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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Pike was surprised. This was the main office and yet Katherine was no where to be seen. Maybe Pike should start selling his luck in bottles. What is half this stuff for anyway? Never mind. Pike goes to a computer and start to look over some of the files. @JPax42
Anella and GLASS (oh no)

Anella was about to do something when three GLASS officers showed up. Anella immediately turned and dashed into one of them, but two of them went on Pike, with stun batons out. Anella got hit by a stun baton and dropped to the ground, although getting up slightly, and two of the officers aimed to smack Pike at the same time with both batons. 'Will!'


(Ok thanks)

Sadly the shield didn't activated quickly enough to protect her from the stun bolts, She fell on the ground, the armor managed to absorb most of it but it wasn't pleasant either "Alright you wanted it!" She took off a cylinder that was attached to her side and after clicking on a button it turned into some sort of rifle, she shoot two armor-piercing gobs of plasma at the goon and one at the wall beside her, melting it.

"I have to get out of here!" She said while running for the opening, she was still kinda groggy due to the stun bolts.
Pike hardly had time to think. Though he tried to fight back it was a futile gesture. Anella... get out of here....now. Pike's... everything stung as the guards laid into him. Before long, the master criminal was unconscious and at the mercy of GLASS. (Gtg) @JPax42
Tristin and Katherine

Tristin backflipped away from the shot when she saw that Juni was getting the gun. She was about to full force tackle Juni to the ground and blow her brains out when Katherine raised a hand. "Tristin, calm. She is in the wrong and she knows it. Let her go, her fighter has been repaired anyways." Tristin let out a long sigh and ran up to Katherine, embracing the woman in a hug. "I'm so glad you're alright..." Katherine stared down in shock. "Tristin...two things. One, your face is really soft, no wonder Thomas does that stuff to you. Two...do you really think a blonde in coward armor is going to hurt me? No."

The GLASS officers assumed Juni's meeting went well, so they simply waved to her at the deck, showing her to her fighter. The fighter had been outfitted, although ruggedly, was now capable of atmospheric flight.

@Damacyn @Shammy the Shamrock

Anella and GLASS

Anella closed her eyes and sprinted away at tremendous speeds, zipping into an elevator and going to the ground. From then, she decided to hatch an escape plan for Pike.

Meanwhile, GLASS officers locked Pike up in a containment unit aboard Trinity. Katherine would visit him after he awoke, but for now the GLASS officers placed a four course meal, plenty of water, and even a television for Pike.

Thomas glared "CAN YOU PLEASE STOP WITH THAT! I get it, we had fun. Do I need that to be brought up 24/7." He said before walking away, flustered. Why do people keep reminding him he pissed of Paige.


Jason chuckled "Alright, let's go," he put his revolver in his holster while taking out his cowboy rifle. He carried it on his shoulder "Ready pal," he said with his brown eyes beaming from under the hat.

JPax42 said:
Tristin and Katherine
Tristin backflipped away from the shot when she saw that Juni was getting the gun. She was about to full force tackle Juni to the ground and blow her brains out when Katherine raised a hand. "Tristin, calm. She is in the wrong and she knows it. Let her go, her fighter has been repaired anyways." Tristin let out a long sigh and ran up to Katherine, embracing the woman in a hug. "I'm so glad you're alright..." Katherine stared down in shock. "Tristin...two things. One, your face is really soft, no wonder Thomas does that stuff to you. Two...do you really think a blonde in coward armor is going to hurt me? No."

The GLASS officers assumed Juni's meeting went well, so they simply waved to her at the deck, showing her to her fighter. The fighter had been outfitted, although ruggedly, was now capable of atmospheric flight.

@Damacyn @Shammy the Shamrock

Anella and GLASS

Anella closed her eyes and sprinted away at tremendous speeds, zipping into an elevator and going to the ground. From then, she decided to hatch an escape plan for Pike.

Meanwhile, GLASS officers locked Pike up in a containment unit aboard Trinity. Katherine would visit him after he awoke, but for now the GLASS officers placed a four course meal, plenty of water, and even a television for Pike.

