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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"It wasn't bad, I mea-You get what I mean," he chuckled before walking to his room. "I'm going to take a nap, I just need some time to rest." He let out a sigh and flopped on the bed, curling up and going to sleep.


Ann tilted her head "Then where do you keep the movies! I want to watch something while eating popcorn," she said with excitement before lifting Laura up by the shoulders. "PWEASE!"

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali

Tristin curled around Thomas and snuggled against him for a few minutes before standing up, sighing. "I have homework to do, if you need me I'll be at the pool." Tristin tucked him into the bed and gently kissed his forehead before shattering into a swimsuit and walking away with all the books.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Laura jumped down and flung Ann onto her back, carrying her with ease.
"We keep the movies all on the TV! Do you wanna watch a scary thing like...Insidious or...The Conjuring...or...Hillary Clinton's speeches?" Laura shuddered softly while walking to her room, signaling Akira to follow her as well.

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock
Hilbert would wake up and would look around TEST facility for now. It was his first real day in Lithium, and to be honest he wasn't sure what to do. For now he would only just focus on just getting his bearings in the city. He would go and find Igor for now.

Jonathon would still be meditating for some odd reason, but it was a samurai's duty right? Sky would still be in his room just relaxing.

@JPax42 (@Crystal Cali if you want to talk to Sky.)

"I feel bad, I mean......Paige got mad at me, and everyone brings it up like it involves them." He said while walking down the halls, placing a hand on his face. "Why am I mad about it? I just don't know."

"Something in my subconscious is telling me to be happy. I don't know what, but something. I also think it has to do with Bones being okay and the prospect of getting a job. So maybe it's just the circumstances, I don't know!" She smiled, walking next to Jason. "The Panda has a nice aura, when he isn't being protective." She stated quite matter of fact-ly.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Akira starts to follow, though pausing when she gets to Sky's door. "You two go on ahead, and pick the movie.... Anything but the Hillary Clinton speeches. I have to tell Sky something real quick. I'll join you in a couple minutes," she says, then knocks on Sky's door. @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42

Laura giggled and lay out the movies when in a few seconds she thought of something. She flopped on the bed and kept an ear towards Sky's bedroom while she did her movie business. Laura definitely knew something was up with Akira and Sky but she didn't want her mom because Katherine would go all Hamsterdamn Stripper on them. Or was it Hasterville Streaker? Laura didn't know and needed the evidence on tape or something.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
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Meanwhile Hilbert would be looking all over the TEST facility on the civilian floor as he was looking for Igor. He really wasn't sure what to be doing at this point because well... he hadn't intentionally planned on staying over at a place like this.

[Open for Interaction at TEST]

Igor walked up to Hilbert with a giant mug of coffee about twice the size of Hilbert's head. "Good morning Hilbert! Here is morning coffee!" Igor handed Hilbert the mug and smiled happily and shoved his hands into his trenchcoat pockets. "Sorry, we ran out of big mugs but the small ones hold coffee!"

JPax42 said:
Igor walked up to Hilbert with a giant mug of coffee about twice the size of Hilbert's head. "Good morning Hilbert! Here is morning coffee!" Igor handed Hilbert the mug and smiled happily and shoved his hands into his trenchcoat pockets. "Sorry, we ran out of big mugs but the small ones hold coffee!"

Hilbert held this this coffee mug and would take a small sip as he looked to Igor. "Morning Igor. Well I can at least say that I've also never seen large coffee mugs before. Anyway to be honest I'm not really sure what I should be doing here. This wasn't really a planned trip. After my last encounter with a villain in a neighboring city... I kind of just landed here."


Igor nodded. "You shape own destiny. Uh...might you ask what villain name is? I will pummel him later, if he isn't too strong." Igor thought about all the people who ever beat him in arm wrestling matches, or anything strength related. Let's see who all these tough men were. Kirstin, won the tractor pull contest against him by pulling two airplanes. Katherine, beat him at arm wrestling a few weeks ago. Tristin, well, she didn't. She just tripped him. STILL THOUGH! All the people stronger than Igor were girls. Igor facepalmed at the thought and shrugged. "It is a him, right?"

JPax42 said:
Igor nodded. "You shape own destiny. Uh...might you ask what villain name is? I will pummel him later, if he isn't too strong." Igor thought about all the people who ever beat him in arm wrestling matches, or anything strength related. Let's see who all these tough men were. Kirstin, won the tractor pull contest against him by pulling two airplanes. Katherine, beat him at arm wrestling a few weeks ago. Tristin, well, she didn't. She just tripped him. STILL THOUGH! All the people stronger than Igor were girls. Igor facepalmed at the thought and shrugged. "It is a him, right?"

"Um yeah but well he's kind of... dead. Yeah he's dead. The Heezy, I don't even know what that is, well he kind of got fisted. By that I mean someone literally punched through his chest. I've met people, and the guy recently I teamed up with was sort of a psycho. He yelled out "FRIENDSHIP!" as he did it too. In any case after that whole mess I was given money and then I came here. So yeah... that's how I got here." Hilbert had gone through a lo of interesting scenarios, but that one was pretty strange compared to others. "In any case... now that I'm here I guess there isn't anything to worry about. I don't mess with GLASS and GLASS doesn't kill me."

