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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thomas started working....he had no schooling or an education so this was rocket science to him. He tried his best while nervous beads of sweat came down his forehead. "S-Sorry, I've n-never done anything like this," he said realizing he was stuttering, he just continued on, covering his face with his hat.

"Yeah well look fantastic with that vomit on ya, like a baby or something, don't worry though it suits you" Alan jokes with a hint of cruelness. Alan sits down on nearby crib. He takes out a cig asking Johny "Want one?" @Yappi
SirGrey said:
"Yeah well look fantastic with that vomit on ya, like a baby or something, don't worry though it suits you" Alan jokes with a hint of cruelness. Alan sits down on nearby crib. He takes out a cig asking Johny "Want one?" @Yappi

"Sorry I don't smoke" he says before taking another sip out of the flask. It takes more than that for even a buzz because of hi. High tolerance "Johny, head scientist of TEST industry's" he holds his hand out for a shake

Tim made sure to follow the directions as precisely as he could, which led him to a dingy old apartment. The sky was cloudless, and clear, yet there was a humid, dreary feel in the air, quite uncanny. From what he could observe, the building was quite grimy, dirty, and at its best, truly unique, and not in a good way. Traversing the hallways was what he considered the hardest, and though he didn't have any phobia, he was compelled to traverse carefully, lest he get his new shoes all dirty. He also took some time to acknowledge the fairly giant rats.

After a bit of walking, he finally found the room he was directed to find. He proceeded to knock on it moderately.

"A delivery for a certain Alan."

He spoke quite loudly, although not provocatively, as he only ensured that this Alan heard his words properly.

@Yappi @SirGrey
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"Oh Jack head of one fine body with the high point being the arse if I do say myself" the lying Alan said with a smile. He the got a phone call, from a friend who lived near Alan's flat. Someone was at his flat. Why? "Sorry Johny looks like I'll have to go" 'Jack' says as he jumps up walking off. "Head head scientist of TEST industries" He mutters in a mocking tone. Alan hatred for authority got to him, yet seeing the head scientist of TEST industries made Alan wonder. @JPax42 @Elephantom

Tim received no answer from this 'Alan', although he could certainly hear some sound coming from within, inaudible, but certainly by some person. He proceeded to knock again, but to no avail, as he received absolutely no response. He checked the knob, only to see that it was locked.

His anger getting the best of him, he decided to knock down the door. Planting his feet on it with great vigour, he failed, but only after he trying again, he met his success. The door opened, slamming against the wall, sending out a resonance of incriminating sounds. He was quite disappointed at the aggro it caused, as he wanted to do it as subtly as possible.

He drew out his revolver before proceeding to look around the house, although the quietness that existed before, suggested that 'Alan' was really just lounging outside, he was still compelled to look around just in case he was hiding.

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"I didn't think anyone would want to rob this place" Alan says as he looks over his broken door. Going inside he sees a man with a revolver. "Sorry I wasn't in, you could of left a message but I can see you were impatience" Alan says in a relaxed manner. He had his hands in his pockets and his smoked his cig. "So what did you want to talk to me about". @Elephantom
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"Sorry for the rudeness, but my intent is quite straightforward, and that is to kill you, mate."

Tim aimed his revolver at, what he heavily presumed was 'Alan'. No remorse, that was exactly how he was going to roll, however, he was going to wait a bit around, and see what his last words really are.

"Any last words?"

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"Bit of shock ain't it pal" Alan said as electricity exited form his radio. Alan turned it onto Tim causing him a bit of shock. Tackling him Alan grabs the revolver aiming it at Tim face. Smiling Alan mocked the man saying "Any...last...words?" @Elephantom
Salex said:
(what? i said i didnt want to go in this rp, it was too detailed for me)
(It's a casual/detailed, you don't need paragraphs just more than 1 sentence)

"Yes, indeed, my 'last words' would be..."

He quickly proceeded to tackle 'Alan', unsure of what his reaction to the situation, or the outcome would be, however, this was what he viewed as a reasonable move.
Alan wasn't surprised by the move, it was the best idea. Alan threw the gun across the flat, he rather wouldn't have the murderous man be given a gun. The anarchist went for a strong kick to to Tim's stomach and the a few quick jabs to his head. "If its a fight you want its a fight yell get" Alan jokes getting up on his feet. @Elephantom
Salex said:
(yeah... but i havent even made any cs yet)
(Remember all the CS I had in Linda's? I made all of those within 10 minutes so try your best!!! I believe in you kinda)

"It's veye easy! Just drag n drop..." Igor demonstrated and the drag and drop changed the color of the liquid. "Now you can store medicine in cold wea-" Igor heard Tristin scream in Russian and signaled Thomas to wait there. He went into the chlorine room and Russian screams from both of them were heard before Tristin yelled and there was a loud splash, a bubbling noise, and a roar followed by more screams.

Igor walked back to Thomas and waited for him to do his thing.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Sky would be waiting around for the next contract to show up. Waiting for one was the one of the lows of being a mercenary, but he had to deal with it. Anyway he decides to go out into the city with his suit on once more. Sometimes it's better to have your suit on than to leave yourself exposed. He would go from rooftop to rooftop surveying the city. All seems well like usual, but he can't help but feel a big opportunity is waiting.

(Open for interaction)
JPax42 said:
"It's veye easy! Just drag n drop..." Igor demonstrated and the drag and drop changed the color of the liquid. "Now you can store medicine in cold wea-" Igor heard Tristin scream in Russian and signaled Thomas to wait there. He went into the chlorine room and Russian screams from both of them were heard before Tristin yelled and there was a loud splash, a bubbling noise, and a roar followed by more screams.

Igor walked back to Thomas and waited for him to do his thing.

@Shammy the Shamrock

I give a laugh as I walk up to Thomas, not really caring for the consequences "Here mix these" he creates a explosive mess with the chemicals. Smiling he clicks the button
Thomas nodded as he started doing what he showed him until it became a pale red. He was getting into it until a different man came up and messed with it. Frowning he stood back and watched Johny, he smiled and gave a thumbs up to Igor while keeping a close eye on this other man.

@JPax42 @Yappi
YoungX said:
Sky would be waiting around for the next contract to show up. Waiting for one was the one of the lows of being a mercenary, but he had to deal with it. Anyway he decides to go out into the city with his suit on once more. Sometimes it's better to have your suit on than to leave yourself exposed. He would go from rooftop to rooftop surveying the city. All seems well like usual, but he can't help but feel a big opportunity is waiting.
(Open for interaction)

I shoot a portal into the ground and leave TEST.I would happen to portal right in front of Sky, I am still drunk but it's ok. I sigh and look at.him. "a rooftop assassin, how original"
Yappi said:
I shoot a portal into the ground and leave TEST.I would happen to portal right in front of Sky, I am still drunk but it's ok. I sigh and look at.him. "a rooftop assassin, how original"
Sky looks to see some drunk guy. "A rooftop assassin? You got the wrong guy. Though I am a mercenary, but that doesn't make me a rooftop assassin. Names Sky, a well known mercenary. I'll take contracts so long as innocents and other unrelated third parties aren't involved."

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YoungX said:
Sky looks to see some drunk guy. "A rooftop assassin? You got the wrong guy. Though I am a mercenary, but that doesn't make me a rooftop assassin. Names Sky, a well known mercenary. I'll take contracts so long as innocents and other unrelated third parties aren't involved."

"Johny, TEST head scientist" he says sipping from the flask.

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