The officer waved at Juni with a smile "Miss Ko'Zane we did some modifications to your-OOOFH!!" A running Juni shoved away the officer aside, sending him flying "Get out of my way, primitive cretin!" She still had the rifle with her and made a run for her fighter "COMPUTER! Open the canopy!" She yelled through the comunicator in her arm, the on-board computer hapily obliged and it opened the canopy of the fighter as soon she was there.

Juni jumped in and activated the engines, she then sigghed "You are all fools! YOU ARE ALL DAMNED FOOLS! I WARNED YOU MANIACS!"she yelled as the spacecraft began to lift.

(Ok so... where to TEST HQ? xD )
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Igor saw a spacecraft fly off the GLASS carrier. "That's...new." The Russian walked around and opened a runway on top of TEST, in case the spacecraft wanted to land on there.

@Damacyn (It's on the ground unlike GLASS which is 30,000 feet in the air. Also we don't know yet if GLASS is bad or TEST is bad so Juni just made the mistake of her life xD )
JPax42 said:
Igor saw a spacecraft fly off the GLASS carrier. "That's...new." The Russian walked around and opened a runway on top of TEST, in case the spacecraft wanted to land on there.

@Damacyn (It's on the ground unlike GLASS which is 30,000 feet in the air. Also we don't know yet if GLASS is bad or TEST is bad so Juni just made the mistake of her life xD )
(What can I say? Juni is hot-blooded and naive, but it'll be extra funny if it turns out that TEST was the creator of AM all along :3)

Juni saw some sort of landing strip, it was for some reasons very long but her craft, now with atmospheric flight, managed a vertical landing just fine.

The pilot came out in full armor, with the helmet still on, she still had her rifle but she didn't pointed it at the man that opened the landing strip "I'm... Capitain Jun Ko'Zane, from the Human Coalition... Are you GLASS or are you from Merica Army?" She asked, unsure of the intetion of the man.

The large Russian stepped towards the woman, holding his massive hand out. "I am of TEST. So you are not from GLASS but you come from their carrier. Why?" Igor warmly held a hand out towards the inside of the building. "Come."

JPax42 said:
The large Russian stepped towards the woman, holding his massive hand out. "I am of TEST. So you are not from GLASS but you come from their carrier. Why?" Igor warmly held a hand out towards the inside of the building. "Come."

"TEST? well... I never heard of them... By the way, I was falling through the atmosphere and they catched me..." She shook her head while following the russian man inside, however she still had her rifle with her.

"I thought they were good people, but the history books never told me about their greed... And so they almost killed me" She rubbed her back, the lingering effects of the stun bolts were still painful.

Igor was confused. GLASS was never associated with greed. "What do you mean of their greed, can you explain to me just to make this vey clear?" Igor opened the door to TEST and stepped into the building before pointing to her rifle. "Weapons down."

@Damacyn (Hmm hmm hmm I already see Juni's lying to Igor xD Katherine's about to become a major pain in the ass)
Katherine and Tristin

Katherine sighed and gently stroked Tristin's head. "It's alright, don't worry about Juni. I have a lot to explain about her anyways, to you guys. For now, just run along and play with Thomas or something, alright?" Katherine smiled. A warm smile, not a professional acceptance grin, a smile. Tristin felt all warm inside and walked away to Thomas. Katherine decided to remain at peace with herself and try to forget about the Juni issue. After all, she saw it coming from two days away.

"Hey!" Tristin hopped onto Thomas's back, gently placing her stomach on the back of his head and leaning forwards over him. "Why the red face?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
Igor was confused. GLASS was never associated with greed. "What do you mean of their greed, can you explain to me just to make this vey clear?" Igor opened the door to TEST and stepped into the building before pointing to her rifle. "Weapons down."

