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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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JPax42 said:
Anella was there. On the floor, sleeping. Her hair was covering her face and her mouth was lightly open. A hand was on her stomach and her other hand was on her chest. Of course, she wasn't wearing anything. She opened her eyes to see Pike. "W-Will? What...how...I don't remember...oh." Anella stood up, blushing slightly, but she made no effort to cover herself.



Igor grumbled again, this time pulling out two milkshakes from his trenchcoat pocket.
"Just...um...whatever. It's...I can't explain I don't know."



Katherine's expression didn't change as she still lay there, still as heck. She was still tugging on the children with her gravity, although she loosened up a bit now that they were down here.


Tristin became extremely confused as to why Katherine did that. Tristin was still on Katherine's stomach.
'How about...wait hold on I have an idea. Sort of? Heat vision!' Tristin's eyes began to heat up, the water near her eyes beginning to boil. However, Katherine still lay there motionless, not flinching at the lack of heat. 'Damnit!'

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Well whatever it is it could be important. Of course knowing those organizations I won't be able to get information. For now I'll just well... stay out of radar "


Tristin frowned and cocked her fist back, punching Katherine directly in the stomach. She then took advantage of the moment to lift Thomas, blowing air into his mouth before floating to the surface and holding him. Tristin floated over to the rim and sighed, balancing him on her knee and starting CPR. "Katherine...what?"


Katherine released the gravity when she got hit, but held her breath. Either way, Thomas was passed out and she released it anyways, letting the two do whatever. Well, they were subcommanders, drowning shouldn't hurt.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Anella laughed and untied Pike before embracing him then kissing him. "Aww...but you were into it when you were drunk..." Anella tilted her head and took a seat on Pike's lap.



Igor smiled. "You are wise for man so young." Igor smiled and finished whatever he was drinking and turned towards TEST, walking there. "You coming or no?"

JPax42 said:
Tristin frowned and cocked her fist back, punching Katherine directly in the stomach. She then took advantage of the moment to lift Thomas, blowing air into his mouth before floating to the surface and holding him. Tristin floated over to the rim and sighed, balancing him on her knee and starting CPR. "Katherine...what?"


Katherine released the gravity when she got hit, but held her breath. Either way, Thomas was passed out and she released it anyways, letting the two do whatever. Well, they were subcommanders, drowning shouldn't hurt.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Anella laughed and untied Pike before embracing him then kissing him. "Aww...but you were into it when you were drunk..." Anella tilted her head and took a seat on Pike's lap.



Igor smiled. "You are wise for man so young." Igor smiled and finished whatever he was drinking and turned towards TEST, walking there. "You coming or no?"

"Well I may as well," he said as he followed Igor.


(Brb. On the drive. Won't be too long I think. You can post ofc. Hue.)
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Pike was revealed to have his hands free. Putting his arms around Anella as she sat down Will says "Well the first flaw of that argument is that I was drunk, the second part is that I have been tied to chairs alot though more by the people who catch me". Kissing along her neck Pike whispers "though with what your wearing I could be persuaded". The thief grabs his hat putting it on her head before joking "Also you actually do remember something then". @JPax42

Anella playfully rolled her eyes and tilted her head up. "Well, I remember some of it. My dad was a detective, and a really good one too. Maybe I can put his skills to use, and we can piece together the puzzle of what we did with all that liquor, rope, and..." Anella picked up a bra from the ground. "Laced bras?"


Pike laughed a little as well. "Well it also involved my hat as well" Pike says looking around. "Well the computer data decoding got done a while ago but something tells me that in the state we must of been wellll" Pike says with a knowing tone. Looking over the bra Pike says "I assume that is yours and not mine, I also can deduce that you took it off at some point". @JPax42
Thomas's neck, mouth, breath and chest were all burning hot. He was at least breathing but the pain he felt could be seen on his face. He didn't wake up and curled against Tristin.

Akira smiles. "Sure, a sleepover sounds like fun! We might have to see if we can find any DVDs laying around here somewhere, because I don't think I have many movies. And then you can tell me more about what you've been up to." Akira looks at Laura with a slightly concerned face. "I don't think we need handcuffs for our sleepover. Let's let the adults play with those." @Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42

Anella smirked. "Well, then that's all we need to know for today. What do we have planned?" Anella arched backwards onto her hands and flipped backwards onto her feet.



Tristin put a hand on Thomas's throat but drew it away in a second. It was hot. She checked for breathing and started doing all the CPR jazz. "If you're dead Katherine better resurrect you..."

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Well good." Igor walked to TEST and opened the door, showing the entire facility. "Welcome to TEST."

JPax42 said:
Anella smirked. "Well, then that's all we need to know for today. What do we have planned?" Anella arched backwards onto her hands and flipped backwards onto her feet.



Tristin put a hand on Thomas's throat but drew it away in a second. It was hot. She checked for breathing and started doing all the CPR jazz. "If you're dead Katherine better resurrect you..."

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Well good." Igor walked to TEST and opened the door, showing the entire facility. "Welcome to TEST."

Hilbert would look inside TEST and look backed at Igor. "Thanks. I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask for a room tonight?"

@JPax42 (Perfect way to end my post before I actually sleep. Hue.)

"You may have subject old room. Tristin Winters...long story. You may sleep tonight there." Igor lead Hilbert to Tristin's old room, which had no theme to it. A bunk bed and mini-fridge filled with only stale water bottles remained. The closet had sets of Tristin's underwear and clothes for the day. No socks or shoes. There was a soap bar packet. "If you want to take a shower, you have to go in with other people. Downstairs on the left." Igor didn't enter Tristin's room.

