expression remained, well, Katherine. The woman stepped forward and examined the suit very subtly. "We are GLASS, a private military group with a purpose. And yes, it is yet to happen." Katherine had encountered limitless odd things, this was a walk in the park for her. "While we refit your fighter would you like to come inside?" Katherine's gravitational sphere of influence was preventing Juni from flying off. Katherine herself began to feel faint from holding it this long, but she signaled her to follow her anyways.



Anella pointed to two GLASS uniforms sitting in the open. "Might as well before we get in the vent shafts. Are we on the carrier because if we are vents are bad news..."

"Actually" Pike said manoeuvring to the back of the guards. Head to toe in body armour and yet a well place shock to the back of both of there necks seems to do the trick. "Help me get this armour of off them will you". @JPax42
JPax42 said:
Katherine's expression remained, well, Katherine. The woman stepped forward and examined the suit very subtly. "We are GLASS, a private military group with a purpose. And yes, it is yet to happen." Katherine had encountered limitless odd things, this was a walk in the park for her. "While we refit your fighter would you like to come inside?" Katherine's gravitational sphere of influence was preventing Juni from flying off. Katherine herself began to feel faint from holding it this long, but she signaled her to follow her anyways.



Anella pointed to two GLASS uniforms sitting in the open. "Might as well before we get in the vent shafts. Are we on the carrier because if we are vents are bad news..."

"GLASS? You mean you are the legendary Army of Glass?" She said amazed while following the woman "I read about you people! You were so powerful you even managed to conquer the fabled Seven Cities of Stone of Rope!" She had to restrain her joy but for a moment she tried to remember something else about them, something about them being too proud and challenging the gods.

"May I ask you which year is this? I... have a mission to complete..." She said to Katherine while being suddently serious.
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Anella blazed off the armor cuffs which were heat resistant but expanded. She closed her eyes as she pulled it off. "Your call, give me a second. Heat vision..."



"It's 2031. You're probably not born yet." Katherine's expression remained highly professional and she opened the door. "Welcome to the carrier. Don't touch the fighters and anything red means everything dead."

JPax42 said:
Anella blazed off the armor cuffs which were heat resistant but expanded. She closed her eyes as she pulled it off. "Your call, give me a second. Heat vision..."



"It's 2031. You're probably not born yet." Katherine's expression remained highly professional and she opened the door. "Welcome to the carrier. Don't touch the fighters and anything red means everything dead."

"I guess not, there's still eight centuries or so before my mom meet my dad!" She said while laughing. She stopped to marvel at the fighters, she was completely taken away by the history of the place and there were so many ancient stuff that her inner historian squealed "Those flying machines looks so ancient! I think we have something like those in a museum on Ganymede, but they are in disarray and the archeologists fear that they will soon crumble to dust..." She then catched on the woman, the floor beneath her shuddered under the weight of her armor.
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Katherine easily balanced the weight of Juni's armor under her shoulders. "It's alright the floors are designed to take hundreds of thousands of pounds of force. Just take your time. As for our fighters, yeah they are old even to us now." The fighters were advanced and the rest of the world wouldn't get them until 2100. GLASS itself had technology out of its time.

"Alright" Pike said putting on the armour he had manged to pry off. It was bulky and didn't go with his suit at all. But it would work. "I'm John Wilks and you are Bill Smith" Pike sad reading there tags. @JPax42
Akira chuckles at Ann's comment. "Laura likes to squish you?" she says, crouching down and poking at Ann's sides. "Well, I guess you are pretty squishy. I never noticed," she grins. "Anyways, if you're all ready, we can go see if we can find some movies to watch." @Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42

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