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A plague doctor figure stepped out of the plane. Most dismissed him as some cosplayer, but others knew of his riches. As the figure stepped into Lithium, he was suddenly pulled into a corner. A few thuds rang from the corner and the plague doctor stepped out of the corner, dragging the bodies and dumping them on the floor, each with a small syringe stuck in their neck. They were as good as dead. He brushed some dust off his delicate black gloves and continued walking. He had heard rumours about this 'TEST' company. They seemed like a bunch of idiots to him.

(Open for Interaction)

The woman was running down the streets at terrifying speeds when she slid to a stop to see people dragging bodies. "Um, excuse me? Is there a plague going around?" Anella's face of concern was very much real. She hated diseases in general, and there was now a plague doctor standing around. "There are better masks than that nowadays. You can ditch it."

The plague doctor turned around to see some girl ask him questions. He pulled the syringes out of his victim's necks and dumped them on the ground.

I'd rather be using this mask than your silly little telebubbie masks.

He told her.

And as for your first question, no. I AM THE PLAGUE.

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Anella took a peek at the bodies. She took a long hard glare at them. "Huh, so you're the plague. That's...good on ya buddy." Anella continued staring at the bodies. Something was definitely up. One of the bodies ignited and Anella shouted, pulling out a pistol, trained on the plague masked guy's head. During this, she stepped back an unnatural distance in a short amount of time, enough so she could shoot if needed. "GLASS officers are on every street. I can scream and alert them all to come to your location. Unless, we work out a deal."

Akira would walk inside Sky's room, while gently shooing him back so she could close the door. Akira stood very close to Sky, facing him with a serious expression. Everything she said would be spoken in a hurried whisper, that was certainly too low and too fast to carry through walls. "I think these girls might know a bit about what is going on, so I'm going to see if they can give me any leads.... or possibly anything I can use to defame Katherine. So, I'm going to be focusing on them for a while, at least during the day. Since you're not very comfortable with kids, I'd like to ask you to talk to the lower-level employees about the tech they have. Try not to ask anything that would raise a red flag, just innocent questions, like what the suits they wear do. Try to explore as much as you can, and see what sort of laboratories are around here. When I think I've gotten all I can from these kids, I'll come back and see what you know, okay?"

Sky would simply nod.

YoungX said:
"Um yeah but well he's kind of... dead. Yeah he's dead. The Heezy, I don't even know what that is, well he kind of got fisted. By that I mean someone literally punched through his chest. I've met people, and the guy recently I teamed up with was sort of a psycho. He yelled out "FRIENDSHIP!" as he did it too. In any case after that whole mess I was given money and then I came here. So yeah... that's how I got here." Hilbert had gone through a lo of interesting scenarios, but that one was pretty strange compared to others. "In any case... now that I'm here I guess there isn't anything to worry about. I don't mess with GLASS and GLASS doesn't kill me."
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Igor nodded. "Basically. Also, GLASS there to help so if you need anything, just shout out to them. I don't know...they are very very odd..." Igor stroked the Russian chin of his.

JPax42 said:
Igor nodded. "Basically. Also, GLASS there to help so if you need anything, just shout out to them. I don't know...they are very very odd..." Igor stroked the Russian chin of his.

"Well... I'll just do something then. Since I don't have much money right now... do you mind if I work here for a bit?"


Igor shook his head. "I don't mind. You may...uh...what skill do you haf? And I don't mean superpowers, gluefingers." Igor gave a Russian smirk and looked at Hilbert's hand for a second before turning to his face. "I mean life skills."

JPax42 said:
Igor shook his head. "I don't mind. You may...uh...what skill do you haf? And I don't mean superpowers, gluefingers." Igor gave a Russian smirk and looked at Hilbert's hand for a second before turning to his face. "I mean life skills."

Hilbert was sort of amazed. Igor could tell by looking at his hand that he had a power. In any vase he would be sort of cautious, but he felt he could trust him. "Well depends. What are you looking for?"


Igor went down his list of jobs. "So far there are openings as lab constructors, medicine doctors, mommies, soap gatherer, soap dropper, shower monitor, bed quality monitor, food architects, cafeteria designers, and finally there's the Tristin."

Sky's unemotional and quick responses seems to be his trademark, Akira thought. Well, it was convenient at the moment, because she was about to do something a bit embarrassing. Given that Laura had called Sky Akira's boyfriend earlier, Akira thought she could play that up to eliminate some of the questions that she was sure to face for running off on the girls. Still looking serious, Akira whispers to Sky "Don't take anything I say after I open this door seriously," Akira cracks open the door, takes a deep breath, and then giggles like a school girl. This would be loud enough to carry a short distance through the halls, and she continued backing out the door as she spoke. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We'll do that some other time, but I can't pass up an opportunity to spend time with Ann. I gotta look out for her, you know? Anyways... another time... I promise." Akira giggles some more, and starts to shut the door with an apologetic look on her face. Once she had the door shut, she turns, and takes a deep breath. She could feel the heat rising to her face. It must have turned a tomato-red color by now, but that could work for her advantage. Akira walks over to Laura's room, and knocks on the door. "May I come in?"

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
JPax42 said:
Igor went down his list of jobs. "So far there are openings as lab constructors, medicine doctors, mommies, soap gatherer, soap dropper, shower monitor, bed quality monitor, food architects, cafeteria designers, and finally there's the Tristin."

He had a confused look when Igor mentioned the last job. "I'm almost afraid to ask but... what's the Tristin?"


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