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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Laura quickly put an innocent face on and opened the door, looking up at Akira. She put one foot behind the other and smiled warmly, although it was a bit more smug than she hoped. "Yes Miss Akira? May I ask what that giggling was about?"

@Crystal Cali


Igor shook his head.
"Nevermind, you don't have heat vision. Anyways, Tristin was TEST subject girl. Fifteen year old, maybe talented. But she never find job. She did all job, then get replaced since she was 'better fit' another job. Eventually, we give up on giving her job and we label her 'The Tristin.' GLASS also label her The Tristin, so that's her job. The Tristin."

JPax42 said:
Laura quickly put an innocent face on and opened the door, looking up at Akira. She put one foot behind the other and smiled warmly, although it was a bit more smug than she hoped. "Yes Miss Akira? May I ask what that giggling was about?"

@Crystal Cali


Igor shook his head.
"Nevermind, you don't have heat vision. Anyways, Tristin was TEST subject girl. Fifteen year old, maybe talented. But she never find job. She did all job, then get replaced since she was 'better fit' another job. Eventually, we give up on giving her job and we label her 'The Tristin.' GLASS also label her The Tristin, so that's her job. The Tristin."

Hilbert looked at him with a face that said 'ok'. "Well in any case... I'll take shower monitor. I've seen worse through CCTV anyhow."

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Ann was waiting in Laura's room "POPCORN! I WANT THE SCARIEST CHEESIEST AWFUL GREATEST MOVIE YOU GOT!" She yelled through the room while running around. She appeared in black footy pajamas with white stripes around her arms and torso. "Come on! We don't have all night!"

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali
Akira looks to Laura, and gives her a sly smile. She bends down so she was eye-level with the girl, and places on hand on the hip where her tablet was. It would look like she had just placed a hand on her hip, but secretly, Akira hit a button which would start recording all nearby noise, unless there was some sort of static interference. "What's with you being so formal all of a sudden? And why do you want to know what I do with my boyfriend? That's not for little girls to know," she says, then straitening up, she looks at Ann, and tilts her head to the side. "Ann, where did you get those cool pajamas?" she asks with a tone of curiosity.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42

Laura shook her head. "Well...yeah what do you do with your boyfriend! Mommy told me about this before so I probably know!" Laura smiled and turned back to Ann, jumping on the girl and squeezing her before putting in Scary Movie in. "Yay!" Laura broke a piece off the popcorn bowl and started munching on it.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali
JPax42 said:
Igor shook his head. "You haven't been attacked by fourteen inches of nope. Anyways, good luck kid, start work."

Hilbert nodded and would head to the showers. From there it was only a matter of watching.

Meanwhile Sky decides to head down and mingle with the lower GLASS officers. If he was taught anything... it was to get along with others.

Tristin and Katherine

Katherine soundproofed the pool room completely. "Tristin, please give back the magnetic bra. They're for my officers." Katherine sighed, looking up at the teenage girl in a swimsuit snickering deviously with two metal 'cups' in her hands. Katherine pulled out a stun pistol, grumbling. Tristin's eyes widened and she dropped down from the diving board, landing on the pool floor and rolling up to Katherine. Tristin gently placed a finger on Katherine's chest. "Tag." Tristin then did a corkscrew twist in her jump and ran around the pool. Katherine angrily stormed after Tristin, pulling out a second stun pistol. Katherine took two shots at Tristin, both of which missed. "Nope! You gotta try harder than that!" Tristin laughed jokingly before vaulting onto her hands, spinning in mid-air as Katherine tried to shoot her. Both bolts slid past her body and she landed sort of hard on her feet. Tristin took off running again and Katherine closed one eye, shooting Tristin directly on the skin of her stomach between her swimsuit. "Tag. You're it." Katherine walked up to Tristin, who was lightly spasming. "N-Nice...one...K-Katherine..." Tristin stood up weakly and grabbed the gun from Katherine's hand. She pointed it at Katherine and smirked. Katherine's eyes widened and the instant Tristin took a shot at her, Katherine blocked the bolt with her hand. "We weren't playing tag. That was me playing along. Give me the magnetic bra." Tristin edged up to the wall, clutching the bra against her chest. She probably screamed too loud. "NO KATHERINE I WILL NOT GIVE YOU MY MAGNETIC BRA!"

@Crystal Cali (Cause voice device)
(So.... now Akira has a recording of Tristin yelling about a magnetic bra? Awkward joyfulness :P )

Hearing the shout about a magnetic bra, Akira opens the door, and peeks out into the hallway to see if she can spot the source of the noise. She wasn't trying to hide, so if they have made it to the hallway, they'd see her right away.

"I like this new side of ya, let's hope it stays." He laughed while following Katrina around "You can feel an animals aura? Before we keep walking, what exactly are your powers?"