JPax42 said:
"You may have subject old room. Tristin Winters...long story. You may sleep tonight there." Igor lead Hilbert to Tristin's old room, which had no theme to it. A bunk bed and mini-fridge filled with only stale water bottles remained. The closet had sets of Tristin's underwear and clothes for the day. No socks or shoes. There was a soap bar packet. "If you want to take a shower, you have to go in with other people. Downstairs on the left." Igor didn't enter Tristin's room.

"Alright thanks. I suppose I better shower then," he said as he hit the showers. After that he would head back and would just sleep. "Well I suppose sleeping at a facility like this is also a first... I'm going to get myself in some serious stuff... I know it." With that he slept.

(Night hue.)
Pike turned to his computer looking over his data. The data on Valnetine seemed to be off. Valentina Rosa Tejera from years ago on a now defunct archive site about superheroes, as well as a social media account that last posted over 15 years ago. There was a man called Don Grancisco Tejera tied to this Valentina R. The pictures of this Valentina R have a striking resemblance to valentina L, with some differences. "I think we will shelf the Valentine file for now" Pike says while clicking away. "We have more on GLASS, more on what there up to" Pike says looking over the data. Ressurctions,

powerful new weapons, even rumours of a fleet. "They are up to something, preparing for something". Pike then remembers his lack of clothes "Could you get me a suit?" @JPax42

Anella nodded and grabbed a suit, careful not to touch it too much. Her hands were still drenched in alcohol and sweat. She handed Pike the suit and leaned on the chair. "Well, when I was ten GLASS had this entire carnival thing. They gave drug smoothies to Doctor Starling and he thought he was a fairy. No, he was a fairy. That could teleport. And fly. It was...an odd sight to say at the least." Anella laughed and looked at the computer screen closer. It just seemed like that was nearly the same thing that happened a few years ago. GLASS joined a new town, made something big, and then died.

Pike sat back in his chair, reading reports and formulating a plan. "Yeah well we don't have any Smoke Spectre's these days" Pike replied writing things down. "I guess that would explain the state of our good Doctor's current state, going cold turkey from those sorts of things well I guess it wouldn't leave a man in a good state" Pike says in a light tone. Pike started putting on the suit. "Right her his the plan" Will says spinning his chair around. "GLASS ha a building which it seems to transport supplies and troops, so stowing away on that might be an idea" Pike says pulling up the plans he stole a few weeks ago, making sure to have the UV light shining on it. "Once on that airship we should check out Weapons testing, the lab department and the main office". Pike starts putting on his shirt when he says "While I don't mind you not doing so, you probably should put some clothes on". @JPax42

Anella nodded at the plan. "What do we do about the subcommanders? I mean, they're teenagers..." Anella was about to go full planning when she had her lack of clothing pointed out. "Oh, right..." Anella mumbled and put her undergarments and walked out of the room. She came back a few minutes later in something that won't get her arrested in Texas. "Alright, so...sneaking in?"

Thomas coughed up water which came out as steam "Oh god! Is this heaven....no wait you're here," he said in a weak voice before feeling his neck and pulling away. "I did it again didn't I?"


Ann nodded "No handcuffs! Or squishy when we're there...if you want to come." She jumped out of Akira's hands and onto the floor "Get your last few squishes in," she said extending her arms.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali

Tristin playfully rolled her eyes and nodded her head on Thomas, gently holding him against herself. "Yes you did." Tristin smiled and lay back against the rim, sighing with relief.


Katherine quickly realized that she was still sitting at the bottom of the pool contemplating her entire existence. She got up and walked on the pool floor until appearing behind Tristin, no expression on her face, only water dripping from it.
"Thomas, care to explain what that was?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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"I'm a dragon," that was the best way to put it as he curled up against Tristin. "Tristin has heat vision....Is that what it is? Anyway, instead of that I have heat breath. Except every time I do it I pass out and throat feels like it's on fire." He showed off his neck which was red from the heat.


Katherine nodded. "I'll help with that." Katherine disappeared under the surface and pulled out a panel on the side of the pool. There she set the temperature of the water quite a bit lower before appearing behind Tristin again. "There, it should be cold now. I'd say I'm a medical expert on this kind of stuff...well I am." Katherine disappeared again.


Tristin shivered slightly but put Thomas in the water so that only his head was above the water.
"Are you alright Mr. Dragon? That was amazing. Although I'm really confused as why it only happens when you're mad, almost drowning, or..." Tristin gently put her head against Thomas's stomach, hoping to make the lines appear. She then looked up and smirked before her eyes trailed on Katherine. "She wasn't kidding about how she spent all her free time here."

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Lets hope we don't meet the sub-commanders, for this one we need to be completely in the shadows" Pike says putting on his tie. "So yes we are sneaking in just two more things to go over" William explains "If we you alone or we both get caught together, burn a hole in the floor, we will figure the rest out from there, and if I get caught alone I want you to either monitor things or get the hell out of there". After all Katherine will most likely still carry a grudge against him. Pike just has to hope it doesn't come to that. @JPax42

Anella frowned tighter. "I can't...burn through anything thicker than wood. The only person who can do that is my sister." Anella mumbled the last part and sighed. The best she could do is set Katherine's clothes on fire, but GLASS probably had working around that. "I think I'm good at getting out of places. Really really fast." Anella's face broke into a devious smirk and she stretched her legs out. They did twitch slightly when she wanted to run, but hell, she is fast.

Finish getting dress, Pike stood up from his chair, going over his equipment. "That's fine, we won't be getting caught anyway" Pike said in a rather confident manner. Grabbing his umbrella and some gadgets he went over to Anella and her devious smirk. Going behind her he placed both his hands on the upper parts of her legs whisper "So you are charming, cute, funny, smart, have superpowers and having the makings of a great thief?" @JPax42

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