@Damacyn (Hmm hmm hmm I already see Juni's lying to Igor xD Katherine's about to become a major pain in the ass)
(Nhaaa she just misunderstood Katherine and the whole Lithium affair. Since it's capitalized I knew it was a codename or something but I made Juni understand it like they were only interested in lithium, y'know, the metal that goes in the batteries xD )

Juni clicked a button and the rifle turned back to be a cylinder, which she strapped on her side. "I tried to warn them of an impending danger that will forever change humanity and of a tyrant that will deface Earth... But they said they were only interested in some stupid worthless mineral... I guess it was lithium or something... I didn't knew it was so valuable in the XXI century" Juni looked at Igor with curiosity, trying to figure if he or anyone in the building would try to harm her in any way.

Igor sighed and almost laughed. "GLASS is too rich to care about lithium the element. Lithium...is the name of the town. If you want lithium..." Igor pulled out a mechanical puppy from his trenchcoat pocket. He put it on the ground and it started running around, woofing like a madman. It then exploded when Igor pressed a button. Two lithium batteries landed on his hand. "That's the lithium you want."

@Damacyn (I see what you did there xD )
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Juni took the batteries with a shocked look, she felt stupid, very stupid, immensely stupid "Oooooooooh nooooooo... I screwed up big time!" She bashed her head on the wall, wich it clanged due to her helmet, then she pulled out the helmet, revealing her face, she had a sad face that was palmfaced shortly after "Damn me... I'm such a gigantic idiot!" She crushed the batteries out in anger, dripping acid all over the floor.
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"You seem a lot happier than usual. Are you feeling alright," he asked laughing as he walked beside her. It was odd to see her in such a happy mood, something special must be happening.


"I feel bad, I mean......Paige got mad at me, and everyone brings it up like it involves them." He said while walking down the halls, placing a hand on his face. "Why am I mad about it? I just don't know."


Igor sighed and wiped the acid with his hand into a cup. He then gently stroked it off of Juni's hands and gave her some baking soda. Igor then proceeded to drink the acid. "So how did you screw up big time? Did you throw battery at Katherine's face? She's big woman she can take that." Igor thought about the one time Katherine beat him, a seven foot tall Russian man with condensed muscles, at arm wrestling. "She can definitely take that."

JPax42 said:
Igor pulled out a mechanical puppy from his trenchcoat pocket. He put it on the ground and it started running around, woofing like a madman.
(Why did the puppy have to die ;~ ;)
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Tristin sighed and climbed down in front of Thomas. "Maybe it's because you think you did something bad. But you didn't do anything bad...if anything I should explain I was the one who asked." Tristin turned red with embarrassment and gently put her face against Thomas's chest, closing her eyes.

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
Igor sighed and wiped the acid with his hand into a cup. He then gently stroked it off of Juni's hands and gave her some baking soda. Igor then proceeded to drink the acid. "So how did you screw up big time? Did you throw battery at Katherine's face? She's big woman she can take that." Igor thought about the one time Katherine beat him, a seven foot tall Russian man with condensed muscles, at arm wrestling. "She can definitely take that."

"Weeeell, let's say I kinda lost my temper, but they started to shoot at me!" Said Juni with an akward grin, she still felt stupid for angering them, but she believed that they shouldn't had to shoot at her while she was unarmed "They even repaired my ship and retrofitted for atmospheric flight... I feel bad now..." She sighed but then she looked at the russian straight in the eyes "But enough griefing, I need to talk to someone, sometimes in this near future there will be a Deluge of Flames... My mission is to stop it" She said in all seriousness
Akira puffs up her cheeks just before Ann pokes them, so that the air coming out would sound like a fart. "Alright then. Where do you think gonna find movies? Maybe the library? I think there's one around here isnt there?" she asks, looking at Laura for confirmation.

JPax42 said:

Laura jumped on Sky's shoulders and smashed her fists against his helmet.

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali

(Sky went back to his room)

Laura was still on Sky's shoulders on his room. "Oops!" Laura jumped off the top of his helmet and ran back to the main room to witness the library question. "No our library only has books and documents and porn." Laura giggled and jumped up and down.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali

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