"I was given a magic jumpsuit that can change to whatever I want. So here's the real question, am I black with white stripes or white with black stripes." She wiggled her fingers like it was magic before going to get popcorn and watch the movie. She just ate the popcorn like a normal human being.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali
JPax42 said:
Anella took a peek at the bodies. She took a long hard glare at them. "Huh, so you're the plague. That's...good on ya buddy." Anella continued staring at the bodies. Something was definitely up. One of the bodies ignited and Anella shouted, pulling out a pistol, trained on the plague masked guy's head. During this, she stepped back an unnatural distance in a short amount of time, enough so she could shoot if needed. "GLASS officers are on every street. I can scream and alert them all to come to your location. Unless, we work out a deal."

"Girl, leave me alone, or I may release... What's his face....... Frog'Sarron on you or something..." He said as a joke. To be honest, he didn't believe in that Sanfield shenannigans, nor did he believe in gods.

Hilbert would do his job as he saw 14 inch nopes. It didn't really faze him as he saw all sorts of ridiculous things. In any case he would just wait till his job was done.

Tristin and Katherine

Katherine was holding the girl in a very awkward position. Tristin's legs were wrapped around Katherine's waist, and Tristin also locked her hands behind Katherine's back. Since they were both in swimsuits, Tristin could've done some very awkward things. Either way, Katherine glared at Tristin. "Tristin, you're a little too young for magnetic undergarments." Tristin stuck her tongue out like a child and delivered a high pitched "NO!" Katherine winced slightly. "Okay, well, I left the pool door unlocked so if someone walks in it's bad news." Tristin shook her head even more defiantly. "Don't care!" Katherine let out a long sigh, and winced even more as Tristin's fingers dug into the skin on her back. "Katherine you have muscles teach me how to work out like that!" Katherine frowned. "Please get off." "NO!"

@Crystal Cali)


Anella figured Frog'Sarron was a euphemism, and Anella wasn't going to stick around to find out.
"Okay, well, I don't want to see your Frog'Sarron. So...yeah..."


"I was given a magic jumpsuit that can change to whatever I want. So here's the real question, am I black with white stripes or white with black stripes." She wiggled her fingers like it was magic before going to get popcorn and watch the movie. She just ate the popcorn like a normal human being.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali
Katrina stopped, thinking for a bit. "If I've been near an animal for a long period of time, or they have a higher intelligence than I can understand them, I can feel auras, of well most things, and I can talk and control plants if I've had them since they were a seed, they also must be of a certain height or age. I think that's the gist of it." She smiled then added, "anything else?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Hilbert would finish up his duties and considered what he should do at this point. Perhaps go out into the town? "Igor mentioned a GLASS acting as law enforcement so.... I should be fine." He would head out to go find Igor and ask him if he can go out.

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Akira would just stand at the doorway for a while. She didn't need to go investigate and get pictures fir the recording of the fight to sound bad, though it wasn't exactly blackmail material. Eventually she looks back into the room, and notices that a chunk of the popcorn bowl was missing. "Hey! Don't eat the bowl before the popcorn is gone! We need the bowl to hold the popcorn," she says in a playful tone, then walks over and sits beside Ann. "A magic suit, huh? That's interesting. So, how does it work? Do you just have to imagine what you want to wear?"

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock
Akira raises an eyebrow at Laura's explanation. "Well, that's interesting. I'd love to know how it works, that would be an interesting feature to build into a robot." Akira grabs some popcorn out of the bowl, and plops it into her mouth. "So, did you guys decide on a movie to watch?"

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock
Akira immediately stands up, and stops the movie. "Oh no no no no no! This movie is for grown ups only, not because it scary but.... er...." Akira's face turns a really bright red as she tries to think of a way to explain this. "Well, your mom doesn't let you watch her naked wrestling with men, does she? That's pretty much all this movie is, so you shouldn't watch it until your waaaaaay older."

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock
Ann watched the movie, it wasn't scary! It was.....lewd to say the least. "Uh! Is this the best you got, I've watched worst. I mean look at the acting. BOO!" She threw popcorn at the screen which was actually actually Akira's legs. by the point, she took her movie experience very serious.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali

"Nah, I got nothing else. So are we at the destination that got you drugged on joy." He looked up to see a bird and shot it out of the sky.....damn seagull. "Sorry, I hate beach vultures."

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YoungX said:
Hilbert would finish up his duties and considered what he should do at this point. Perhaps go out into the town? "Igor mentioned a GLASS acting as law enforcement so.... I should be fine." He would head out to go find Igor and ask him if he can go out.
@JPax42[/URL] @Crystal Cali

"Nah, I got nothing else. So are we at the destination that got you drugged on joy." He looked up to see a bird and shot it out of the sky.....damn seagull. "Sorry, I hate beach vultures."

"Haha it's fine, anyways, does it look like an abandoned house? My sunglasses aren't allowing me to see very well." She said, moving her sunglasses back in place.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Akira turns and looks at Ann wide-eyed, not mad about the popcorn throwing, but more the commentary. "Who lets you watch movies like this? Kids your age shouldn't know about this kind of stuff yet, you're not ready for it," her voice sounded more concerned than mad as she crouched down in front of Ann, her face looking almost worried.

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock

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